
Tuesday, 5 March 2013

The "Piggybank" Challenge 2013

This is Challenge an idea by a German blogger. I have translated her text and you can find the original site here at "Willkommen im Bücherkaffee".

How long does this challenge last?
1 March 2013 to 1 March 2014

What goes into the piggybank?
For every book I've read - €2.00 into the piggybank
(Amount can be individually altered, of course)

  • For every book read, the money is inserted into the piggybank.
  • This money is off limit until the end of the challenge, i.e. the piggybank stays closed.
  • A list of the books read would be nice because that way we can perfectly observe the saving success.
  • On 1 March 2013, the piggybank can be opened and you can go shopping extensively - or carry on reading and saving.
  • Be consistent and put the money into the bank immediately, otherwise you will lose track easily.
  • I will always make a tick behind the book as soon as I dropped in the money.
  • It would be great if you start a page or an overview in your blog for the challenge. That way it is much easier to control the comments and the progress of your challenge. If you don't have a blog, you can leave a comment here on the challenge page (or on the original challenge page in German) about your opinion or your progress.
Would you like to join?
Go on. It is worthwhile in any care and you will certainly not regret it.

My progress (I add the German title, if available, for my German friends):
Anam, Tahmima "The Good Muslim" (Mein fremder Bruder)
Palma, Félix J. "The Map of Time" (El mapa del tiempo/Die Landkarte der Zeit)
Ruiz Zafón, Carlos "Marina" (Marina/Marina)
Ung, Loung "First they killed my father. A Daughter of Cambodia Remembers" (Der weite Weg der Hoffnung)
Mitchell, Margaret "Gone with the Wind"" (Vom Winde verweht)
Becker, Artur "Die Zeit der Stinte" [not translated: time of the smelt(fish)]
Kingsolver, Barbara "Flight Behaviour"
Boccaccio, Giovanni "The Decameron" (Il Decameron, cognominato Prencipe Galeotto/Das Decameron)
Belinga Belinga, Jean-Félix "Ngono Mefane, das Mädchen der Wälder: Ein Märchen aus dem Regenwald" [not translated: Ngono Mefane, the Forest Girl]
Hanff, Helene "84, Charing Cross Road" (84, Charing Cross Road. Eine Freundschaft in Briefen) and "The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street"
Shriver, Lionel "We need to talk about Kevin"
Erkelius, Per Agne "Das Bild, das ich dir schrieb" (Rembrandt till sin dotter)
More, Thomas "Utopia" (Utopia)
Hannah, Kristin "Winter Garden" (Ein Garten im Winter)  
Zweig, Stefanie "Das Haus in der Rothschildallee"
Bacon, Francis "New Atlantis" (Nova Atlantis/Das neue Atlantis)
Neville, Henry "The Isle of Pines" (Die Insel der Fruchtbarkeit)
Cervantes, Miguel de "Don Quixote, vols. 1 and 2" (Spanish: El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha/Don Quijote von der Mancha)
Arana, Marie "American Chica: Two Worlds, One Childhood"
Golding, William "Lord of the Flies" (Herr der Fliegen) 
Pamuk, Orhan "Das Museum der Unschuld"“ (Masumiyet Müzesi/The Museum of Innocence)
MacLaverty, Bernard "Cal"
Aaronovitch, Ben "Rivers of London" (Die Flüsse von London) 
Giordano, Ralph "Deutschlandreise. Aufzeichnungen aus einer schwierigen Heimat" [not translated: Germany trip. Notes from a difficult homeland]
