
Tuesday, 22 February 2022

Top Ten Tuesday ~ Dynamic Duos


"Top Ten Tuesday" is an original feature/weekly meme created on the blog "The Broke and the Bookish". This feature was created because they are particularly fond of lists at "The Broke and the Bookish". It is now hosted by Jana from That Artsy Reader Girl.

Since I am just as fond of them as they are, I jump at the chance to share my lists with them! Have a look at their page, there are lots of other bloggers who share their lists here.

This week, our topic is Dynamic Duos

I have been wondering what to do with this subject. Dynamic Duos? Couldn't even begin to have an idea. Then I thought, alright, I just take ten books with couples on their title, or at least two names. I think some of them are quite dynamic.

Angelou, Maya"Mom & Me & Mom" - 2013
I mean, what could be more dynamic than a mother and a daughter together. Girl Power!

Booth, Cathleen "Mercy & Grace on the Camino de Santiago" - 2020
"Mercy & Grace" are my friend Cathleen's boots that took her all the way to Santiago on the famous Camino.

Busch, Wilhelm "Max and Moritz" (GE: Max und Moritz) - 1865
These two are probably the most dynamic of them all, two mischievous little boys that have excited German children for decades.

Carey, Peter "Oscar and Lucinda" - 1988
Going to Australia in the 19th century certainly can be called dynamic.

Grass, Günter "Cat and Mouse" (GE: Katz und Maus) - 1961
"Cat & Mouse", not thinking of this book but "Tom & Jerry", for example, also fits the description.

Hesse, Hermann "Narcissus and Goldmund" (GE: Narziss und Goldmund) - 1930
If you haven't read it, these two could fill more than just the one book.

Kristof, Nicholas D. & Wudunn, Sheryl "Half the Sky" - 2009
The couple writing this book certainly are very dynamic trying to change the world with their pens.

Oates, Joyce Carol "Big Mouth & Ugly Girl" - 2003
hese two youngsters stand up for someone, very dynamic.

Shalev, Zeruya "Husband and Wife" (Hebr: בעל ואישה) - 2000
lways dynamic, at least in the best cases.

Vargas Llosa, Mario "Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter" (E: La tía Julia y el escribidor) - 1977
A dynamic love.

I hope I have found the right interpretation of the topic and that you enjoy at least some of the reviews.

📚 Happy Reading! 📚


  1. I haven't heard of any of these but great take on today's prompt, Marianne! I haven't seen this take being done before :)

    1. Thanks, Dini. I was quite happy that this was a different topic from the usual and really liked choosing these books. There are some real gems among them, you might try one or the other. I think you would like Joyce Carol Oates.

  2. Funny we went the same route, with very different books!
    I have only read Hesse's, a looooong time ago. And I am curious with the last one
    My list is here:

    1. Thanks, Emma. I have found your post already and commented. I didn't see any comments on here first because I had another spammer on my "Charlotte's Web" post and all the others were hidden at first. 🙄

      True, similar ideas but we got completely different books, that's what I like.

  3. Interesting twist on today's topic! Have a great week!

    1. Thanks, Cindy, just commented on your post for the same reason I explained to Emma. I absolutely loved your palindrome idea!!!

  4. Great twist! I've seen tons of books with titles that fit this pattern. I don't know how many I've actually read, but I've definitely noticed this trend.

    Happy TTT!

    1. I think most of us were stumped at first about the topic, Susan, and then lots of us probably had the same idea. However, I have not seen a single double post, so we all have different ideas about what duos might be dynamic.

  5. Oooh, this is a great way to twist the prompt! I'm enjoying all the different ways everyone approached it this week.

    1. Thanks, Dedra. I had fun and it was even more interesting to see all the other takes on the prompt, that's the best of these challenges, seeing what others come up with. One of the main reasons why I'm still doing this.

  6. Great duos. My husband is a fan of Max and Moritz. Had never heard about it before he started talking about these two characters.

    1. I don't think they're very well known outside of Germany even though they have been translated. We once went to their birthplace (well, the birthplace of Wilhelem Busch) and you can visit and see the locations of the stories. Really nice.
