
Tuesday, 16 April 2024

Top Ten Tuesday ~ Characters I’d Like to go on Vacation With


 "Top Ten Tuesday" is an original feature/weekly meme created on the blog "The Broke and the Bookish". It was created because they are particularly fond of lists. It is now hosted by Jana from That Artsy Reader Girl.

Since I am just as fond of them as they are, I jump at the chance to share my lists with them! Have a look at their page, there are lots of other bloggers who share their lists here.

This week, our topic is Characters I’d Like to go on Vacation With - (Pretend you’re going on vacation and can bring 10 of your closest friends with you. Pick your vacation spot and tell us who you’d like to bring! Bonus point if you tell us why. Or maybe you like the idea of traveling in small groups, so plan 10 trips or 5 trips!)

Ruby Thewes from Cold Mountain:
Frazier, Charles "Cold Mountain" - 1997

Anne von Kamcke from This House is Mine:
Hansen, Dörte "This House is Mine" (GE: Altes Land) - 2015

Ellie Thomas from Cartes Postales from Greece:
Hislop, Victoria "Cartes Postales from Greece" - 2016

Luisa from What You Can See From Here:
Leky, Mariana "What You Can See From Here" (GE: Was man von hier aus sehen kann) - 2017

Dulcie Piper from The Offing:
Myers, Benjamin "The Offing" - 2019

Susan Russell and Larry Lee (because you can't have one without the other) from Breakfast at Six:
Scott, Mary "Breakfast at Six" - 1953

Francie Nolan from A Tree Grows in Brooklyn:
Smith, Betty "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" - 1943

Zosia Król from The Children's War:
Stroyar, J.N. "The Children's War" - 2001

Sarah Agnes Prine from These is my Words
Turner, Nancy E. "These is my Words" - 1999

Regina Redlich from Nowhere in Africa
Zweig, Stefanie
"Nowhere in Africa" - 1995 (GE: Nirgendwo in Afrika) - 1942

My eleven friends (see Susan and Larry) are all girls. Girls of all ages and from all eras. Girls from different countries (Germany 3, Greece 1, New Zealand 2, Poland 1, UK 1, USA 3) and different backgrounds. But they all have one thing in common. They are strong women who fight for a place in their lives.

📚 Happy Reading! 📚


  1. I love that you chose Dulcie from The Offing!

    1. Thanks, Cathy. She's great, isn't she? Anyone would be lucky to call her their friend.

  2. It's sad but I don't know who these characters are since I haven't read these books but I like strong women. They sound like they might be fun to travel with or just have a conversation or two.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. I'm sure you're not the only one, Lissa. Check out some of the links, I guess you would like some of the books.

  3. I have not read any of these books yet, but I love the idea of a women-only trip. How fun would that be?

    1. Would be fantastic, Lydia. We might hire a mini-bus. ;)

  4. Cold Mountain is a Civil War story, right? I keep meaning to read it. My list is here if you're interested.

    1. Yes, it is, Stephen. They also made it into a film, not too bad which I say very rarely.
      And I am always interested in other lists. So, thanks for the link.

  5. I don't know any of these characters but I love that they're all strong women from different eras, ages and countries! It sounds like it'd be a very interesting vacation :)

    1. That would certainly be the case, Dini. Maybe you would like to join. Maybe you would like to read one or two of the books, as well. Check out the links.

  6. What fun list! I bet you would have a blast with these characters.

    1. I'm sure we would have a great time, Deanna. Thanks.

  7. Love that you were able to find so many strong female characters for your list this week! I only wish I was more familiar with them, but I sadly haven't read any of these books.

    1. I honestly can recommend all of these, Lark.

  8. I love a list that focuses on strong women!
    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  9. I don't know any of these characters, but I do believe you would have a good time with any of them!

  10. Francie is such a great character. I love her! She'd be a fun travel companion for sure.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

    1. Thanks, Susan. She's a reader, so we must love her. But her childhood has a lot in common with mine. So, I'm sure I'd enjoy travelling with her.

  11. Oh, I love seeing Francie Nolan on your list this week. One of my favorite characters.

    1. Thanks, Christopher. Mine, too. As I just said to ^^ Susan, we share a lot.

  12. I have to think about this. I am sure I can come up with a list of favourite characters to go on holiday with. Not only women, mind you.

    1. Haha, Lisbeth, I just started with some of my favourite characters and then thought it would be nice to find some more strong women. I am sure I could come up with ten men. LOL

  13. Interesting exercise. I have been thinking on interesting characters to go on vacation with. Here are some of them: Count Rostov in A Gentleman in Moscow (mind you, one would not come very far from Moscow though); Heathcliff, just to try to figure the man out; Scarlett O'Hara since I find her mesmerising in all her selfishness; Rhett Butler of course; Inspector Brunetti from Donna Leon's books, to talk to him about food and wine, and his attitude to life and work; Violeta by Isabel Allende, to learn from her attitude to life and what is happening around you; Elizabeth von Arnim to talk about her German garden and other enchanted places; Lizzy and Mr Darcy from Pride and Prejudice to hear them talking about everything under the sun; Hector Mann from Paul Auster's The Book of Illusions, to follow Mann's extraordinary life. Well, there were a few that would be interesting to go on vacation with.

    1. Some totally interesting characters, Lisbeth. I have not read Violeta or the Donna Leon books and the Book of Illusions but I begin to imagine all the others together in one room. Would be fascinating to see what the Count thinks of Scarlett and vice-versa. LOL
