
Thursday, 1 February 2024

Happy February!

   Happy February to all my friends and readers

New Calendar picture with this
beautiful watercolour painting by Frank Koebsch

"Beginning of Spring

Frank says to this picture:
Zum Frühlingsanfang gehören einfach Schneeglöckchen und Krokusse dazu. Es ist schön bereits Anfang März am meteorologischen Frühlingsanfang in den Gärten und Park eine Vielzahl von Frühlingsblühern entdecken zu können.

The beginning of spring simply includes snowdrops and crocuses. It's nice to be able to discover a variety of spring bloomers in the gardens and park at the beginning of March, at the meteorological start of spring.

(see here)

Another great watercolour painting by Frank Koebsch. Enjoy!

Read more on their website here. *

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Spring is around the corner here. Mind you, we didn't really have a proper winter. And you won't hear me complain about that.

Here's a picture of our "snowy" winter.
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We saw several plays this month - what else is new? One of them was a classic: "The Judge and his Hangman" (Der Richter und sein Henker) by Friedrich Dürrenmatt. A very successful production which we enjoyed a lot.

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The German word for February is Februar, but the old German word is Hornung, because in this month the mature red deer sheds the bars of his antlers and begins to grow new antlers, so you could say the name of the month is "antlering". But there are also other old names based on natural phenomena and seasons. This month it's Schmelzmond (melting moon) and Taumond (dew moon).  

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* You can also have a look under my labels Artist: Frank Koebsch and Artist: Hanka Koebsch where you can find all my posts about the two artists. 

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🌼 I wish you all a Happy February! 🌼


  1. Happy February, Marianne, this is a lovely post. Winter is quite mild this year, I'd love it to be colder actually. :)

    1. Thanks, C&B. You are right, a very mild winter. It will probably cause lots of insects in the summer. Grrr.
      And thanks to your early comment I noticed that my picture of our "winter" didn't show. I have fixed that. LOL

  2. Even our snowdrops are peeking through the snow :). Beautiful flower picture! Oh, you saw that as a play. How wonderful.

    1. Still nothing in our garden, Eva. But niether in those of our neighbours, so we are just a little late.
      The paintings by Hanka and Frank Koebsch are all so beautiful, I have had their calendar for years and it's full of fantastic ones every year.
      And yes, the play was part of our theatre "ring" in our town. They show great plays. I'm glad we could get in, they'd had waiting lists for years but after Covid, some dropped out.

    2. Oh, how sad. Ours have not opened, but they are getting a bit whiter every day. Oh, so you buy seasonal tickets for the plays?

    3. We have a season ticket for our town but those are only five plays a year, all different kinds. One serious, one funny, one classic, one modern, you know that sort of stuff. But we try to go to as many other performances as we can.

    4. Went to see another one on Monday "Miss Daisy's Chauffeur". Brilliant.
