
Thursday, 27 June 2024

#ThrowbackThursday. May 2011 Part 4

I've been doing Throwback Thursdays for a while but I noticed that I wrote a lot of reviews in a short time when I first started. One of my blogger friends always posts the reviews of one month but that would be too much. So, these are my reviews from the fourth week of May 2011.

Eliot, George "Daniel Deronda" - 1876
This novel gives a lot of information about life at the time, a lot of history, the problem the Jews had all through the centuries. The author describes the characters extremely well, the problems between the different people are very interesting and everyone seems so alive.

Eliot, George "Middlemarch" - 1871-72
A wonderful book, a must for anyone who loves classic novels.
Next to Jane Austen, George Eliot alias Marian Evans is one of my favourite classic British authors.

Greene, Graham "The End of the Affair" - 1951
This looks like a simple love affair between a man and a married wife. Greene describes a life of misery for both protagonists.

Steinbeck, John "Of Mice and Men" - 1937
This book touches so many subjects, it's amazing. It takes place during the Great Depression and is talks about The migrant workers.

Vargas Llosa, Mario "Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter" (E: La tía Julia y el escribidor) - 1977
The story is based on the author's life, at the age of 18, when
working for a Peruvian radio station, he meets a sister of his aunt who is 14 years his senior and falls in love with her. A Bolivian scriptwriter adds a lot of excitement to everyone's life.

Vargas Llosa, Mario  "The Storyteller" (E: El Hablador) - 1987
A young man leaves Western civilization and lives among the Machiguenga Indians in the jungle of Peru. He becomes their storyteller, a person who passes on their culture's history and belief.

Read my original reviews, for the links click on the titles.


  1. I *loved* the TV adaptation of 'Middlemarch' I saw AGES ago... It's about time I read the book. I've had it on my shelf for far too long now!

    1. So did I, Kitten, it is a lovely adaptation and the casting is superb. Enjoy the book, it is great.
