1900 - Jerome K. Jerome "Three Men on the Bummel" (Three Men on Wheels)
1901 - Thomas Mann "Buddenbrooks: The Decline of a Family" (Buddenbrooks)
1902 - Joseph Conrad "Heart of Darkness"
1903 - W.E.B. Du Bois "The Souls of Black Folk"
1904 - Henry James "The Golden Bowl"
1905 - Edith Wharton "The House of Mirth"
1906 - Maxim Gorki "The Mother" (Мать/Matj)
1907 - Molnár, Ferenc "The Paul Street Boys" (A Pál-utcai Fiúk)
1908 - Montgomery, L. M. (Lucy Maud) "Anne of Green Gables"
1909 - Frances Hodgson Burnett "The Secret Garden"
1910 - E.M. Forster "Howard's End"
1911 - Edith Wharton "Ethan Frome"
1912 - Thomas Mann "Death in Venice" (Der Tod in Venedig)
1913 - Sarah Morgan Dawson "1842-1909 A Confederate Girl's Diary"
1914 - Mann, Heinrich "Man of Straw" (Der Untertan)
1915 - Franz Kafka "The Metamorphosis" (Die Verwandlung)
1916 - James Joyce "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man"
1917 - Lagerlöf, Selma "Sancta Lucia. Weihnachtliche Geschichten" [Christmas Stories] (Kristuslegender) - 1893-1917
1918 - Willa Cather "My Ántonia"
1919 -
1920 - Sigrid Undset "Kristin Lavransdatter"
1921 -
1922 - Herman Hesse "Siddhartha" (Siddharta)
1923 - Khalil Gibran "The Prophet"
1924 - E.M. Forster "A Passage to India"
1925 - F. Scott Fitzgerald "The Great Gatsby"
1926 - A.A. Milne "Winnie the Pooh"
1927 - Virginia Woolf "To the Lighthouse"
1928 - Grimm, Hans Herbert aka Emil Schulz "Schlump. The Story of an unknown soldier" (Schlump. Geschichten und Abenteuer des unbekannten Musketiers Emil Schulz, genannt 'Schlump', von ihm selbst erzählt) - 1928
1929 - Thomas Wolfe "Look Homeward, Angel. A Story of the Buried Life."
1930 - Pearl S. Buck "East Wind: West Wind"
1931 - Willa Cather "Shadows on the Rock"
1932 - Stella Gibbons "Cold Comfort Farm"
1933 - Pearl S. Buck "The Mother"
1934 - Mikahil Sholokhov "And Quiet flows the Don"
1935 - Canetti, Elias "Auto-da-Fé" (Die Blendung)
1936 - Margaret Mitchell "Gone with the Wind"
1937 - Isak Dinesen= Karen Blixen "Out of Africa"
1938 - Graham Greene "Brighton Rock"
1939 - Pearl S. Buck "The Patriot"
1940 - John Steinbeck "The Grapes of Wrath"
1941 - Rey, H.A. "Curious George" - 1941-1966
1942 - Albert Camus "The Stranger/The Outsider" (L’Etranger)
1943 - Betty Smith "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn"
1944 - Eleanor Estes "The Hundred Dresses"
1945 - Mika Waltari "The Egyptian" (Sinuhe Egyptiläinen)
1946 - Pearl S. Buck "Pavilion of Women"
1947 - Albert Camus "The Plague" (La Peste)
1948 - Alan Paton "Cry, The Beloved Country"
1949 - George Orwell Nineteen Eighty Four"
1950 - Nevil Shute "A Town Like Alice"
1951 - Jack Kerouac "On the Road"
1952 - Ernest Hemingway "The Old Man and the Sea"
1953 - Mary Scott "Breakfast at Six"
1954 - William Golding "Lord of the Flies"
1955 - Yaşar Kemal "The Drumming-Out" (Teneke)
1956 - Iris Murdoch "The Flight From the Enchanter"
1957 - Mahfouz, Naguib "Sugar Street" (السكرية/Al-Sukkariyya)
1958 - Elie Wiesel "Night" (La Nuit)
1959 - Goscinny, René; Uderzo, Albert "Asterix the Gaul" (Astérix le Gaulois)
1960 - Harper Lee "To Kill a Mockingbird"
1961 - V.S. Naipaul "A House for Mr. Biswas"
