My Reading List

Aaronovitch, Ben "Moon over Soho" (RoL 2) - 2011    
- "Rivers of London" (RoL 1) - 2011 
- "Whispers Under Ground" (RoL 3) - 2012  
- "Broken Homes" (RoL 4) - 2013
Aaronovitch, David "Paddling to Jerusalem. An Aquatic Tour of Our Small Country" - 2000
Abarbanell, Stephan "Displaced" (GE: Morgenland) - 2015 
Abdolah, Kader "My Father’s Notebook" (NL: Spijkerschrift) - 2000
- "The House of the Mosque" (NL: Het huis van de moskee) - 2005 *
Abe, Kōbō (安部 公房) "Inter Ice Age 4" (J: 第四間氷期/Dai yon kan pyouki) - 1959 *
Abel, Susanne "Stay Away from Gretchen" (GE: Stay Away from Gretchen. Eine unmögliche Liebe) - 2021
Aboulela, Leila "The Kindness of Enemies"
- 2015  
Abulhawa, Susan "Mornings in Jenin" (aka The Scar of David) - 2010
- "The Blue Between Sky and Water" - 2015
- "Against the Loveless World" - 2020

Achebe, Chinua "Things Fall Apart" (The African Trilogy #1) - 1958
Aciman, Alexander; Rensin, Emmett "Twitterature" - 2009
Adams, Douglas "The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy" - 1979
Adams, Richard "Watership Down" - 1972
Adams, Sara Nisha "The Reading List" - 2021
Addis, Faith "Down to Earth" - 1987

Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi "Americanah" - 2013
- "Half of a Yellow Sun" - 2006
Adiga, Aravind "The White Tiger" - 2008 *
Adorf, Mario "The Thief from Trastevere. Stories from Italy" (GE: Der Dieb von Trastevere. Geschichten aus Italien) - 1994
- "The Photographer from San Marco" (GE: Der Fotograf von San Marco) - 2003
- "The Mice Killer" (GE: Der Mäusetöter) - 1992
Agus, Milena "From the Land of the Moon" (IT: Mal di Pietre) - 2006
Aitmatov, Chinghiz "Jamilya" (RUS: Джамиля) - 1958

Akmajian, Hiag "30,000 Mornings" - 1999 xx
Al Aswany, Alaa "The Yacoubian Building" (arab. Imarat Ya’qubian) - 2002
Albom, Mitch "The Five People You Meet in Heaven" - 2003 *
Alcott, Louisa May "Eight Cousins" - 1876
- "Little Women Series" - 1868-86
Aleichem, Scholem "Tevye the Dairyman" (yidd: Tewje, der Milchiger טבֿיה דער מילכיקער, Jidd. und טוביה החולב, Hebr.) - 1894-1916
Ali, Monica "Brick Lane" - 2003
- "In the Kitchen" - 2008
Ali, Sabahattin "Madonna in a Fur Coat" (TR: Kürk Mantolu Madonna) - 1943
Alighieri, Dante "The Divine Comedy" (IT: Divina Commedia) - 1308-20 
Allende, Isabel "City of the Beasts" (E: La ciudad de las bestias) - 2002
- "The House of the Spirits" (E: La casa de los espíritus) (The House of the Spirits #1) - 1982

- "Daughter of Fortune" (E: Hija de la fortuna) (The House of the Spirits #2) - 1999
- "Portrait in Sepia" (E: Retrato en sepia) (The House of the Spirits #3) - 2000
- "Island Beneath the Sea" (E: La isla bajo el mar) - 2010
- "Maya's Notebook" (E: El Cuaderno de Maya) - 2011
Alsanea, Rajaa "Girls of Riyadh" (arab: بنات الرياض‎ Banāt al-Riyāḍ) - 2005 *
Alvarez, Julia "In the Time of the Butterflies" - 1994
Anam, Tahmima "The Good Muslim" - 2011

Andrić, Ivo "The Bridge on the Drina" (SRB/HR: На Дрини Ћуприја oder Na Drini Ćuprija) - 1945
Ansay, A. Manette "Blue Water" - 2006
- "Vinegar Hill" - 1995
Arenz, Ewald "The Big Summer" (GE: Der grosse Sommer) - 2019
Arnim, Elizabeth von "The Enchanted April" - 1922
Arnold, Gaynor "Girl in a Blue Dress" - 2008

