
Thursday, 20 June 2024

#ThrowbackThursday. May 2011 Part 3

I've been doing Throwback Thursdays for a while but I noticed that I wrote a lot of reviews in a short time when I first started. One of my blogger friends always posts the reviews of one month but that would be too much. So, these are my reviews from the third week of May 2011.

Clinton, Hillary Rodham "Living History" - 2003
Whether you like her politics or not, this book is an account of a woman who is very strong and who managed to get to a certain point through studying and hard work.

Du Bois, W.E.B. "The Souls of Black Folk" - 1903
A very thorough and interesting study of black culture in the United States, the achievements and problems of the African American society.

Fredriksson, Marianne "Hanna's Daughters" (S: Anna, Hanna og Johanna) - 1994
A remarkable story about the life of women and how it changed during the last century. The story is situated in Sweden but it could have happened anywhere in Europe.

Hirsi Ali, Ayaan "Nomad: From Islam to America" - 2010
A follow-up to her book "Infidel. My Life". This is an intelligent and courageous woman. She writes in a clear way, some thought, her life in Somalia was the most interesting part, the different views and culture.

Lewis, Oscar "Children of Sanchez" - 1961
This is an anthropological documentary about a family from a slum in Mexico City, a father and his four children who grow up in poverty.

Lukas, Michael David "The Oracle of Stamboul" - 2011
Istanbul, at the end of the 19th century. A young Jewish girl is born in what now is Romania, her mother dies in childbirth and the girl ends up in Muslim Istanbul. An amazing story like from 1001 Nights.

Read my original reviews, for the links click on the titles.


  1. I read and really liked Ayann Hirsi Ali's Infidel, but I've never read Nomad. Didn't even know she'd written another book. But it's one I'd like to check out.

    1. Great, Lark. If you liked her first one, you will also like her second one because I'm sure you'd like to know how she got on later. She wrote it in English.

  2. I considered doing a monthly wrap-up for a while, but then I stopped writing reviews by accident for a long stretch of time, so it became pointless, lol

    1. It's always a question how many you have done at a certain time, Sarah. I realized I had written so many reviews at the beginning that I will never get any further than the end of 2011 or so, I will probably go to a whole month once I only have written about a couple of good books then.
