
Saturday, 11 June 2022

Books Read With My International Book Club in the Netherlands

When we moved to the Netherlands, I joined an international women's club that also had a book club. I was a member for a while but my migraines kept me from going there regularly as it was not in our town, not even in the next one. I had to drive quite a while and I found it hard in the evenings. So, I had to give it up and started my own (see here).

But here is a list of all the books read in that group:

Tan, Amy "
The Kitchen God's Wife" - 1991
Ondaatje, Michael "The English Patient" - 1992
Ishiguro, Kazuo "The Remains of the Day" - 1989
Tartt, Donna "The Secret History" - 1992
Lawrence, D.H "Sons and Lovers" - 1913
Morrison, Toni "Beloved" - 1987
Chang, Jung "Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China" - 1991
Proulx, Annie "The Shipping News" - 2003
Esquivel, Laura "Like Water for Chocolate" (E: Como agua para chocolate) - 1989
Trollope, Joanna "The Village Affair" - 1989
Trapido, Barbara "Temple of Delight" - 1990
Allende, Isabel "The House of the Spirits" (E: La casa de los espíritus) - 1982
Maitland, Sarah "Ancestral Truths" (US: Home Truths) - 1993
García Márquez, Gabriel "One Hundred Years of Solitude" (E: Cien años de soledad) - 1967
Drabble, Margaret "The Millstone" - 1965
French, Marylin "The Women's Room" - 1977
Groult, Benoîte "Salt on My Skin" (F: Les vaisseaux du cœur) - 1988
Guterson, David "Snow Falling on Cedars" - 1994
Allende, Isabel "Paula" (E: Paula) - 1994
Shields, Carol "The Stone Diaries" - 1993
Atkinson, Kate "Behind the Scenes at the Museum" - 1995
Lodge, David "Changing Places" - 1975
Swift, Graham "Last Orders" - 1996
Evans, Nicholas "The Horse Whisperer" - 1995
Theroux, Paul "My Other Life" - 1996
Winterson, Jeannette "Oranges are not the Only Fruit" - 1985
Gaarder, Jostein "The Solitaire Mystery" - 1990
Roy, Arundhati "The God of Small Things" - 1997
Høeg, Peter "Miss Smilla's Feeling for Snow" (DK: Frøken Smillas fornemmelse for sne) - 1992
Fitzgerald, Penelope "The Beginning of Spring" - 1988
Lessing, Doris "The Grass is Singing" - 1950
Smiley, Jane "A Thousand Acres" - 1991
McCourt, Frank "Angela's Ashes" - 1996
Frazier, Charles "Cold Mountain" - 1997
Gallman, Kuki "I dreamed of Africa" - 1991
Dunmore, Helen "A Spell of Winter" - 1995
Fredriksson, Marianne "Hanna's Daughters" (S: Anna, Hanna og Johanna) - 1994
Trollope, Joanna "Other People's Children" - 1998
- "The Village Affair" - 1989
Mawson, Robert "The Lazarus Child" - 1998
Wells, Rebecca "Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood" - 1996
Fredriksson, Marianne "Simon and The Oaks" (aka Simon or Simon's Family) (S: Simon och ekarna) - 1985
Schlink, Bernhard "The Reader" (GE: Der Vorleser) - 1994
Tyler, Anne "Breathing Lessons" - 1988
James, Henry "Daisy Miller" - 1879 
Coetzee, J.M. "Life and times of Michael K." - 1983

This is when I joined.
Irving, John "A Widow for One Year" - 1998
Lamb, Wally "She's Come Undone" - 1997
Soueif, Ahdaf "The Map of Love" - 1999
Harris, Joanne "Chocolat" - 1999
Greene, Graham "The End of the Affair" - 1951
Smith, Zadie "White Teeth" - 1999
Rowling, J.K. "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" - 1997
Kneale, Matthew "English Passengers" - 2000
de Loo, Tessa "The Twins" (NL: De Tweeling) - 1993