Atkinson, John "Abridged Classics" - 2018
Atkinson, Kate "Behind the Scenes at the Museum" - 1995
- "Transcription" - 2018
Atwood, Margaret "The Blind Assassin" - 2000
- "Hag-Seed. The Tempest Retold" - 2016
- "The Handmaid’s Tale" (Re-Read) - 1985
- "Oryx and Crake" (MaddAddam # 1) - 2003 
- "Sanditon" - 1817
- "Sense & Sensibility" - 1811 (The Motherhood and Jane Austen
- "The Watsons" - 1803/05
Azevedo, Francisco "Once Upon a Time in Rio" (PO: O Arroz de Palma) - 2008

B., Fatma (Sonja Fatma Bläser) "Henna Moon" (GE: Henna Mond) - 1999
Bâ, Mariama "So Long a Letter" (F: Une si longue lettre) - 1979 *

Backman, Fredrik "Britt-Marie was here" (S: 
Britt-Marie var här) - 2014
- "A Man Called Ove" (S: En Man som heter Ove) - 2012
Bacon, Charlotte "Lost Geography" - 2000
Bacon, Francis "New Atlantis" (Lat. Nova Atlantis) - 1624
Baker, Jo "Longbourn" - 2013
Ballantyne, Tony "Dream London" - 2013 xx
Bánk, Zsuzsa "Dying in Summer" (GE: Sterben im Sommer) - 2020
- "The Bright Days" (GE: Die hellen Tage) - 2011
- "We will sleep later" (GE: Schlafen werden wir später) - 2017
Barbal i Farré, Maria "Campher" (Cat: Càmfora/Ein Brief aus der Ferne) - 1992
- "
Stone in a Landslide" (Cat: Pedra de tartera/Wie ein Stein im Geröll) - 1985
Barbery, Muriel "The Elegance of the Hedgehog" (F: L’Elégance du hérisson) - 2006
Baxter, Charles "The Soul Thief" - 2008 
Becker, Artur "The Time of the Smelt" (GE: Die Zeit der Stinte) - 2006
Becker, Jurek "Jacob the Liar" (GE: Jakob der Lügner) - 1969

Beckett, Samuel "Waiting for Godot" (F: En attendant Godot) - 1952
Beauvoir, Simone de "She came to stay" (F: L'invitée) - 1943
Belinga Belinga, Jean-Félix "Ngono Mefane, the Girl of the Woods" (GE: Ngono Mefane, das Mädchen der Wälder) - 1990
Bellow, Saul "Humboldt's Gift" - 1975
Benali, Abdelkader "Wedding by the Sea" (NL: Bruiloft aan zee) - 1996

Bennett, Alan "The Clothes They Stood Up in" - 2001
- "The Uncommon Reader" - 2007

Berg, Elisabeth "Open House" - 2000 xx
- "What we keep" - 1999 xx
Bergel, Hans "When the Eagles Come" (ROM: Când vin vulturii/Wenn die Adler kommen) - 1996
Bergmann, Michel "Mr. Klee and Mr. Feld" (GE: Herr Klee und Herr Feld) - 2013
Bernières, Louis de "Birds Without Wings" - 2004
- "Captain Corelli's Mandolin" - 1994
Berry, Venise "Colored Sugar Water: A Spiritual Tale" - 2003 xx
Berry, Wendell "Hannah Coulter" - 2004
Binchy, Maeve "Tara Road" - 1998
Binet, Laurent "HHhH" (F: HHhH) - 2010
Biskupek, Matthias "The Quota Saxon" (GE: Der Quotensachse) - 1996
Bivald, Katarina "The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend" (SWE: Läsarna i Broken Wheel rekommenderar) - 2013
Bjørnstad, Ketil "Villa Europa" (NO: Villa Europa) - 1992
Boccaccio, Giovanni "The Decameron" (IT: Il Decameron, cognominato Prencipe Galeotto) - 1350
Bohjalian, Chris "Midwives" - 1997
Böhme, Irene "The Bookseller" (GE: Die Buchhändlerin) - 1999
Böll, Heinrich "The Silent Angel" (GE: Der Engel schwieg) - 1949/50
Bollen, Christopher "The Destroyers" - 2010

Bontscheva, Antonia "The beauty of Balchik is not a serene one" (GE: Die Schönheit von Baltschik ist keine heitere) - 2021
Borchert, Wolfgang "Complete Works" (GE: Das Gesamtwerk) - 1945/47

