
Tuesday, 17 November 2020

Top Ten Tuesday ~ Top Ten Books With Animals

"Top Ten Tuesday" is an original feature/weekly meme created on the blog "The Broke and the Bookish". This feature was created because they are particularly fond of lists at "The Broke and the Bookish".

It is now hosted by Jana from That Artsy Reader Girl.

Since I am just as fond of them as they are, I jump at the chance to share my lists with them! Have a look at their page, there are lots of other bloggers who share their lists here.
This week's topic is: Top Ten Characters I’d Name a Pet After 
(These could be your own pets (present or future), you could pick 10 different animals and tell us the name and animal type, or you could choose 10 names that would make fun cat names, etc. Put your own spin on this one!)

I'm not an animal type of person. I've never had a pet and I wouldn't want one, either. So I thought I'd take a little twist on the topic today.

Books With Animals
I must admit, there are more than ten books here but at least I kept myself to ten animals, excluding my favourites, elephants. (I have read "Water for Elephants" by Sara Gruen but I didn't care for it much, therefore it won't feature below.) Therefore, here's a picture of one: 
Paull, Laline "The Bees" - 2014

Kingsolver, Barbara "Flight Behaviour" - 2012

Murakami, Haruki "Kafka on the Shore" (Japanese: 海辺のカフカ Umibe no Kafuka) - 2004
Solstad, Lexidh "Catpasity" - 2015

Haddon, Mark "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time" - 2003
Scott, Mary - all books
Wroblewski, David "The Story of Edgar Sawtelle" - 2008

Noa Bercovitch, Pascale "The Dolphin’s Boy: A Story of Courage and Friendship" (French: Oline, le dauphin du miracle) - 2000
O’Dell, Scott "Island of the Blue Dolphins" - 1960

Frazier, Charles "Thirteen Moons" - 2006
Scott, Mary - all books
Stewart, Sheila "Ramlin Rose" - 1993

Orwell, George "Animal Farm" - 1945

Adams, Richard "Watership Down" - 1972
Potter, Beatrix "The Tale of Peter Rabbit" - 1902

Scott, Mary - all books

Bach, Richard "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" - 1970

These are all great books, by the way. Don't ask me to pick a favourite.

What books have you read where animals are a very important part? And what is your favourite pet?


  1. I love reading books about rabbits.

    My post.

    1. That's lovely. Of course, Watership Down is not a happy book about rabbits but I guess you know that already. Still, definitely worht a read.

      Thanks for your visit and for leaving your link. Will see you on your page.

  2. The minute I saw the title of this post I thought of The Story of Edgar Sawtelle! Best novel I ever read about dogs. And I don't even particularly like dogs.

    1. That is so true. I definitely had to include it in the list. And there's another thing we have in common, I'm not particularly fond of dogs though I have met some that were absolutely lovely.

      Thanks for your comment.

  3. Love your take on the topic this week! As a kid, I was obsessed with books about dolphins :)

    1. So, did you write any of the books I mentioned? If you love dolphins so much, they are both worth a read.

  4. This was cool! It was fun to see all the different animals used.

    1. Thanks, Deanna. Well, as I mentioned above, the topic pet names didn't inspire me at all. But we have all read books where animals play a central role.

      Thanks for stepping by.

  5. I didn't want to do the "characters I'd name a pet after" either. I love this idea. Now I want to go through the books I've read and see what animals I can find. I love lists.

    1. I had to chuckle. I think most people who reply to the TTT lists love lists and post them themselves. I always love to compare them and find new reads through them. You can still post the topic any time, so I'm looking forward to your list.

      Thanks for your visit.

  6. Seeing Beatrix Potter's "The Tale of Peter Rabbit" on the list brings back memories. I loved the books and the television series, "The World of Peter Rabbit and Friends."

    1. That's what I like about TTT, not only does it give me new ideas about great books but it is always a reminder of lovely books I read. Beatrix Potter drew the loveliest pictures of animals. My favourite "movie" by her is "The Tailor of Gloucester". Also a lovely Christmas movie for children.

      Thanks for your visit. Have a good Christmas.

  7. I am not a huge pet person either.

    1. And still, we found at least ten books with pets in it. Thanks, Cindy.

  8. I've only read a few of those, myself, but you made a great list!

    1. Thanks, Gypsi. I'd probably add more pictures nowadays but I'm glad you liked the list.