Navarre, Marguerite de "Heptameron" (Heptameron, French: Heptaméron)
Ghosh, Amitav "Sea of Poppies" (Ibis Trilogy #1, Das mohnrote Meer)
Mahfouz, Naguib "Children of the Gebelawi/Children of our Alley" (Die Kinder unseres Viertels; اولاد حارتنا)  
Fröhlich, Alexandra "Meine russische Schwiegermutter und andere Katastrophen" [not translated: My Russian Mother-In-Law and Other Catastrophies]
Geti, Monica "The Year of Sunshine"
Ghosh, Amitav "River of Smoke" (Ibis Trilogy #2, Der rauchblaue Fluss)
Abdolah, Kader (Hossein Sadjadi Ghaemmaghami Farahani) "My Father's Notebook" (Spijkerschrift/Die geheime Schrift: Die Notizen des Agha Akbar)
Ortheil, Hanns-Josef "Im Licht der Lagune" [not translated: In the Light of the Lagoon)]
Saramago, José "Cain" (Caim/Kain) 
Chevalier, Tracy "Falling Angels" (Wenn Engel fallen)
Urquhart, Jane "The Underpainter"
Rosendorfer, Herbert "Briefe in die chinesische Vergangenheit" (Letters Back to Ancient China)
Hosseini, Khaled "And the Mountains Echoed" (Traumsammler)
Marschner, Rosemarie "Das Mädchen am Klavier" [not translated: The Girl on the Piano]
Buck, Pearl S. "The Mother" (Die Mutter)
Grossman, David "To the End of the Land" (אשה בורחת מבשורה/Isha Nimletet Mi'Bshora/Eine Frau flieht vor einer Nachricht)
Bánk, Zsuzsa "Die hellen Tage" [The Light Days]
Oates, Joyce Carol "A Widow's Story. A Memoir" (Die Geschichte einer Witwe)
Kerouac, Jack "On the Road" (Unterwegs)
Rutherfurd, Edward "Paris" (Paris)
Sendker, Jan-Philipp "Das Flüstern der Schatten" (Whispering Shadows)
Cabré, Jaume "I confess" (Jo Confesso/Das Schweigen des Sammlers)
Bryson, Bill "Icons of England" [Englische Ikonen]
Steinbeck, John "The Pearl" (Die Perle)
Hislop, Victoria "The Thread" (Eine Geschichte von Liebe und Feuer)
Alexijewitsch, Swetlana (Alexievich, Svetlana) "Voices from Chernobyl: The Oral History of a Nuclear Disaster" (Чернобыльская молитва/Černobylskaja molitva/Tschernobyl: Eine Chronik der Zukunft)
Defoe, Daniel "Robinson Crusoe" (Robinson Crusoe)
Gillham, David R. "City of Women"
Aleichem, Sholem (שלום עליכם) "Tevye, the Dairyman" (Tevye der milkhiker, Yiddish: טבֿיה דער מילכיקער, Hebrew: טוביה החולב) Alejchem, Scholem "Tewje, der Milchmann"
Barbal i Farré, Maria "Ein Brief aus der Ferne" (Katal. Càmfora/Campher)
Moyes, Jojo "Me Before You" (Ein ganzes halbes Jahr)
Korschunow, Irina "Das Spiegelbild"  [The Mirror Image]
Clarke, Susanna "Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell" (Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell)
Palacio, R.J. "Wonder" (Wunder)
Jacobsen, Roy "The Burnt-Out Town of Miracles" (Hoggerne/Das Dorf der Wunder)
Cottrell Boyce, Frank "Millions" (Millionen)
Basti, Abel & van Helsing, Jan "Hitler überlebte in Argentinien" (Hitler in Argentina) [Hitler survived in Argentina]
Collins, Wilkie "Armadale" (Der rote Schal) 
Pamuk, Orhan "The Silent House" (Sessiz Ev/Das stille Haus) 
Guterson, David "Ed King" (dto.) 
Binet, Laurent "HHhH" (HHhH: Himmlers Hirn heißt Heydrich)" 
Biskupek, Matthias "Der Quotensachse. Vom unaufhaltsamen Aufstieg eines Staatsbürgers sächsischer Nationalität" [The Quota Saxon]
Johnson, Adam "The Orphan Master's Son" (Das geraubte Leben des Waisen Jun Do)