- "Shischypush or My Uncle's Waiter" (GE: Schischypusch oder Der Kellner meines Onkels) - 1947
Borrmann, Mechtild "The Violinist" (GE: Der Geiger) - 2012
- "Cross-border commuters. The story of a lost German childhood" (GE: Grenzgänger. Die Geschichte einer verlorenen deutschen Kindheit) - 2018
Boschwitz, Ulrich Alexander "The Passenger" aka "The Fugitive" (GE: Der Reisende) - 1939
Böttcher, Jan "Y" (GE: Am Anfang war der Krieg zu Ende) - 2016

Bowman, W.E. "The Ascent of Rum Doodle" - 1956
Boye, Karin "Kallocain" (SW: Kallocain) - 1940 *
Boyne, John "The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas" - 2006
Bradbury, Ray "Fahrenheit 451" - 1953
- "The Martian Chronicles" - 1950 *
Bradley, Alan "The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie" - 2009 xx
Bragg, Melvyn "The Soldier’s Return" - 1999

- "A Son of War" - 2001

Brecht, Bertolt
"The Caucasian Chalk Circle" (GE: Der kaukasisiche Kreidekreis) - 1944-45
- "The Good Person of Szechwan" (GE: Der gute Mensch von Sezuan) - 1938-40
- "Life of Galileo" (GE: Das Leben des Galilei) - 1938
Brijs, Stefan "The Angel Maker" (NL: De engelenmaker) - 2005
Bristow, Gwen "Plantation Trilogy" (Deep Summer, The Handsome Road, This Side of Glory) - 1937-40
Brizuela, Leopoldo "Lisboa. Un melodrama" - 2010 
Brontë, Anne
"Agnes Grey" - 1847
- "The Tenant of Wildfell Hall" - 1848
Brontë, Charlotte "Jane Eyre" - 1847  *
- "The Professor" - 1857
- "Shirley" - 1849
- "Villette" - 1853
Brontë, Emily "Wuthering Heights" - 1887
Brooks, Geraldine "Caleb’s Crossing" - 2011
- "Foreign Correspondence: A Pen Pal's Journey from Down Under to All Over" - 1997
- "March" - 2006
- "People of the Book" - 2008
Brown, Dan "The Da Vinci Code" - 2003 xx

Brown, Eleanor "The Weird Sisters" - 2001
Brown, Rita Mae - The Hunsenmeir Trilogy (Six of One/Bingo/Loose Lips) - 1987/88/99
Bruckner, Karl "The Day of the Bomb" (GE: Sadako will leben) - 1961
Büchner, Georg "Woyzeck"
(GE: Woyzeck)- 1879
Buck, Pearl S. "A Bridge for Passing" - 1961
- "A House Divided" - 1935
- "East Wind: West Wind" - 1930
- "The Exile" - 1936
- "The First Wife and Other Stories" - 1933
- "The Good Earth" - 1931 *
- "Kinfolk" - 1949
- "Love and the Morning Calm" - 1951
- "The Mother"- 1933
- "The Patriot" - 1939
- "Pavilion of Women" - 1946
- "Peony" - 1948
- "Portrait of a Marriage" - 1945
- "Sons" (House of Earth Trilogy #2) - 1932
Bulgakow, Michail "The Master and Margarita" (RUS: Мастер и Маргарита) - 1929-39
Bunyan, John "The Pilgrim's Progress from This World to That Which Is to Come" - 1678

Burgess, Anthony "A Clockwork Orange" - 1962  
Burton, Jessie "The Miniaturist" - 2014 *

Busch, Nikki "This is not an Advent Calendar" (GE: Dies ist kein Adventskalender) - 2012
Bush, Catherine "Claire’s Head" - 2004

Butler, Octavia E. "Kindred" - 1979
Byatt, A.S. "Possession" - 1990

- "Ragnarok. The End of the Gods" - 2011

Cabré, Jaume "Confessions" (Cat: Jo Confesso) - 2011
Calvino, Italo "If on a Winter's Night a Traveller" (I: Se una notte d’inverno un viaggiatore) - 1979
Camus, Albert "The Just Assassins" (aka The Just) (F: Les Justes) - 1949
- "The Plague" (F: La Peste) - 1947
- "The Stranger" (aka The Outsider) (F: L'étranger) - 1942 *
Canetti, Elias "Auto-da-Fé" (Die Blendung) - 1935
Capote, Truman "Breakfast at Tiffany's" - 1958
Carey, Peter "A Long Way From Home" - 2017
- "Oscar and Lucinda" - 1988
Carroll, Lewis "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" - 1865 *
Cather, Willa "My Ántonia" - 1918 *
- "Shadows on the Rock" - 1931

