
Tuesday, 8 August 2023

Spell the Month in Books ~ August

Reviews from the Stacks

I found this on one of the blogs I follow, Books are the New Black who found it at One Book More. It was originally created by Reviews from the Stacks, and the idea is to spell the month using the first letter of book titles.

August: Series – Books that are part of a series, or the name of the series itself
I'm not a huge series reader but I found enough to spell the name of the month. Good thing I could relay on several languages. Hurrah!


Goscinny, René; Uderzo, Albert "Asterix the Gaul" (F: Astérix le Gaulois) - 1959
A favourite of my childhood. We had to read one in our French class but that was not my first and definitely not my last one. I am still a huge Astérix fan.

Zeh, Juli "Among People" (Name of the village but also wordplay) (GE: Unterleuten) - 2016 
The first novel in a trilogy about today's life in East Germany, the former GDR.

Alcott, Louisa May "Good Wives" - 1869
The second part of "Little Women". Funnily enough, the series is published in four parts in the UK (as originally in the US) and in only two parts in the US, so this would be the second part of "Little Women".

Weiler, Jan "And the puberty animal sleeps forever" (GE: Und ewig schläft das Pubertier) (Pubertiere #3) - 2017
Part 3 of a series about children growing into teenagers where you hardly recognize them anymore. Really funny but with a lot of truth in it.

Ghosh, Amitav
Sea of Poppies" (Ibis Trilogy #1) - 2008

The first part of the "Ibis Trilogy", this novel describes the fate of a ship and its passengers.

McCourt, Frank "Teacher Man. A Memoir 1949-1985" (Frank McCourt #3) - 2005
The third part of Frank McCourts biography.

Happy Reading!
📚 📚 📚


  1. Great list! I also thought I was going to have problems with the U, but it turned out ok. I have read and enjoyed your first and last books

    1. Thanks, Emma. I think we are lucky because we read in several languages. Some letters are more prominent in others than in English. Though there are a few books I read in English with U, there wasn't one in a series.

  2. Having to find two titles that begin with U makes August a tricky month to do.

    1. You are right, Lark. I just said to Emma ^^ that we are lucky because we read in several languages. There are more words with U in German, and both my books, are indeed German books that were not translated into English. Of course, them having to be part of a series is the most tricky part. Thanks for your visit.

  3. Great choices. I notice that both U:s have German titles.

    1. Thanks, Lisbeth. Yes, that's the advantage of reading in different languages, some letters are more prominent in some of them. ;)

  4. I loved the Sea of Poppies series, I learned so much!

  5. Ohh your Asterix for reminded me that I coulod have used Tintin for the final letter! Except I read all the Tintin's in my teens, many years before I started blogging (& I try to pick books I can link to my blog) :-)

    1. There will be more months with T, at least September and October. Maybe it fits somewhere. I also try to pick books I reviewed but you can always write one until next month. ;)

  6. Replies
    1. Definitely, Sarah. I have read all four books of that series (well, there are only two in the States but they contain the same.
