
Friday, 13 May 2022

Book Quotes of the Week


"I have nothing in the world that has as much power as a word. Sometimes I write one, and I look at it, until it begins to shine." Emily Dickinson

I think all the bloggers totally agree with that .

"The spirit of a language reveals itself most clearly in its untranslatable words." Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

So true. Same as they say you receive a new soul with every new language you learn. Out of experience I can say that at least you get the ability to look at anything from a different point of view.

"I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn." Anne Frank

I understand that someone can say that but how someone like Anne Frank can still find courage through writing is beyond me. She was a very special girl indeed. How much she could have achieved had she been allowed to live on, we never know. And if we think of all the million others. So much knowledge that was just destroyed. Same as today. War isn't good for anyone. We all can only lose.

Find more book quotes here


  1. Words do have power. And I love that Anne Frank quote. :)

    1. You are right, Lark. And there are so many quotes about the power of words.

      Anyway, when I think of Anne Frank and her great talent, I just have to think of lal the other powerful people who were killed in that stupid war. They might have changed the world for the better.

    2. It does make you think...what artists and writers and inventors and great thinkers did we miss out on because of it?

    3. I am always thinking about that, especially when I come across someone who could escape.

  2. War is a terrible approach to solving problems.

    1. You are right, Deb. War doesn't solve problems, it just creates more as we can see daily at the moment.