Cervantes, Miguel de "Don Quixote" (E: El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha) - 1605/1616
Chabon, Michael "Summerland" - 2002 * 
- "The Yiddish Policemen's Union" - 2007

Chekhov, Anton "Summer Holidays" (RUS: Дачники) - 1880-87
Chevalier, Tracy "Falling Angels" - 2001
- "Girl with a Pearl Earring" - 1999 *
- "Remarkable Creatures" - 2009 *

- "The Lady and the Unicorn" - 2003
"The Last Runaway" - 2013
- "The Virgin Blue" - 1997
Choquet, M.;Coulon,Y; Erbin, J. "Idefix and the Indomitables. Romans must stay outside" (FR: Idéfix et les irréductibles #1. Pas de quartier pour le latin!/Idefix und die Unbeugsamen. Römer müssen draußen bleiben) - 2021
Christie, Agatha "And then there were none" - 1939 *
- "Hercule Poirot. The Complete Short Stories" - 1923-61
- "Murder on the Orient Express" (Hercule Poirot #10) - 1934
- "Poirot Investigates" - 1924
Chukovskaya, Lydia "Going Under" (RUS: Спуск под воду) - 1972
Clarke, Marcus "For the Term of His Natural Life" - 1870-72
Clarke, Susanna "Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell" - 2004
Clayton, Meg Waite "The Wednesday Sisters" - 2008 
Cleave, Chris "The Other Hand" (US: Little Bee) - 2008
Coelho, Paulo "The Alchemist" (PO: O Alquimista) - 1988
- "Brida" (PO: Brida) - 1990
Coetzee, J.M. "Disgrace" - 1999
- "The Childhood of Jesus" - 2013
- "The Master of Petersburg" - 1994
- "Waiting for the Barbarians" - 1980 *
Cogman, Genevieve "The Invisible Library" - 2015 xx
Cognetti, Paolo "The Eight Mountains" (I: Le otto montagne) - 2016
Collins, Suzanne "The Hunger Games" - 2008 xx 
Collins, Wilkie "Armadale" - 1866
- "The Moonstone" - 1868
- "The Woman in White" - 1859
Conrad, Joseph "Heart of Darkness" - 1902 
Craig, Charmaine "Miss Burma" - 2017
Cristofano, David "The Girl She Used to Be" - 2009

Dahl, Roald "The Best of Roald Dahl" - 1978
Dai, Sijie "Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress" (F: Balzac et la Petite Tailleuse Chinoise) - 2002
- "Once on a Moonless Night" (F: Par une nuit où la lune ne s’est pas levée) - 2007
Danella, Uta "The Blue Bird" (GE: Der blaue Vogel) - 1973 ++
Dangarembga, Tsitisi "Nervous Conditions" - 1988
Danticat, Edwidge "Breath, Eyes, Memory" - 1994
Defoe, Daniel "A Journal of the Plague Year" - 1772
- "Robinson Crusoe" - 1719 *
Deforges, Régine "The Blue Bicycle" (F: La Bicyclette Bleue) - 1981 xx
Delacourt, Grégoire "The List of My Desires/My Wish List" (F:
La liste de mes envies) - 2012 *
DeLillo, Don "The Silence" - 2020 *
de Loo, Tessa "The Twins" (NL: De tweeling) - 1993 *
Denuzière, Maurice "Louisiana" (F: Louisiane. Trilogie) - 1977
de Winter, Leon "The Hollywood Sign" (NL: De hemel van Hollywood) - 1997 xx
- "Zionoco" (NL: Zionoco) - 1995 xx 

Dick, Philip K. "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" - 1968 *
Dickens, Charles "A Christmas Carol" - 1843 *
- "Barnaby Rudge" - 1841

- "Bleak House" - 1852/53
- "David Copperfield" - 1850
- "Great Expectations" - 1861
- "Hard Times" - 1854  
- "Little Dorrit" - 1857
- "Nicholas Nickleby. The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby" - 1838/39
- "The Old Curiosity Shop" - 1840
- "Oliver Twist" - 1838
- "A Tale of Two Cities" - 1859
- "The Pickwick Papers" - 1836
Dickey, Eric Jerome "The Other Woman" - 2003 xx
Diffenbaugh, Vanessa "The Language of Flowers" - 2011
Döblin, Alfred "Berlin Alexanderplatz" (GE: Berlin Alexanderplatz) - 1929

Doerr, Anthony "All the Light We Cannot See" - 2014 
Dohaney, M.T. "The Corrigan Women" - 1986
- "To Scatter Stones" - 1992
- "A Fit Month for Dying" - 2000 xx

