
Thursday, 22 February 2024

#ThrowbackThursday. Edward Rutherfurd and Salisbury

Rutherfurd, Edward "Sarum: the Novel of England" - 1987

I’m a huge fan of England and this is not just the story of Salisbury, it is first and foremost the story of England, how it first was settled, what happened next and how did the ordinary people live throughout the centuries.

Edward Rutherfurd's style of describing the history of a country or town by their inhabitants, not by the kings who ruled, the dictators or the rich aristocracy but by the "little man" is just fantastic. I love how we always meet a couple of people and then see what their descendants are up to, how a family feud can go on for generations but also how times can change and the tides can turn for some, not always positively.

Rutherfurd, Edward "The Forest" - 2000

Just like "Sarum", this is a book about the South of England. Edward Rutherford describes the history of the New Forest, from William the Conqueror until today through the people living there.

If you love England, this is the book for you.

Read my original reviews here and here.


  1. I'm a little intimidated by the *size* of his books, but I have enjoyed generational stories in the past. Like you say, its fun and often fascinating 'watching' families you like grow and change over the centuries.

    1. I know, Kitten. They are real Tomes. But, as you know, I love them, so I couldn't say whether theses are different from other chunkies. His books are definitely great as you follow families around through the centuries.

  2. I just saw your comment on my old blog, thank you very much for getting in touch! I adore Rutherfurd and have read quite a few of his epic novels. The historical detail always fascinates me.

    I have not read Sarum yet but have read his Ireland series and The Forest.

    1. Thanks, Tina. You had commented on one of my posts and then I found the link to that one. Glad you came back.
      If you liked the Ireland books and The Forest, you will like all his other books. I just hope he will write many more.

    2. They are tomes to be sure! I like long books, am a big fan of James Michener's novels.

    3. I have heard the name James Michener so often and always thought, I must read something by him. I'll have to see that I get one of his books soon. Thank you, Tina.
