
Thursday, 4 July 2024

#ThrowbackThursday. June 2011 Part 1

I've been doing Throwback Thursdays for a while but I noticed that I wrote a lot of reviews in a short time when I first started. One of my blogger friends always posts the reviews of one month but that would be too much. So, these are my reviews from the third week of June 2011.

Ali, Monica "Brick Lane" - 2003
The story about Nazneen from a tiny village in Bangladesh who gets married off to an elderly man in London, England. From now on, she leads the life so many women lead, she lives in England but is more or less confined to the walls of her little apartment. She lives a Bengali life in Europe.

Allende, Isabel "The House of the Spirits" (E: La casa de los espĂ­ritus) (The House of the Spirits #1) - 1982
- "Daughter of Fortune" (E: Hija de la fortuna) (The House of the Spirits #2) - 1999
- "Portrait in Sepia" (E: Retrato en sepia) (The House of the Spirits #3) - 2000
This is a trilogy about a family in South America. There is a lot of information on the rich and the poor, the problems in South America. All three great books.

Coelho, Paulo "The Alchemist" (PO: O Alquimista) - 1988
A fantastic novel by a great author. He is able to use the words in a way that is just plain admirable. He is a poet, his sentences are so beautiful.
He gives us a Medieval story about mysticism and superstition, about life back then in several areas.

Frandi-Coory, Anne "Whatever Happened to Ishtar?: A Passionate Quest To Find Answers For Generations Of Defeated Mothers" - 2010
How much can a person endure, especially a little child? This heart-rendering account of Anne-Frandi Coory’s life is a proof that we can live through a lot of hardship and still turn out to be passionate and affectionate people, in this case a wonderful woman and mother of four children even though she was an abandoned and abused child herself.

Frazier, Charles "Thirteen Moons" - 2006
An amazing story about an exceptionally strong and interesting man. The main character is brought up by Cherokee in the mid-19th Century. He takes over their traditions and lives according to them, although his "white" culture does interfere, as well. However, even his Indian "fathers" don’t all follow the same path.

Read my original reviews, for the links click on the titles.


  1. Nice busy month back then. I have only read Coelho.
    I just posted abut March 2014. I don't talk about all my reviews, that would be 11. So I just pick the one that received most views, and if there's another favorite of mine, to keep it short and easy:

    1. Thanks, Emma. Those are not all of the books I reviewed in that month. It was the beginning of my blogging and I put in lots and lots of reviews. But these are the absolute highlights.
