
Saturday, 18 July 2015

Liebster Award

Quite a while ago, one of the bloggers who follows my blog nominated me for the Liebster Award. I felt very honoured but was also quite sick at the time, so never followed it up. But I do want to thank Lois from You, Me and a Cup of Tea for being so nice to like my blog and including it in her list of favourites. Thank you so much

There are only a few rules to this and I hope all of you will like the idea of being nominated and keep the ball rolling.
1.    Thank the AMAZING blogger that nominated you.
2.    Answer the 11 questions the nominator provided.
3.    Nominate 11 other bloggers who have less than 200 followers.
4.    Post 11 different question for your nominees to answer.
5.    Contact your nominee to let them know that you've nominated them.

As you see, every nominee has to answer eleven questions. These were the ones chosen by Lois including my answers.
1.    Who's your favourite author?
Jane Austen, definitely Jane Austen
2.    What is your favourite book?
"The Children's War" and "A Change of Regime" by J.N. Stroyar
3.    Why did you starting blogging?
I had been running an international book club for over a decade but had to give it up for health reasons. Some of my friends suggested I start a blog. I've been enjoying it ever since.
4.    What is your favourite TV show?
That is really, really easy.
But I also love The West Wing. A lot.
5.    What is your favourite movie?
That's a tougher one. I love a variety of movies. My favourite "feel good/funny" movie would be "When Harry Met Sally".
There are far too many others to even start attempting a list.
6.    What is your current school status?
This probably shows my age. I left school a long long time ago but my school status would be equivalent to American High School.
7.    Peanut butter or nutella?
I do love Nutella but since I'm lactose intolerant and can only go for the fake stuff, I'd have to say Peanut Butter.
8.    If you could go on your dream vacation and money was no object where would you go?
Easy. Down Under.
9.    If you could read a book for the first time again what would it be and why?
Another tough one, I'd love to reread all of Jane Austen and many many others but I think I'd still go for my favourite book, see above:
"The Children's War" and "A Change of Regime" by J.N. Stroyar.
10.    What is your favourite book to movie adaptation?
"Chocolat" by Joanne Harris
I didn't care for the book much but loved the movie.
11.    Do you like tea?
I like tea but I looooove coffee.

And these are the blogs (in alphabetical order) I chose to give the Liebster Award to:
1.    A Room of My Own 
Swedish blogger who loves to read similar books to mine.
2.    Brainless Blogger 
A fellow migraine sufferer who writes a lot about the latest findings.
"Migraine is not a headache. It is quite inconceivable to me how someone can take advil and asprin to get rid of a migraine, as it never did the trick for me, not even for mild migraines or persistent tension headaches."
3.    Brona's Books 
Australian Book Lover
4.    Captivated Reader 
"My blog is about the books I'm reading, the independent bookstores I visit, the author and book events I attend, and any bookish related things I come across in the months and years to come!"
5.    Choose and Book 
"It is hard to imagine a life without books. Like all booklovers, I have a huge pile of books waiting to be read and at the same time, I am looking for space to store away all the books I have read. Old and new, I will read them all as long as they interest me. I do not touch science-fiction and am especially partial to new writers and book series. I aim to make my blog fun, informative and brief. Do feel free to share your thoughts with me and stop by as much as you can - my virtual bookshop is always open!"
6.    Eclectictales 
"My name is Lianne and I am a 20-something-year-old blogger from the North (otherwise known as Canada). I studied Soviet-Russian history for a long time but am now studying to be a nurse. In the meantime, I continue to write on the side. Regular readers/visitors of my blog and fellow bloggers may know me to have many interests (European) football, British television, and travelling to name a few)"
7.    I prefer reading 
"I'm an avid reader who loves middlebrow fiction, 19th century novels, WWI & WWII literature, Golden Age mysteries & history. Other interests include listening to classical music, drinking tea, baking cakes, planning my rose garden & enjoying the antics of my cats, Lucky & Phoebe."
8.    MacQue 
"I live with my husband Mac in coastal Georgia, near Savannah. We are retired and spend our time doing all and none of the things we always meant to do. Janet"
9.    Reading in the Garden 
"I am one of three daughters born to German immigrants, and was honored to be the first American born in our family. My parents ping-ponged back and forth across the ocean before permanently settling in fabulous Las Vegas when I was in the first grade.
... I have several passions, reading being right up there on the list. My love of reading stems from my mother and father. I enjoy reading all types of books including fiction (Pomegranate Soup, A Guide to the Birds of East Africa), memoirs (The Glass Castle, Falling Leaves), classics (Frankenstein, Jane Eyre), modern classics (Rebecca, Murder on the Orient Express) and humor (Me Talk Pretty One Day, My Uncle Oswald).  It’s rare that I will truly dislike a book, but it happens on occasion (Moby-Dick).
10.    Rose City Reader 
"Prize winners, Must Reads, Big Reads, Top 100s -- if it's on a list, I'm tempted to put it on my TBR list. If I really like an author, I'll add the bibliography to my list of lists. And once I read a book, I add it to my Books I've Read list. Arguably, I burn up valuable reading time playing with my lists. I know this.
When not reading, I practice law at the Dumas Law Group
11.    Sunderwarp 
"Freelance journalist, ghost writer, editor. A Facebook addiction, and now blogging, allows me to avoid more productive forms of writing."

