
Tuesday, 13 August 2024

Top Ten Tuesday ~ Planes, Trains & Automobiles


"Top Ten Tuesday" is an original feature/weekly meme created on the blog "The Broke and the Bookish". It was created because they are particularly fond of lists. It is now hosted by Jana from That Artsy Reader Girl.

Since I am just as fond of them as they are, I jump at the chance to share my lists with them! Have a look at their page, there are lots of other bloggers who share their lists here.

This week's topic is: 
Planes, Trains & Automobiles/Books Featuring Travel (books whose plots involve travel or feature modes of transportation on the cover/title)

I have done travel before (look here and here) and I cannot promise that I haven't used some of my books before. However, I love travelling, especially by book, so I tried to find some different kinds of travel modes. Trains, Planes, on foot, automobiles (intact and broken ones), buses, camel and tractor. There are lots more but I couldn't find any on my books.

Andersson, Per J. "From the Swede who took the train and saw the world with different eyes" (aka Take the train: on the track through history, present and future) (SW: Ta tåget: på spåret genom historien, samtiden och framtiden) - 2019

Awdry, Rev. Wilbert "Thomas the Tank Engine- 1956-2011

Bryson, Bill "Bill Bryson's African Diary. A Short Trip for a Worthy Cause" - 2000

Kaminer, Wladimir "Travel to Trulala" (GE: Die Reise nach Trulala) - 2002

Tannous, Samer; Hachmöller, Gerd "When a Syrian comes to Rotenburg (Wümme): Trying to understand my new German homeland(GE: Kommt ein Syrer nach Rotenburg (Wümme): Versuche, meine neue deutsche Heimat zu verstehen) - 2020

Pamuk, Orhan "Istanbul" (TK: İstanbul - Hatıralar ve Şehir) - 2003

Tekin, Latife "Swords of Ice" (TR: Buzdan Kiliçlar) - 1989

Schnoy, Sebastian "A Little Peace: A Cheerful History of Europe in Three Revolutions and a Flash of Inspiration" (GE: Das bisschen Frieden: Eine heitere Geschichte Europas in drei Revolutionen und einem Geistesblitz) - 2019

Wood, Levison "Eastern Horizons. Hitchhiking the Silk Road" - 2017

Lewycka, Marina "Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian" - 2005 

📚 Happy Reading! 📚


  1. It's difficult for me to see wonderful books that are not available in English. Still, maybe one day?!

    1. Well, Deb, I try to only present those that have been translated into English but sometimes, there are some that I need to show anyway because they fit the topic so well.
      But there are also other bloggers who can read German. So, I hope two non-English books out of ten isn't that much.

  2. I don’t enjoy travelling in real life due to how it can affect some of my health problems, but I do like traveling by reading about other places! :)

    1. I always loved travelling, Lydia. But lately, I find it harder and harder, so I totally get it. At least we have the chance to travel by reading. Thanks for visiting.

  3. Thank you for sharing some interesting sounding books.
    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

    1. Thanks, Pam. I am glad you found something interesting here.

  4. Great list!
    I missed this TTT, but then I looked, and it would have been hard to come up to 10. My reading are definitely more nature oriented.

    1. Thanks, Emma. I think I have a very diverse reading. And I'm not the biggest nature fan, so for me, since I love reading about travels, this was an easy one, for once. LOL

  5. I was not expecting a tractor!

    1. Haha, Stephen. I just had to use that book for this topic. It is an unusual way of travelling, though not in the area I live in. Many farmers, many tractors.

  6. I had a surprisingly difficult time coming up with books for this one. My mind was drawing blanks so I did a mix of transport and journeys 😂

    1. That's also a great idea, Dini. I'm looking forward to visiting your post.

  7. My kids loved Thomas the tank engine when they were younger! Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

    1. So did mine, Poinsettia. I just had to include them. Thanks for yoru link.

  8. I love traveling by book too! Someday I hope to have the money to travel in real life. :)

    1. I wish you all the best there, Aj. It always depends where you live. In Europe, you don't need to travel far to get to a foreign country and therefore, it is not as expensive. But in the States, ti takes you a lot longer to get abroad. Though you also have some great sites, I am told. ;)

  9. Oh the camel and the tractor are so unique! Great list.

    1. Thanks, Cindy. I wanted to use all different modes of transport but didn't find enough different ones. I'm missing a bike, I am sure I must have read a book with a bike on the cover but I couldn't find one. Ugh!

  10. I enjoy traveling in real life, but it's hard to beat traveling by book! No crowds to deal with, no uncomfortable airplane seats, no inclement weather, no expensive tickets, etc. It's the best :)

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

    1. Exactly, Susan. And these are all things that get worse as you get older. So, travelling by book it is for me. Mainly.

  11. Interesting theme. I have the Per Andersson's book on my list. I will definitely go by train more often in the future. It is always nice to follow other travellers' accounts, even if you can't go there yourself.

    1. That's great, Lisbeth. I hope you will like it. It certainly is interesting, especially for travellers.

  12. Great list! I completely forgot until I saw your tractor cover that Alexander McCall Smith wrote a a book that features a character traveling by bulldozer! ~Carol @ ReadingLadies 😂

    1. Ah, thanks, Carol. I couldn't remember having seen a book with a bulldozer on and checked my editions but none of them had it. I first thought, maybe it's a different edition. But then I googled and found he had written a new series (Paul Stuart) and the first book there was: My Italian Bulldozer. I had never heard of that, so, thanks for pointing it out.
