
Monday, 11 January 2016

Statistics 2015

My statistics for the last years are here:
Going back to 2009, 2013, 2014 

And these are the results of my reading lists for 2015:

* Statistics 2015 *

I read books that contributed to the following online challenges:
Reading Challenge 2015
I read books belonging to 47 out of 50 different categories.
Reading Challenge - Chunky Books 2015
My result were 24 chunky books (more than 450 pages) including 7 super chunky ones (more than 750 pages).
The "Piggybank" Challenge 2015
The 91 books I read this year resulted in €182 to spend on something nice.
100 Books by the BBC
This is an old challenge, I added one more book to the list.
A Century of Books
This is also an old challenge, I added one more book to the list.
Best European Literature
Another old challenge, I added four more books to the list.
The 100 Greatest Fiction Books as Chosen by The Guardian
This is an old challenge, I added one more book to the list.
Le Monde - The 100 Books of the Century
Here is another old challenge, I added one more book to the list.
Modern Library 100 Best Novels of the 20th Century
This is an old challenge, I added one more book to the list.
The Motherhood + Jane Austen Book Club
And another old challenge, I added one more book to the list.
Nobel Prize Winners and Their Books
This is another list to which I could add five more books.
Oprah’s Book Club
So many old challenges, here is another one to which I added one more book.
Oscar Winning Books
This is an old challenge, I added four more books to the list.
Peace Prize of the German Book Trade (German: Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels)
An ongoing list to which I added two more books.
Smiley, Jane "13 Ways of Looking at the Novel" 
This is an old challenge, I added two more books to the list.
What's in a Name 2014 Reading Challenge
I read 18 eponymous novels this year.

Books Read: 91
Pages read: 38,899 (107 pages per day)

Books dating from which year:
Pre 1800s: 2
1800s: 7
1900-1949: 2
1950-1999: 21
2000s: 58 (11 of which from 2015)

Male Authors: 47
Female Authors: 44

Nobel Prize Winners: 6

Fiction: 72
Non-Fiction: 21

Chunky Books - more than 450 pages: 24, more than 750: 7
Oldest Book:
Virgil "The Aeneid" (Aeneas gr.) - 29-19 BC
Newest Books:
Doron, Lizzie "Who the fuck is Kafka" - 2015
Ghosh, Amitav "Flood of Fire" (Ibis Trilogy #3) - 2015
Krone-Schmalz, Gabriele "Russland verstehen" [Understanding Russia] - 2015
Oates, Joyce Carol "The Sacrifice" - 2015
Roth, Charlotte "Als der Himmel uns gehörte" [When Heaven Belonged to Us] - 2015
Longest book: 1,480 pages
Hugo, Victor "Les Misérables"
Shortest book: 158 pages
Dugain, Marc "La Chambre des officiers" (The Officer's Ward) 
Longest book title: La grammaire est une chanson douce
Orsenna, Erik "La grammaire est une chanson douce" (Grammar Is a Sweet, Gentle Song) 
Shortest Book Title: Hamlet
Shakespeare, William "Hamlet"
Funniest Books:
Bryson, Bill "Notes from a Small Island"  
Scott, Mary "Pippa in Paradise
Saddest Books:
Coory, Kasey "Pious Evil. Condemn not my Children"
Doerr, Anthony "All the Light We Cannot See
Hugo, Victor "Les Misérables"
Modiano, Patrick "La Place de l'Étoile" - 1968
Weirdest Book:
Shteyngart, Gary "Absurdistan"
New authors (for me) that I would like to read more from:
Francisco Azevedo, Anthony Doerr, Lizzie Doron, Jhumpa Lahiri, Laila Lalami, Hilary Mantel, Haruki Murakami, Anat Talshir 

Translated Books: 7
2 from Hebrew, 1 each from Greek, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Romanian
Books read in another language:
16 German, 7 French, 2 Dutch

Numbers in Book Titles: One, Thirteen, Two,
Place Names in Book Titles: Absurdistan, Africa, Europe, Ireland, Little Dribbling, Neue Vahr, Norway, Paradise, Place de l'Étoile, Rio, Russia, Santiago, Villette
Names in Book Titles: Asterix, Buddenbrooks, Dorian Gray, Esther, Florette, Freddie, Hamlet, Jane Austen, Jean, Kafka, Kurt Tucholsky, Malala, Mary Gerold, Max Havelaar, McCarthy, Pippa, Shantaram
Colours in Book Titles: Blue, White

My Favourite Books: 12 (one for each month)
Bryson, Bill "The Road to Little Dribbling: more Notes from a Small Island" - 2015
Doerr, Anthony "All the Light We Cannot See" - 2014
Follett, Ken "Fall of Giants", "Winter of the World",  "Edge of Eternity" - 2010/12/14
Gaskell, Elizabeth "North and South" - 1854/55
Hislop, Victoria "The Sunrise" - 2014
Lahiri, Jhumpa "The Namesake" - 2003
Lawson, Mary "Road Ends" - 2013
Schami, Rafik "Eine Hand voller Sterne" (A Hand Full of Stars) - 1987
Sendker, Jan-Philipp "Drachenspiele" (Dragon Games aka The Language of Solitude) (Dragon Games #2) - 2009
Smiley, Jane "Some Luck (Last Hundred Years: A Family Saga #1)" - 2014
Talshir, Anat "If I forget Thee" (Im Eshkahekh) - 2010
Yousafzai, Malala; Lamb, Christina "I am Malala" - 2013

With my books, I visited places/countries:
Africa (2):
Kenya, Morocco
Asia (8):
Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Pakistan, Syria
Europe (19):
Austria, Czechia, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine, The United Kingdom
North America (5):
Canada, Caribbean, Cuba, Mexico, USA
South America (1):
Australia/Oceania (2):
Australia, New Zealand
Others: (1)
Countries "visited" in total: 38

You may find some even greater statistics by better bloggers than me at "Stuck in a Book" and "Ready When You are, C.B."


  1. You read such amazing books. You challenge me to read better literature.
    From your list I've only read The Namesake, love her writing. I'm working my way through The God of Small Things by another Indian author.

    1. Thank you so much, Janet. People have told me before that I am inspiration, that I encourage them to read more and better literature and it's always wonderful to hear it again. Thanks a lot, means a lot.
      I have read The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy but even though I usually love books about India, this was not one of my favourites. You can read my review when you have finished. ;)

      I do hope you will get to read a few more of my favourite list and let me know how much you like them. What was your favourite book or your favourite books last year?

      Happy Reading,

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, Delores. I always admire how much you get done, maybe if I read a little less, I could do more, as well? ;) Anyway, hope you find one of your favourites here and/or that you find some good new books you will enjoy.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting. ♥