Gabaldon, Diana "Outlander" (UK: Cross Stich/Feuer und Stein, Highland Saga)
Bernières, Louis de "Birds without Wings" (Traum aus Stein und Federn) 
Dai, Sijie "Once on a Moonless Night" (Par une nuit où la lune ne s’est pas levée/Wie ein Wanderer in einer mondlosen Nacht)
Mann, Thomas "Der Zauberberg" (The Magic Mountain)
Allende, Isabel "Maya's Notebook" (El Cuaderno de Maya/Mayas Tagebuch)
Keneally, Thomas "Schindler's Ark" (Schindlers Liste)
Broerken, Hella "Paris-Spaziergänge: Die schönsten Streifzüge durch die französische Metropole" [Walks through Paris]
Hessel, Stéphane "Indignez-vous!" (Time for Outrage!/Empört Euch!)
Regener, Sven "Herr Lehmann" (Berlin Blues)
Fforde, Jasper "Lost in a Good Book" (Thursday Next 2) (In einem anderen Buch)
Berg-Ehlers, Luise "Mit Miss Marple aufs Land: Englische Krimischriftstellerinnen zwischen Tearoom und Tatort" [Visiting the Countryside with Miss Marple]
Modick, Klaus "Die Schatten der Ideen" [The Shadows of the Ideas]
Anderson, Leith "Jesus. An intimate portrait of the man, his land, and his people"
Sterne, Laurence "The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman" (Leben und Ansichten von Tristram Shandy, Gentleman)
Pool, Daniel "What Jane Austen Ate and Charles Dickens Knew: From Fox Hunting to Whist - the Facts of Daily Life in Nineteenth-Century England" (Was Jane Austen aß und Charles Dickens wusste)
Garfield, Simon "On the Map. Why the World Looks the Way it Does" (aka: "On the Map: A Mind-Expanding Exploration of the Way the World Looks") (Auf der Landkarte)
Roth, Philip "The Ghost Writer" (Der Ghostwriter)
Ruiz Zafón, Carlos "The Prisoner of Heaven" (El Prisionero del Cielo/Der Gefangene des Himmels)
May, Karl "Through the Desert" (German: Durch die Wüste aka Durch Wüste und Harem) - 1892
George, Margaret "Elizabeth I" - 2011
Roth, Philip "Zuckerman Unbound" (Zuckermans Befreiung) - 1981
Austen, Jane "Pride & Prejudice" (Stolz & Vorurteil) - 1813
Grjasnowa, Olga "Der Russe ist einer, der Birken liebt" (All Russians Love Birch Trees) - 2012
Münk, Katharina "Die Eisläuferin" [The Ice Skater] - 2011
Scott, Mary "Breakfast at Six" (Frühstück um Sechs. Ich und Paul und Tausend Schafe) - 1953
Woodhouse, C.M. "Modern Greece. A Short History" - 2000
Borrmann, Mechtild "Der Geiger" - 2012
Mathis, Ayana "The Twelve Tribes of Hattie" (Zwölf Leben) - 2013
Austen, Jane "Mansfield Park" (Mansfield Park) - 1814
Pamuk, Orhan "Die weiße Festung" (The White Castle/Beyaz Kale) - 1985
Mankell, Henning "Die rote Antilope" (Vindens son - Daniel) - 2000
Collins, Suzanne "The Hunger Games" (Die Tribute von Panem: Tödliche Spiele) - 2008
Eggers, Dave "The Circle" - 2013
Joyce, James "Ulysses" (dto.) - 1922
Scott, Mary "Dinner Doesn’t Matter" (Mittagessen Nebensache) - 1975
Frisch, Max "Homo Faber" (Homo Faber) - 1957
Bryson, Bill "Shakespeare: The World as a Stage" (Shakespeare - wie ich ihn sehe) - 2007
Fo, Dario "My first seven years (plus a few more)" (Il Paese dei Mezaràt: I miei primi sette anni (e qualcuno in più) - 2004

At the end of this reading "year" I have saved €202 which will be spent on something nice, probably something to do with books.

I have also decided to take part in the challenge again next year and here is the link for 2014.

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