
Saturday, 14 January 2023

Spell the Month in Books ~ January 2023


Reviews from the Stacks

I found this on one of the blogs I follow, Books are the New Black who found it at One Book More. It was originally created by Reviews from the Stacks, and the idea is to spell the month using the first letter of book titles.

January is the start of a new year and often used for beginnings of any kind. So, our official topic is:
January: TBR or books to read while snowed/iced in

But since I have never in my life been snowed in and don't expect it to happen now with climate change hitting us severely, I have opted for the latter. My TBR pile is sky high, so no problems there.


Le Faye, Deirdre "Jane Austen’s Letters" - 1995 - Goodreads

Abulhawa, Susan "Against the Loveless World" - 2020

Walker, Alice "Now is the Time to Open your Heart" - 2004 - Goodreads

Sykes, Eric "UFOs Are Coming Wednesday" - 1995 - Goodreads

Dallek, Robert "An Unfinished Life - John F. Kennedy 1917-1963" - 2003 - Goodreads

Theroux, Paul "Riding the Iron Rooster" - 1988

Ian Buruma "Year Zero. A History of 1945" - 2013 - Goodreads

I cannot promise to get to them this year but ... eventually.

Happy Reading!
📚 📚 📚


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Cindy. Not always easy but always a lot of fun.

  2. UFOS Are Coming Wednesday is an awesome title! Totally makes me want to check that book out. ;D

    1. Well, I will read it one day and then you can see whether I like it, Lark. It was from one of the book boards where you can exchange one used book against another and I thought ... sounds funny. Let's see what it is.

  3. I have wanted to do this one since I first saw it on your blog, how long ago now? Two years? Then I keep forgetting about. Ugh.

    1. Haha, Sarah, happens to me all the time with other interesting posts. Though this has become a regular one for me, especially since I discovered that there is a different theme every month. Maybe you'd like to participate in February, it's red or pink covers. I am sure you have a few of them.
      Oh, and I'm sorry, somehow Google thinks your comments are spam and I had to confirm them all. But since I know about that problem, I check regularly.

  4. Great books. Jane Austen's Letters sounds interesting. Riding the Iron Rooster is great. I read another book by Susan Abulhawa which was great: Mornings in Jenin.

    1. Thanks, Lisbeth. I also read that one by Susan Abulhawa, such a great book. As well as The Blue Between Sky and Water. That's why I want to read this one.
      And I'm looking forward to Riding the Iron Rooster, a member from my book club gave it to me.