Domínguez, Carlos María "The House of Paper" (E: La Casa del Papel) - 2007
Doron, Lizzie "Who the Fuck Is Kafka" (Hebr. Who the Fuck Is Kafka) (Who the fuck is Kafka, GE) - 2015
Dorrestein, Renate "A Heart of Stone" (NL: Een hart van steen) - 1998

Dostoevsky, Fyodor "The Adolescent" (RUS: Подросток) - 1875 *
- "The Brothers Karamazov" (RUS: Братья Карамазовы) - 1879-80
- "Crime and Punishment"
(RUS: Преступление и наказание) - 1866
- "The Gambler" (RUS: Игрок) - 1866
- "A Gentle Creature" (aka The Gentle Spirit) (RUS: Кроткая, Krotkaja) - 1876
Doyle, Arthur Conan "A Study in Scarlet" - 1887 *
Doyle, Roddy "Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha" - 1993
Droste-Hülshoff, Annette von "The Jew's Beech" (GE: Die Judenbuche) - 1842 
Dugain, Marc "The Officer's Ward" (F: La Chambre des officiers) - 1999 *
Dumas, Alexandre "The Count of Monte Cristo" (F: Le comte de Monte-Cristo) - 1844-46
Du Maurier, Daphne "Rebecca" - 1938
Dunmore, Helen "The Siege" - 2002 *
Durlacher, Jessica "The Conscience" (NL: Het geweten) - 1998

Dürrenmatt, Friedrich "The Visit" (GE: Der Besuch der Alten Dame) - 1956
- "
The Judge and his Hangman" (GE: Der Richter und sein Henker) - 1950
Dyke, Henry Van "The Story of the Other Wise Man" - 1896

Eco, Umberto "The Name of the Rose" (I: Il Nome de la Rosa) - 1980  
Edwards, Kim "The Memory Keeper's Daughter" - 2005 *
Eggels, Elle "The House of the Seven Sisters" (NL: Het huis van de zeven zusters) - 1998

Eggers, Dave "The Circle" - 2013
Eichendorff, Joseph von "Life of a Good-For-Nothing" (GE: Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts) - 1826
Ekert-Rotholz, Alice M. "Punishing Sun, Tempting Moon" (GE: Strafende Sonne, Lockender Mond) - 1959

Elderkin, Susan "Sunset Over Chocolate Mountains" - 2000

Eliade, Mircea "Marriage in Heaven" (ROM: Nuntă în cer) - 1938
Eliot, George "Daniel Deronda" - 1876 *
- "Middlemarch"
- 1871-72 *
- "The Mill on the Floss" - 1860
- "Silas Marner" - 1861
Ende, Michael "The Never Ending Story" (GE: Die unendliche Geschichte) - 1979 *
Enquist, Anna "Mei" [May] - 2007
Ephron, Nora "Heartburn" - 1983
- "When Harry Met Sally ..." - 1990
Erdrich, Louise "Tracks" - 1988 *
Erfmeyer, Klaus "Career Jump" (GE: Karrieresprung) - 2006
Erkelius, Per Agne "Rembrandt to his daughter" (SWE: Rembrandt till sin dotter/Das Bild, das ich dir schrieb) - 1998
Erpenbeck, Jenny "The End of Days" (GE: Aller Tage Abend) - 2012
- "Kairos." (Kairos) - 2021

Eschbach, Andreas "One Trillion Dollars" (GE: Eine Billion Dollar) - 2012
Evaristo, Bernhardine "Girl, Woman, Other" - 2019

Faber, Michael "The Fire Gospel" - 2008
Falcones, Ildefonso "The Barefoot Queen" (E: La Reina Descalza) - 2013
- "Cathedral of the Sea" (E: La catedral del mar) - 2008 *
- "The Hand of Fatima" (E: La mano de Fátima) - 2009
- "The Heirs of the Earth" (E: Los herederos de la tierra) - Die Erben der Erde - 2016
- "The Painter of Souls" (E: El pintor de almas) - Die Tränen der Welt - 2019
Fallada, Hans "Every Man Dies Alone" (GE: Jeder stirbt für sich allein) - 1947
Faulkner, William "Light in August" - 1932

Faulks, Sebastian "Birdsong. A Novel of Love and War" - 1993
Ferri, Jean-Yves; Didier Conrad, Didier "Asterix and the Missing Scroll" (F: Le Papyrus de César) - 2015 
Feuchtwanger, Lion "Jew Suss" (GE: Jud Süß) - 1925
Feyl, Renate "The Mundane Hours of Happiness" (GE: Die profanen Stunden des Glücks) - 1996
Fforde, Jasper "The Eyre Affair" - 2001

