
Thursday, 12 May 2022

#ThrowbackThursday. Jane Austen


Austen, Jane
- 1816 (The Motherhood and Jane Austen)
"Mansfield Park" - 1814 (The Motherhood and Jane Austen)
"Northanger Abbey" - 1818
(The Motherhood and Jane Austen
- 1817 (The Motherhood and Jane Austen)
"Pride & Prejudice"
- 1813 (The Motherhood and Jane Austen)
"Sense & Sensibility" - 1811 (The Motherhood and Jane Austen)

Eleven years ago, I posted my first Jane Austen review. It was not my favourite (Persuasion) or the one that is probably most popular (Pride & Prejudice), probably because this comes first alphabetically.
I reviewed all of Jane Austen's novels in the meantime, plus her short or unfinished stories, plus some books about the author, you can find them all here.

I also reread the books with an online reading group, The Motherhood and Jane Austen.

Read more on my original posts
here or under the links above.


  1. I've read 4 Austen's so far and loved them in the order I read them (from most to least) so I hope that this pattern isn't followed in the last two to be read yet. The order I've read her books was:

    Pride & Prejudice
    Sense & Sensibility

    I've also read a few books about Jane and her impact on the world of literature. More of both to come @ my Blog.

    1. Of course, it's a matter of taste, Kitten, but I think you have read the four most popular ones. My personal favourite is "Persuasion", my least favourite "Northanger Abbey" but I am glad I read them all. As you say, she had a huge impact on the world of literature.

    2. I really like Persuasion. Anne was a great character. I admired her a great deal. If it wasn't for my long affection for Lizzie Bennet (which started with the BBC adaptation of P&P) I think Anne would be my fave Austen character. I think she is much underappreciated - especially by those who think of her as a 'mouse'. She was nothing of the sort!

    3. I absolutely love Lizzie Bennet. But I would choose Anne for a friend. She is just wonderful.

  2. I am a fan of Jane Austen. I like all her books, but Lady Susan and Sense and Sensibility are probably my least favorite, and the two that I've only read once. I've read her other books many times. :)

    1. Interesting, Lark. Well, "Lady Susan" was just a draft, she never finished it properly, so we can count that out. But I've never heard of anyone whose least favourite is "Sense and Sensibility". "Northanger Abbey" (mine) and "Mansfield Park" I've heard often. Still, we all have our certain likes and dislikes. Have you ever watched any of the adaptations?

    2. Interestingly I really struggled to like any of the characters in 'Sense & Sensibility'. Of the four Austen's I've read I rank this lowest. I didn't like the character Emma in 'Emma' to begin with but she definitely grew on me by the end of the book as the author intended no doubt!

    3. I like the movie version of Sense and Sensibility that Emma Thompson did, but I just don't connect to the book like to do to Austen's other books. And I've watched a lot of adaptations of all of Austen's books, and enjoyed most of them. Even the movie they did of Lady Susan was kind of fun.

    4. I totally understand both of you. I think it's a little easier for me to connect with Elinor as I was the eldest in a family of four children. That might also be the reason that I was Elinor in the quiz Which Austen Heroine are You? even though I feel I have more in common with Anne Elliot.

      And I like almost all movie versions of her books. My favourites are probably the 1995 versions of Persuasion and Pride & Prejudice (with Ciarán Hinds and Colin Firth).

    5. Yes! I love both of those versions, too. :D

    6. I'm not surprised, Lark.

  3. I don't think I have read any of her books. Not that I can remember anyway, and I read fiction mainly in middle school and high school.

    1. I know you prefer non-fiction and that's great, I love it, as well. But maybe you should try a Jane Austen once, Sarah.

  4. Visiting you today from Davida's ThrowbackThursday linkup. I just wrote my first updated post! I haven't read Jane Austen for a while. I need to start a reread TBR.

    1. That is a good idea, Gina. I'll have to see what you wrote. Thanks for visiting.

  5. I have read all of them, but will also read her unfinished ones. My favourites are Pride and Prejudice, Persuasion and Northanger Abbey. I think all her fans have different favourites. It just shows what a great author she was.

  6. You are so right there, Lisbeth, I have also read the unfinished ones. And it's funny that my favourite (Persuasion) and least favourite (Northanger Abbey) both belong to your favourites.

    1. I loved the gothic aspect of it. I cannot stand Mansfield Park, but know that it is a favourite of many. I also have a problem with Sense and Sensibility which is also a favourite of many readers.

    2. I don't mind Mansfield Park but it certainly isn't my favourite.

  7. I never could finish reading Lady Susan, but I liked what she was doing with Sanditon. Still need to read The Watsons, but I'm not sure I want to read Love and Friendship.

    1. Thanks, Davida. Did you not like Lady Susan? I like every book by Jane Austen but that's just me. I think my favourite of the unfinished ones is The Watsons. Enjoy whenever you get to it.