And here is an alphabetical list:
Allende, Isabel "Paula" (E: Paula) - 1994
- "The House of the Spirits" (E: La casa de los espíritus) - 1982
Atkinson, Kate "Behind the Scenes at the Museum" - 1995
Chang, Jung "Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China" - 1991
Coetzee, J.M. "Life and times of Michael K." - 1983
Drabble, Margaret "The Millstone" - 1965
Dunmore, Helen "A Spell of Winter" - 1995
Esquivel, Laura "Like Water for Chocolate" (E: Como agua para chocolate) - 1989
Evans, Nicholas "The Horse Whisperer" - 1995
Fitzgerald, Penelope "The Beginning of Spring" - 1988
Frazier, Charles "Cold Mountain" - 1997
Fredriksson, Marianne "Hanna's Daughters" (S: Anna, Hanna og Johanna) - 1994
- "Simon and The Oaks" (aka Simon or Simon's Family) (S: Simon och ekarna) - 1985 
French, Marylin "The Women's Room" - 1977
Gaarder, Jostein "The Solitaire Mystery" - 1990
García Márquez, Gabriel
"One Hundred Years of Solitude" (E: Cien años de soledad) - 1967
Gallman, Kuki "I dreamed of Africa" - 1991
Greene, Graham "The End of the Affair" - 1951
Groult, Benoîte "Salt on My Skin" (F: Les vaisseaux du cœur) - 1988
Guterson, David "Snow Falling on Cedars" - 1994
Harris, Joanne "Chocolat" - 1999
Høeg, Peter "Miss Smilla's Feeling for Snow" (DK: Frøken Smillas fornemmelse for sne) - 1992
Irving, John "A Widow for One Year" - 1998
Ishiguro, Kazuo "The Remains of the Day" - 1989
James, Henry "Daisy Miller" - 1879 
Kneale, Matthew "English Passengers" - 2000
Lamb, Wally "She's Come Undone" - 1997
Lawrence, D.H "Sons and Lovers" - 1913
Lessing, Doris "The Grass is Singing" - 1950
Lodge, David "Changing Places" - 1965
de Loo, Tessa "The Twins" (NL: De Tweeling) - 1993
Maitland, Sarah "Ancestral Truths" (US: Home Truths) - 1993
Mawson, Robert "The Lazarus Child" - 1998
McCourt, Frank "Angela's Ashes" - 1996
Morrison, Toni "Beloved" - 1987
Ondaatje, Michael "The English Patient" - 1992
Proulx, Annie "The Shipping News" - 2003
Rowling, J.K. "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" - 1997
Roy, Arundhati "The God of Small Things" - 1997
Schlink, Bernhard "The Reader" (GE: Der Vorleser) - 1994
Shields, Carol "The Stone Diaries" - 1993
Smiley, Jane "A Thousand Acres" - 1991
Smith, Zadie "White Teeth" - 1999
Soueif, Ahdaf "The Map of Love" - 1999
Swift, Graham "Last Orders" - 1996
Tan, Amy "The Kitchen God's Wife" - 1991
Tartt, Donna "The Secret History" - 1992
Theroux, Paul "My Other Life" - 1996
Trapido, Barbara "Temple of Delight" - 1990
Trollope, Joanna "Other People's Children" - 1998
- "The Village Affair" - 1989
Tyler, Anne "Breathing Lessons" - 1988
Wells, Rebecca "Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood" - 1996
Winterson, Jeannette "Oranges are not the Only Fruit" - 1985


  1. This is an excellent list of books, a great resource for other book clubs.

    1. Thanks, Deb. That's nice of you to say. I love lists (that's why I so happily contribute to many of those challenges like TTT, Six Degrees of Separation, Spell the Month in Books ...) and I always hope someone will get ideas from it.

  2. Thanks for reminding me that I need to schedule 'Snow Falling on Cedars' soon......... [grin]

    1. Good luck with that, Kitten. I love David Guterson and have read most of his books, I believe. Must go and check ...

  3. Wow...that's a lot of books. I'm impressed. My work friends tried to start a book group once, but no one wanted to pick the next book to read; they were too afraid other people wouldn't like it. So it rapidly fizzled.

    1. Oh, that's a shame, Lark. I've been in various groups. My first one was very little and we would all bring a book and then decide together which one we wanted to read. The Dutch one would have the person who hosted next decide which books we would read. The next one was rather large and we would all suggest books at the beginning of the term (after the summer holidays), then I'd put together a list and we'd vote for them. Those with the most votes would be read during the year. I only insisted we'd read at least one classic book together. Most book clubs I know are a sort of mixture of the three. There are also lots of articles around who recommend what you can do. So, maybe they were the wrong group but I rather think they just didn't know how to organize it. Better luck next time.

  4. A very good list of books. I have read many of them, but there are still some that I can enjoy in the future.

    1. You are right, Lisbeth. I am still working on the list, as you can probably see. It was a nice reading group but just too far away for me. But I/we can still benefit from their list today.
