
Thursday, 23 November 2023

#ThrowbackThursday. Third Culture Kids

Pollock, David C. & Van Reken, Ruth "Third Culture Kids: The Experience of Growing Up Among Worlds" - 2001

"In this publication, the authors explore the experiences of those who have become known as 'third culture kids' (TCKs) - children who grow up or spend a significant part of their childhood living abroad."

If you live/d abroad with your children for only a couple of years or if you grew up in different countries or in a country different from your parents, this is the book to read.

We discussed this in our international book club in September 2007.

Read my original review here.   


  1. Replies
    1. Most of the members in my book club back then had third culture kids (including myself) and none of us had thought about it that way. It really is highly interesting.

  2. I would have given anything to have gotten the opportunity to spend some years abroad as a child.

    1. I totally understand, Deb. I would have, as well. Growing up in a small village where our family didn't "belong" (because none of our family had been living there before), I wished to be far, far away.
      I was happy to be able to give my children all the opportunities I didn't have and they wholly embraced it.

  3. I have to look for this book. Interesting to see what they say, and comparing it to how our kids grew up. Is it an advantage or not? Maybe it also depends on the life of the parents. Children tend to adapt to their parents so they might grow into it.

    1. All in all, it is a very positive book, Lisbeth. Children grow with the circumstances. I am sure you will find a lot of parts where you just keep nodding.
      Of course, it is also a challenge, but children always grow with the opportunities. Look at how easy languages are for them when they grow up with more than one.
