
Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Top Ten Tuesday - Top Ten Most Anticipated Releases for the Second Half of 2020

"Top Ten Tuesday" is an original feature/weekly meme created on the blog "The Broke and the Bookish". This feature was created because they are particularly fond of lists at "The Broke and the Bookish".

It is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

Since I am just as fond of them as they are, I jump at the chance to share my lists with them! Have a look at their page, there are lots of other bloggers who share their lists here.

Most Anticipated Releases for the Second Half of 2020

I'm not necessarily waiting for a certain next book unless it's a sequel. That's especially difficult with German ones since here books first get published in hardback and only years later (at least it seems like it) in paperback.

Anyway, I have checked out recommendations on Goodreads and also looked out for new books by some of my favourite living authors and come up with the following list. Some of the books might not appear this next half of the year but they are about to be published.
Abulhawa, Susan "Against the Loveless World"

Follett, Ken "The Evening and the Morning" (prequel to "The Pillars of the Earth")

Hansen, Dörte "Mittagsstunde" [Lunchtime]
Lawson, Mary "Before the Snow". I think this was published as "A Town Called Solace"

Oates, Joyce Carol "Night. Sleep. Death. The Stars."

Osman, Richard "The Thursday Murder Club"

These are some of the books that will appear soon. There are lots of authors where I would love to read a new book … if only they would write one.


  1. FYI, the link to your post on Jana's site is broken.

    China does sound like a good read.

    My TTT .

    1. Thank you so much, Lydia, I just noticed and fixed it. But so grateful for your heads up.
      I love Edward Rutherfurd (as you can see, he has his own link on my page 😉) and can't wait to read his next book.

      Thanks for your visit and thanks for your link, I'm going to go there now.

  2. Good list--I may read the Alison Weir!

    Lisa @

    1. Have you read those about the other queens? It's a great series. You will find all my reviews if you click on her name.

      Thanks for your visit and for leaving your link. Will go and see your list now.

  3. I am interested in Joyce Carol Oates novel, Night. Sleep. Death. The Stars.", but I hear it's 800 pages!!

    1. Honestly, I didn't check how long the books are. I love long books. I always say, the longer, the better. But I cansee how a lot of people would not like to tackle it. She is a great author, though, so I'm sure you won't be disappointed.

  4. I like the sound of the Six Tudor Queens series. Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. This will be number five, so, of course, I'll have to read it.

      Thanks for the link. I'll go and visit you now.

  5. Some intriguing covers on these books. I hope that you enjoy these books if you ever read them!
    Here's my TTT list.

    1. I'm sure I will read most of them as soon as they're out. They are all favourite authors of mine, except for Richard Osman. This is his first book but I know him from British TV and he is a great guy. I'm sure it's a pleasure to read his book.

      Thanks for your vist. Thanks for your link.

  6. I love all these covers! I hope the insides are just as good!

    1. I'd be surprised if they weren't. Some great authors. I've enjoyed all of their books so far, well, except for Richard Osman but he's a great guy.

      Thank you for visiting.

  7. ooh, some great authors! Weir, Rutherfurd, Pamuk, Follett, Oates.
    I didn't realize this was actually the prequel to the Pillars of the Earth! And I just saw The Thursday Murder Club on another list.

    1. Some of my all time favourite authors.

      I didn't know there would be a prequel to the "Pillars of the Earth", either, only found that out when I checked whether some of my favourite authors had written a new book.

      Should be a great read.

      Thanks for your visit.

  8. I have the new JCO book, will start it soon. Also interested in China by Rutherfurd.

    1. Funny you should say that about JCO. I just checked and it's over €30 here. I'll wait a little. ;) But I will read it, that's for sure.

      Rutherfurd is always great. I still have two on my TBR pile that I will hopefully be able to tackle soon but I'll get the China one as soon as it's out.

      Can't wait for the new one by Mary Lawson to come out. It's been ages since she wrote her last one.

  9. Your last statement would make a really good TTT topic on it's own!

    1. I think we've had one like that but it's been a while. Still, I'll bear it in mind for one of those "free" weeks.

      Thanks for your visit.