My eleven questions are:
1.    Who, what, and/or where does your blogging inspiration come from?
2.    What do you like about blogging?

3.    What was the most meaningful book you ever read? 4.    Who is your favourite author?
5.    What is your favourite quote?
6.    What is your favourite time of year?
7.    If you had to teach a subject at school, what subjects do you think you would be most equipped to teach?
8.    What is the best thing about you?
9.    If you could only wear one colour for the rest of your life what would it be?
10.    What was the last movie you watched, was it a good one?
11.    What did you want to be when you were a child?

If, like me, you have never heard of this award before, you might start googling for the "original" page. If you find it, please, let me know.

However, I did find a brilliant link to the original idea with some different kind of questions, if you would like to choose different ones from mine.
The Liebster Award – General Info and Rules 

I love the idea of recognizing other bloggers, we all know how much time it involves and how much you do reveal of yourself. I also love the idea, that the origin of this award is German, that I received it via an American blogger and pass it on to several bloggers around the world myself.

So, I wish you all happy blogging.


  1. Thank you for the award Marianne.
    I enjoyed your answers, will have to think about mine.

    1. You are very welcome, Janet. Please, no need to rush. It took me about a year but I really enjoyed doing it.

      Happy reading,

  2. Thanks so much for the nomination, Marianne! It sure brightened my spirits when I really needed it. Last week while my "Zorro" review was already scheduled to come out, I was in the process of planning my mom's unexpected funeral services. Very rough time. I will miss her greatly. As you already know, I got my love of reading from her. I plan on answering your 11 questions soon. But again, vielen Dank!! Annette

    1. Oh, Annette, I am so sorry to hear about your mum's death. My sincere condolences to you and your family. It's always hard but when it comes unexpectedly, well, the same thing happened to us last year with our father. It is really tough, you are in my thoughts and in my prayers.

      I just said to Janet, no need to rush. I have enjoyed doing this but it took me almost a year. So, I am glad it came at the right time for you.

      Take care,

  3. Awesome answers! :) Thanks for joining in.

    1. You are welcome, Lois. Thank YOU for nominating me, I had a lot of fun answering the questions and looking for other small blogs that I could nominate. Not that I had to search long, on the contrary, I could have nominated more but I just received another nomination and will get to those blogs that are a little larger soon.

      Happy Sunday,

  4. Thank you! I'll answer for real when I have real time. đŸ˜€

    1. You are welcome. and no rush or pressure at all. It took me about a year to get my act together, just wanted to appreciate all thenice blogs I like.

      Have a good week,

  5. Thank you for nominating me, Marianne! I´m really honoured and I´m thinking about my answers. But I think question 2 and 3 are the same?

    1. Thank you so much, you are the first one to realize that. LOL.

      I have changed the list to what I had intended to do. I changed the order and then somehow deleted one but it's back up now.

      Don't rush with doing this, it took me a whole year, I just wanted to appreciate your blog.

      Happy Reading and Blogging,

  6. Hi Marianne. I finally posted my Liebster Award. Thanks again! Annette

    1. I am glad you did, it was such a lovely follow-up. I am very sorry about the passing of your mother. Many hugs,

    2. Oh, I did answer and write more on your blog.
