
Tuesday, 14 July 2020

Top Ten Tuesday ~ Top Ten Books That Make Me Smile

"Top Ten Tuesday" is an original feature/weekly meme created on the blog "The Broke and the Bookish". This feature was created because they are particularly fond of lists at "The Broke and the Bookish".

It is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

Since I am just as fond of them as they are, I jump at the chance to share my lists with them! Have a look at their page, there are lots of other bloggers who share their lists here.

Books That Make Me Smile
Those would mainly be the funny ones and I'm afraid this is a repetition of many of my other TTTs because they contain some of my favourite authors.

Anything by:

Bill Bryson

Nora Ephron

René Goscinny and/or Albert Uderzo

Elke Heidenreich, German author, unfortunately, none of her writings have been transtated into English

Wladimir Kaminer

Hape Kerkeling

Ephraim Kishon

Alexander McCall Smith

Mary Scott

Bernd Stelter, German comedina and author, unfortunately, none of his works have been transtated into English (on Wikipdia and his website)

P.G. Wodehouse

Really, anything containing humour, but not the slapstick kind.


  1. Some good writers here,

    1. Thanks, P.M., I love all of them.

      Thanks also for leaving your link, I'll hop over to your page now.

  2. Bill Bryson is such a funny writer! Thanks for stopping by my post earlier.

    1. But of course. And you're right, Bill Bryson always makes me smile.

  3. No 1 Ladies Detective Agency always makes me smile!

    1. Same here. But Alexander McCall Smith has also written some good stories. Always the same reliable stuff.

  4. It's nice to see René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo on your list this week! ^_^

    Here's my TTT list.

    1. Definitely. I've read all the Astérix books. And several of their other comics. Great authors.

      Thanks for leaving your list. Will visit you soon.

  5. Replies
    1. I haven't met anyone, yet, who didn't appreciate his humour.

      Thanks for your link. Will see what's on your list this week.

  6. Hallo, Marianne;

    Ich auch habe Bryson gern!

    (I don't know if I'm remembering my college German correctly or if it's all verloren...)

    1. It's fine. I understood what you said and that's the main thing.

      If you'd like to freshen up, you are welcome to communicate with me in Deutsch.

      But there's also a great website where you can practise foreign languages for free:
      Duolingo. I can highly recommend it.

      But to get back to the topic in question. Yes, Bryson is just great!!!

  7. I´ve read one or two of Nora Ephron´s novels and Alexander McCall Smith´s first. and Wodehouse of course. thank you for stopping by my post earlier!

    1. I just love Nora Ephron, she's also written the stories for some great films, one of my favourite, in fact. "When Harry Met Sally".

      And thanks for coming back here, always lovely to talk to you. Hope you're doing alright.
