
Thursday, 13 January 2022

Reading Challenge - Chunky Books 2022

I have taken part in this reading challenge since 2013. The moment I saw that post, I know this was the most interesting challenge for me. I signed up for the highest of the four levels "Mor-book-ly Obese" which meant eight or more chunksters (books over 450 pages) of which three must be 750 pages or more.

I have carried on with that challenge without setting goals, I love big books and I will always read some. And I am more than willing to tell my friends about them.

If you are interested in the challenge, check out this link. They discontinued their challenge in 2015.
You can still find suggestions by page number, in case you can't find any chunksters yourself. 😉

Or you can check out my lists from the previous years (below), maybe you are interested in a couple of them.

I read in
2013: 38 chunky books, 13 of them chunksters
2014: 37 chunky books, 15 of them chunksters
2015: 26 chunky books, 8 of which chunksters
2016: 28 chunky books, 3 of which chunksters
2017: 35 chunky books, 6 of which chunksters

2018: 29 chunky books, 6 of which chunksters
2019: 20 chunky books, 7 of which chunksters
18 chunky books, 7 of which chunksters
24 chunky books, 10 of which chunksters

I will be posting the books I have read here:
(I add the German title, if available, for my German friends)
[I add my own translation of a foreign book title if it's not available in English.]

Shakib, Siba "Eskandar" (GE: Eskandar) - 2009 - 608 pages
Lodge, David "A Man of Parts" (Ein ganzer Mann) - 2011 - 576 pages
Ilf, Ilya; Petrov, Yevgeny "The Twelve Chairs" (Двенадцать стульев/Dvenadtsat stulyev) - 1928 - 574 pages
Rutherfurd, Edward "China" - 2021 - 784 pages
Bellow, Saul "Humboldt's Gift" (Humboldts Vermächtnis) - 1975 - 539 pages
Fallada, Hans "Every Man Dies Alone" (Jeder stirbt für sich allein) - 1947 - 704 pages
Vargas Llosa, Mario "The Feast of the Goat" (La fiesta del chivo/Das Fest des Ziegenbocks) - 2000 - 767 pages
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von "Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre" (Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship) - 1795/96 - 654 pages
Brontë, Charlotte "Shirley" (Shirley) - 1849 - 706 pages
Follett, Ken "The Evening and the Morning" (Kingsbridge - Der Morgen einer neuen Zeit) - 2020 - 928 pages
Clinton, Hillary Rodham & Chelsea "The Book of Gutsy Women: Favourite Stories of Courage and Resilience" [Das Buch der mutigen Frauen: Lieblingsgeschichten über Mut und Belastbarkeit] - 2019 - 464 pages

I read 11 chunky books in 2022 of which 3 are considered a chunkster. Not as many as in previous years but I am still Mor-book-ly Obese.

If you want to do this challenge or just check at the end of the year what category you are, here is the list:

    The Chubby Chunkster - this option is for the readers who want to dabble in large tomes, but really doesn't want to commit to much more than that. FOUR Chunksters is all you need to finish this challenge.
    The Plump Primer - this option is for the slightly heavier reader who wants to commit to SIX Chunksters over the next twelve months.
    Do These Books Make my Butt Look Big? - this option is for the reader who can't resist bigger and bigger books and wants to commit to SIX Chunksters from the following categories: 2 books which are between 450 - 550 pages in length; 2 books which are 551 - 750 pages in length; 2 books which are GREATER than 750 pages in length (for ideas, please refer to the book suggestions page for some books which fit into these categories).
    Mor-book-ly Obese - This is for the truly out of control chunkster. For this level of challenge you must commit to EIGHT or more Chunksters of which three tomes MUST be 750 pages or more. You know you want to.....go on and give in to your cravings. 

Looks like I've always been "more book-ly obese". 😂 


  1. LOL- I like the idea of "Mor-book-ly Obese". My largest read since late 2020 was 690pp which isn't *huge* but definitely in the chunky zone. I should be reading at least 2 in the (just) early 700pp region this year if things go to plan. I'm trying to get my average above 350pp but its been a long slog so far. Maybe I should be really adventurous and try for my few 1000+pp books I know I have!

    1. I just love to really dive into a story, CyberKitten, so the longer the book, the longer I can stay with them. For my statistics, I calculated that on average, my books had 489 pages, so even calculating the shorter ones, all my books are defintitely considerd chunky. If you feel happier with shorter books, you just read more over the year, and we should all read what we enjoy most.

  2. fun!
    I checked, I also read 10 chunksters in 2021. And Termination Shock had 896 pages

    1. I'm not surprised, Emma. I know the kind of books you enjoy and most of them are just larger. I will have to have a look what the different achievements are called.

    2. I just checked and added the categories to my post. Looks like you were also "more book-ly obese" if three of those ten books were larger than 750, otherwise you fall under the category "Do These Books Make my Butt Look Big?".

      I think this is a lot of fun, don't you?

  3. I seem to have a lot of chunksters on my shelves. When I search randomly for a book, I tend to take the thinner ones.
    Excellent way of reading these thick books. I think, mostly, they are also very good. I will check out your links.

    1. As you know, Lisbeth, I absolutely love thick books, so I tend to take a new chunky one as soon as I finished the last one. But they take longer, of course, so I don't read as many over the year.

  4. What a fun challenge. I have plenty that would qualify as mor-book-ly obese, lol

    1. I know you do, Sarah. I think you would excell this challenge.
