
Tuesday, 3 May 2022

Top Ten Tuesday ~ One-Word Reviews


"Top Ten Tuesday" is an original feature/weekly meme created on the blog "The Broke and the Bookish". This feature was created because they are particularly fond of lists at "The Broke and the Bookish". It is now hosted by Jana from That Artsy Reader Girl.

Since I am just as fond of them as they are, I jump at the chance to share my lists with them! Have a look at their page, there are lots of other bloggers who share their lists here.

This week, our topic is
One-Word Reviews for the Last Ten Books I Read

That's a tough one. I used to write articles for our local newspaper and the biggest problem was always that they were too long. And i guess the same goes for my blogpost. Still, I tried and I found some. Might not be the best one-word reviews anyone can think about but they are MY best one-word reviews. Some might encourage you to read the long version. 😉

Ilf, Ilya; Petrov, Yevgeny "The Twelve Chairs" (RUS: Двенадцать стульев/Dvenadtsat stulyev) - 1928 

Bythell, Shaun "Confessions of a Bookseller" - 2019

Shaw, Karl "Royal Babylon: The Alarming History of European Royalty" - 1999

Flanagan, Kitty "488 Rules for Life: The Thankless Art of Being Correct" - 2019

Robinson, Marilynne "Gilead" - 2004

Conrad, François "Why German Barks and French Purrs" (GE: Warum Deutsch bellt und Französisch schnurrt" - 2021

Eliot, George
"Silas Marner" - 1861

Sonneborn, Martin & seine politische Beraterin: Latour, Claudia "99 Ideas to Revive the Political Utopia. The Communist Manifesto" (GE: 99 Ideen zur Wiederbelebung der politischen Utopie. Das kommunistische Manifest" - 2021

Weiler, Jan "Nick's Hodgepodge" (GE: Nicks Sammelsurium) (Pubertiere #0,5) - 2016 

Boschwitz, Ulrich Alexander "The Passenger" aka "The Fugitive" (GE: Der Reisende") - 1939

This was tougher than writing the original reviews, believe you me! I admire anyone who can do this regularly, like some of my blogger friends.

And if you have read any of the books, it would be great to hear your one word description.

📚 Happy Reading! 📚


  1. To encapsulate a book review into a single word is *hard*. Well done! I often struggle to get my reviews down to a single 'page'.

    1. Thanks, Kitten. I see we understand each other. LOL

  2. I had the same reaction to Gilead. Did you also DNF it?

    1. I did finish it, Lydia, I somehow hoped it would pick up and something great would emerge because everyone was so enraptured. Thanks for your visit.

  3. Thank you for being honest. I now have added several of these to my ever growing list. Regine

    1. Thanks, Regine, I always try being honest. It doesn't help anyone if I say a book was great if I didn't enjoy it, right? And if I know someone likes the same kind of books as I do (or dislikes them), it helps choosing new ones. Not that we ever have that problem here in the book community, right?

  4. As someone who's very wordy, I also struggled a bit with this week's prompt but I still found the challenge fun! 😃 Great one-word reviews!

    1. I think we all had the same problem there, Dini. Even Susan, who first had that idea. LOL. You managed quite well, though.

  5. Someday I should read Silas Mariner!

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. Thanks, Poinsettia. It was on my TBR pile and since it is a classic, it turned up on my classic challenge and some others mentioned that it was their favourite George Eliot novel. So, I just had to read it even though it wasn't the number chosen (which I read, as well). If you like British classics from the 19th century, I can highly recommend anything by her.

  6. Like you, I've always been a wordy writer. When my classmates complained about having to write a five-page paper, I'd always be thinking, "Is that really going to be enough space for me to write EVERYTHING I want to say?" LOL. After a family member told me some years ago that she didn't read my reviews because they gave too much away, I've been really trying to trim them down and not reveal too much. It's tough!

    Happy TTT!

    1. Definitely, Susan. I have always had that same problems, I always wrote too much, still do today. My eldest son could always write just the right amount of words required, that was always so, so hard for me.

  7. Revealing and irksome! What great adjectives. Love all the words you chose to describe these books. :)

    1. As you can see, Lark, I can even "approve" those older comments that got lost.

  8. Wonderful word choices! I especially liked tedious, irksome, and priceless.

    1. Thanks, Cindy. It took me a while to get them together, but the "irksome" one sprang to mind right away. LOL

  9. I am always impressed by the one or a few more words from reviewers that end up on the cover page of a book. I find it extremely difficult to find one word, or even three to describe a book. I think you did an excellent job here. I can easily sort out the books I would like to read. Well done! And that is what it is all about, n'est pas?

  10. Definitely, Lisbeth. I found this challenge especially hard. I never was one for cutting it short, as you certainly know in the meantime. But I hope I gave some good advice.

  11. I'll say it chose some great adjectives to describe these books. My favorite has to be irksome. :)

    1. Thanks, Lark. And I have know idea why your remarks keep disappearing here. At least they let me know that you said something.

      And thanks for the praise. That book really was irksome, there is no other way to describe it. LOL

  12. Sometimes one word reviews are fun and just perfect! Like "tedious" for example tells me all I need to know! LOL

    1. Thanks, Carol. And that was all I really wanted to say about that book. LOL