- "Lost in a Good Book" - 2002
- "Shades of Grey. The Road to High Saffron" - 2009
Fielding, Helen "Bridget Jones' Diary" and "The Edge of Reason" - 1996/1999 xx
Fielding, Henry "The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling" - 1749 
Findley, Timothy "Dust to Dust" - 1997 (short stories)
Fitch, Janet "White Oleander" - 1999
Fitzgerald, F. Scott "The Great Gatsby" - 1925 *
- "Tender Is the Night" - 1934
Fitzgerald, Penelope "The Bookshop" - 1978

Flanagan, Kitty "488 Rules for Life: The Thankless Art of Being Correct" - 2019
Fleischhauer, Wolfram
"The Book in Which the World Disappeared" (GE: Das Buch in dem die Welt verschwand) - 2003
- "In a Tender Hold" (GE: Schule der Lügen) - 2003  

Fo, Dario "My First Seven Years (Plus a Few More)" (I: Il Paese dei Mezaràt: I miei primi sette anni (e qualcuno in più) - 2004
Follett, Ken "The Armour of Light" (Kingsbridge #4) - 2023
- "A Column of Fire"
(Kingsbridge #3) - 2017
- "Edge of Eternity" (Century Trilogy #3) - 2014
"The Evening and the Morning" (Kingsbridge #0.5) - 2020
- "Fall of Giants" (Century Trilogy #1) - 2010
- "The Pillars of the Earth" (Kingsbridge #1) - 1989
- "Winter of the World" (Century Trilogy #2) - 2012
- "World Without End"
(Kingsbridge #2) - 2007
Fontane, Theodor "Effi Briest" (GE: Effi Briest) - 1894
- "Frau Jenny Treibel" (GE: Frau Jenny Treibel oder 'Wo sich Herz zum Herzen find't') - 1892 
Ford, Ford Madox "Parade's End" (Tetralogy: Some Do Not, No More Parades, A Man Could Stand Up, Last Post) - 1924-28 xx
Forster, E.M. "A Passage to India" - 1924
- "Howards End" - 1910

Fosse, Jon "Morning and Evening" (NO: Morgon og kveld) - 2001
Fowler, Christopher "Hell Train" - 2011   

Fowler, Karen Joy "The Jane Austen Book Club" - 2004
Fowles, John "The French Lieutenant’s Woman" - 1969
Franzen, Jonathan "The Corrections" - 2001 xx
Frazier, Charles "Cold Mountain" - 1997

- "Nightwoods" - 2011
- "Thirteen Moons" - 2006

- "Varina" - 2018
Fredriksson, Marianne "The Book of Eve" (S: Evas bok) - 1980
- "Hanna's Daughters" (S: Anna, Hanna og Johanna) - 1994 *
- "Simon and The Oaks" (aka Simon's Family) (S: Simon och ekarna) - 1985 
Frisch, Max "Homo Faber" (GE: Homo Faber) - 1957
- "The Arsonists" (GE: Biedermann und die Brandstifter) - 1958
Fröhlich, Alexandra "A Skeleton in the Closet" (GE: Dreck am Stecken) - 2019
"My Russian Mother-in-law and other Catastrophes" (GE: Meine russische Schwiegermutter und andere Katastrophen) - 2012
Frost, Robert "A Boy’s Will" and "North of Boston" - 1913+14 (poetry)

Gabaldon, Diana "Outlander" (UK: Cross Stich) - 1991
Gaiman, Neil "Coraline" - 2002

Gao, Xingjian "Soul Mountain" (CHN: 灵山, língshān) - 1989
García Márquez, Gabriel "Love in the Time of Cholera" (E: El amor en los tiempos del cólera) - 1985 *

- "One Hundred Years of Solitude" (E: Cien años de soledad) - 1967 *
- "The General in His Labyrinth" (E: El general en su laberinto) - 1989
Gárdonyi, Géza "Slave of the Huns" (aka The Invisible Man) (H: A láthatatlan ember) - 1901
Gaskell, Elizabeth "North and South" - 1854/55
Gavalda, Anna "95 pounds of hope" (F: 35 kilos d’espoir) - 2002
- "Hunting and Gathering" (F: Ensemble c’est tout) - 2006 * xx