1962 - Doris Lessing "The Golden Notebook"
1963 - Mary Scott "It’s Perfectly Easy"
1964 - Hannah Green (Joanne Greenberg) I Never Promised you a Rose Garden"
1965 - Scott, Mary "Freddie" - 1965
1966 - Jean Rhys "Wide Sargasso Sea"
1967 - Gabriel Garcia Marquez "One hundred years of solitude" (Cien años de soledad)
1968 - Lew Nikolajewitsch Tolstoy "War and Peace" (Война и мир = Woina i mir)
1969 - Jurek Becker "Jacob the Liar" (Jakob der Lügner)
1970 - Dee Brown "Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee"
1971 - Alexander Solzhenitsyn "The Red Wheel" cycle
(Узел I - «Август Четырнадцатого», Красное колесо)
1972 - Richard Adams "Watership Down"
1973 - Kurt Vonnegut "Breakfast of Champions"
1974 - Valentin Rasputin "To Live and Remember" (Zhiwi e pomni = Живи и помни)
1975 - Imre Kertész "Fateless/Fatelessness" (Sorstalanság)
1976 - Rasputin, Valentin (Распутин, Валентин Григорьевич) "Farewell to Matyora" (Прощание с Матёрой)
1977 - Mario Vargas Llosa "Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter" (La tía Julia y el escribidor)
1978 - Rita Mae Brown "Six of One"
1979 - Italo Calvino "If on a Winter’s Night a Traveller" (Se una notte d’inverno un viaggiatore)
1980 - Eco, Umberto "The Name of the Rose" (Der Name der Rose/Il nome della rosa)
1981 - Morton Rhue "The Wave"
1982 - Isabel Allende "The House of the Spirits" - Walker, Alice "The Color Purple"
1983 - Sten Nadolny "The Discovery of Slowness" (Die Entdeckung der Langsamkeit)
1984 - Kross, Jaan "Professor Martens' Departure" (Professor Martensi ärasõit)
1985 - Margaret Atwood "The Handmaid’s Tale"
1986 - Patricia MacLachlan "Sarah, Plain & Tall"
1987 - Toni Morrison "Beloved"
1988 - Paulo Coelho "The Alchemist: A Fable about Following Your Dream" (O Alquimista)
1989 - Ken Follett "The Pillars of the Earth"
1990 - A.S. Byatt "Possession"
1991 - Jung Chang "Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China"
1992 - Harry Mulisch "The Discovery of Heaven" (De Ontdekking van de hemel)
1993 - Vikram Seth "A Suitable Boy"
1994 - Marianne Fredriksson "Hanna’s Daughters" (Anna, Hanna og Johanna)
1995 - Stefanie Zweig "Nowhere in Africa" (Nirgendwo in Afrika)
1996 - Joyce Carol Oates "We Were the Mulvaneys"
1997 - Charles Frazier "Cold Mountain"
1998 - Jane Smiley "The All-true Travels and Adventures of Lidie Newton"
1999 - Nancy E. Turner "These is my words"
Find the original list here and here.
You've got a really great spread there already! Well done :) Enjoy it!
ReplyDeleteThank you. I like to read all kind of different books. How long did it take you to get through your list?
ReplyDeleteOne year, all but the final three days!
ReplyDeleteWow, that is definitely impressing.
ReplyDeleteI can't resist a list! I am going to adopt this idea for myself on Rose City Reader.
ReplyDeleteYou're more than welcome, Gilion. As I mentioned, I "stole" it myself. I love lists and even if I don't get to read all the books on one (or in this case one from every year), it still gives me a lot of interesting material to read.
ReplyDeleteAlways lovely talking to you and visiting your great blog.