
Thursday, 5 October 2023

The 1962 Club


This book challenge takes place twice a year and concentrates on one year and one year only. I call it "Read the Year Club". This time, 1962 was picked. For more information, see Simon @ Stuck in a Book (here is the invite) and Kaggsy @ Kaggsy's Bookish Ramblings.

If you are looking for inspiration, there are a few books from that year that I read already:
Berenstain, Stan and Jan "The Berenstain Bears" - 1962ff.
Burgess, Anthony "A Clockwork Orange" - 1962  
Haushofer, Marlen "The Wall" (GE: Die Wand) - 1962
Lessing, Doris "The Golden Notebook" - 1962
Scott, Mary; West, Joyce "Such Nice People" (Inspector Wright #2) - 1962
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander "His Great Stories" (RUS: One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich; For the Good of the Cause; Matryona's House; An Incident at Krechetovka Station) (RUS: Оди́н день Ива́на Дени́совича/Odin den' Ivana Denisovicha; Для пользы дела/ lja pol'zy dela; Матрёнин двор/Matrjonin dvor; Случай на станции Кречетовка/Sluchaj na stancii Krechetovka) - 1962/63
Yerby, Frank "Griffin's Way" - 1962

I also found some other ideas, I am sure there is a book for everyone here:

Bradbury, Ray "Something Wicked this Way Comes " - 1962 (Goodreads)
Christie, Agatha "The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side" - 1962 (Goodreads)
Dick, Philip K. THe Man in the High Castle" - 1962 (Goodreads)
Faulkner, William "The Reivers" - 1962 (Goodreads)
Huxley, Aldous "Island" - 1962 (Goodreads)
Jackson, Shirley "We Have Always Lived in the Castle" - 1962 (Goodreads)
Kesey, Ken "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" - 1962 (Goodreads)
L’Engle, Madeleine "A Wrinkle in Time" - 1962 (Goodreads)
Remarque, Erich Maria "The Night in Lisbon - 1962 (Goodreads)

This challenge takes place from 16 to 22 October 2023.

I picked:
L’Engle, Madeleine "A Wrinkle in Time" - 1962
Mainly, because it was on our bookshelf, one of the boys must have read it.


  1. Wow, what a great round up of suggestions - thank you!

    1. You're welcome, Simon. And thanks for coming by. I really enjoy this challenge, so thanks for organizing it.

  2. I read 'Man in the High Castle' years ago but can't remember much about it now. I haven't seen any of the TV series (yet). I read 'Cuckoo's Nest' much more recently and was very impressed by it. The Jack Nicolson movie is also very good (from memory). I DNFd 'Clockwork Orange' and thought it was unreadable. But maybe I was too young to appreciate it? I have a copy of 'Island', so one day maybe!! [grin]

    1. Interesting, Kitten. I might have chosen the Man in the High Castle if I hadn't had the Wrinkle in Time at home. Cuckoos nest, I onle saw the movie years and years ago. Jack Nicholson was as fantastic as always. Clockwork Orange - I liked it, though I can understand when people don't.

  3. My 5th grade teacher read A Wrinkle in Time to our class and I've loved it ever since. Happy reading! :D

    1. Thanks, Lark. I'll see how I like it. Not really my genre but I thought I'll give it a try.

  4. "A Wrinkle in Time" is on many homeschool reading lists. Flora will read and discuss it in her online literature class soon. All my other children have read it and so has my husband. My sister-in-law loves the Berenstain Bears books, but I do not like the pictures at all.

    1. That's interesting, Eva. I guess I will hear from you about it then.
      My kids loved the Berenstain Bear books, therefore it will always be special to me.

    2. I think my sister-in-law would be delighted to hear that. She gave us one or two, but my children also did not care for them at all.

    3. Same as adults, kids like different books. I think part of the love for the Berenstain Bears for my kids was that they were also Scouts.

  5. I really like A Wrinkle in Time; it really doesn't seem like science fiction to me. Think of it as a quest novel instead!

    1. You are right, Constance, it doesn't feel much like sci-fi, maybe because it's a children's book?

  6. Some lovely suggestions there - thank you! Look forward to your thoughts on your reading!

    1. Thanks, Kaggsy. It was nice. I just published my review (you find the link in my post now).