- "I Wish Someone Were Waiting for Me Somewhere" (F: Je voudrais quelqu’un m’attende quelque part) - 1999 (short stories)
Gesthuysen, Anne "Be a Father to me" (GE: Sei mir ein Vater) - 2015
- "Girls' Night" (GE: Mädelsabend) - 2018
- "But We Are Sisters" (GE: Wir sind doch Schwestern) - 2012
George, Margaret "Elizabeth I" - 2011

Ghosh, Amitav "The Glass Palace" - 2000 *
- "Flood of Fire" (Ibis Trilogy #3) - 2015 
- "Sea of Poppies" (Ibis Trilogy #1) - 2008
- "River of Smoke" (Ibis Trilogy #2) - 2011

Gibbons, Stella "Cold Comfort Farm" - 1932
Gibran, Khalil "The Prophet"
- 1923
Gilbreth, Frank + Gilbreth Carey, Elizabeth "Cheaper by the Dozen" - 1948
- "Belles on their Toes" - 1950

Gillham, David R. "City of Women" - 2012 * xx
Giordano, Paolo "The Solitude of Prime Numbers" (I: La solitudine dei numeri primi) - 2008

Glasfurd, Guinevere "The Words in my Hand" - 2016
Glover, Douglas "Elle" - 2003 *
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (Goethe German) "Iphigenia in Tauris" (GE: Iphigenie auf Tauris) - 1787
- "Italian Journey" (aka Letters from Italy) (GE: Italienische Reise) - 1817
- "The Sorrows of Young Werther"
(GE: Die Leiden des Jungen Werther) - 1774
- "
Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship" (GE: Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre) - 1795/96
Gogol, Nikolai (Никола́й Васи́льевич Го́голь, Nikolay Vasilyevich Gogol) "The Overcoat and Other Stories" (Gogols Mantel. Erzählungen aus Russland) (RUS: Шинель/Shinyeli) - 1842 et. al. *
Golden, Arthur "Memoirs of a Geisha" - 1997 *

Golding, William "Lord of the Flies" - 1954
Gordimer, Nadine "Burger's Daughter" - 1979 * 
Gorky, Maxim (Максима Горького) "Mother" (RUS: Мать/Matj) - 1906/07
Goscinny, René; Uderzo, Albert "Asterix the Gaul" (F: Astérix le Gaulois) - 1959
Gotthelf, Jeremias "The Black Spider" (GE: Die schwarze Spinne) - 1842   
Gowda, Shilpi Somaya "Secret Daughter" - 2010 *
Grass, Günter "Cat and Mouse" (GE: Katz und Maus. Danziger Trilogie 2) - 1961

- "Crabwalk" (GE: Im Krebsgang) - 2002 *
- "Five Decades" (GE: Fünf Jahrzehnte) - 1999
- "The Tin Drum" (GE: Die Blechtrommel. Danziger Trilogie 1) - 1959
Green, John "The Fault in Our Stars" - 2012
Greene, Graham "Brighton Rock" - 1938

- "The End of the Affair" - 1951
Greer, Andrew Sean "Less" - 2017 xx
Greiner, Lena; Padberg, Carola "Our math teacher teaches from outside - so he can smoke!: The funniest stories about teachers" (GE: Unser Mathelehrer unterrichtet von draußen - damit er dabei rauchen kann!: Die lustigsten Storys über Lehrer) - 2020
Grenville, Kate "The Secret River" - 2005
Grisham, John "Skipping Christmas: A Novel" - 2001
Grjasnowa, Olga "All Russians Love Birch Trees" (GE: Der Russe ist einer, der Birken liebt) - 2012
Grossman, David "To the End of the Land" (Hebr.: אשה בורחת מבשורה/Isha Nimletet Mi'Bshora) - 2008 
- "The Zig Zag Kid" (Hebr.: יש ילדים זיגזג/Jesh Jeladim) - 1994
Gruen, Sara "Water for Elephants" - 2006 * xx
Gulbranssen, Trygve "Beyond Sing the Woods" (NO: Og bakom synger skogene) - 1933
- "The Wind from the Mountains" (NO: Det blåser fra Dauingfjell/Ingen vei går utenom) - 1934/35
Güngör, Dilek "Pretty German. My Turkish family and I" (GE: Ganz schön deutsch. Meine türkische Familie und ich) - 2007
- "My Turkish Grandmother's Secret" (GE: Das Geheimnis meiner türkischen Großmutter) - 2007
Gurnah, Abdulrazak "Pilgrims Way" - 1988
Guterson, David "East of the Mountains" - 1999
- "Ed King" - 2011
- "The Other" - 2008
- "Our Lady of the Forest" - 2003
- "Snow Falling on Cedars" - 1994

Haddon, Mark "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time" - 2003 *
Hagena, Katharina "The Taste of Apple Seeds" (GE: Der Geschmack von Apfelkernen) - 2008
Hahn, Ulla "The Hidden Word" (GE: Das verborgene Wort) - 2001
- "Departure" (GE: Aufbruch) - 2009
- "Game of Time" (GE: Spiel der Zeit) - 2014
- "Types of Love" (GE: Liebesarten) - 2006
Haig, Matt "The Midnight Library" - 2020
Hajaj, Claire "Ishmael's Oranges" - 2014
Hamill, Pete "Snow in August" - 1998

Hamilton, Jane "A Map of the World" - 1994
Hamsun, Knut "
Growth of the Soil" (NO: Markens Grøde) - 1917
- "Pan" (NO: Pan) - 1894 *

Han, Kang "The Vegetarian" (KOR: 채식주의자/Ch'angbi) - 2007 xx
Handke, Peter "Storm Still" (GE:  Immer noch Sturm) - 2010
Hanks, Tom "Uncommon Type. Some Stories" - 2017 (short stories)
Hannah, Kristin "Angel Falls" - 2000
- "Winter Garden" - 2010 *

Hansen, Dörte "This House is Mine" (GE: Altes Land) - 2015 *
- "Lunchtime" (GE: Mittagsstunde) - 2018

Hardy, Thomas "Tess of the d'Urbervilles" - 1891

Harris, Joanne "Blackberry Wine" - 2000
- "A Cat, a Hat and a Piece of String" - 2012
- "Chocolat" - 1999

- "Coastliners" - 2002
- "Five Quarters of the Orange" - 2001 *
Harris, Robert "Fatherland" - 1992 
Hartlieb, Petra "
Christmas in the Wonderful Bookshop" (GE: Weihnachten in der wundervollen Buchhandlung) - 2018
Hartnett, Sonya "Thursday’s Child" - 2002
Haruf, Kent "Plainsong" - 1999
Hauff, Wilhelm "The Heart of Stone" aka The Cold Heart or the Marble Heart (GE: Das kalte Herz) - 1837
Haushofer, Marlen "The Wall" (GE: Die Wand) - 1962

Hausmann, Manfred "Lampioon (Kissing Girls and Little Birches). Experiences of a Hiker" (GE: Lampioon (küßt Mädchen und kleine Birken). Erlebnisse eines Wanderers) - 1928
Hawkins, Paula "The Girl on the Train" - 2015

Hawthorne, Nathaniel "The Scarlet Letter" - 1815
Hay, Ashley "The Railwayman's Wife" - 2013
Haynes, Melinda "Mother of Pearl" - 1999
Hegi, Ursula "Stones from the River" - 1994
Heidenreich, Elke "So … Columns from the magazine Brigitte 4" (GE:
Also… - Kolumnen aus Brigitte 4) - 1983
- "May it be a little bit more?"
(GE: Darf's ein bisschen mehr sein?) - 1984
- "Men in Camel Hair Coats" (GE: Männer in Kamelhaarmänteln. Kurze Geschichten über Kleider und Leute" - 2020
- "Sliced or in one Piece?"
(GE: Geschnitten oder am Stück?) - 1985
- "With or Without Bones?"
(GE: Mit oder ohne Knochen?) - 1986
- "Nero Corleone"
(GE: Nero Corleone) - 1995
- "Words from 30 Years"
(GE: Wörter aus 30 Jahren) - 2003
Heidenreich, Elke; Schroeder, Bernd "Rowing Dogs" (GE: Rudernde Hunde) - 2002
Heidenreich, Elke; Sowa, Michael "Erika or the hidden meaning of life" (GE: Erika oder der verborgene Sinn des Lebens) - 2002
Heller, Joseph "Catch-22" - 1961

Hemingway, Ernest "The Old Man and the Sea" - 1952

- "For Whom the Bell Tolls" - 1940
- "To Have and Have Not" - 1937
Herbert, Xavier "Capricornia" - 1938
Hermann, Judith "
The Summer House, Later" (GE: Sommerhaus, später) - 1998
Herrndorf, Wolfgang "Why We Took the Car" (GE: tschick) - 2010
Hertmans, Stefan "War and Turpentine" (NL: Oorlog en terpentijn) - 2013
Hespel, Evelyne "Le Petit Tsar" [The Little Czar] - 2018
Hesse, Hermann "Narcissus and Goldmund" (GE: Narziss und Goldmund) - 1930
- "Siddhartha" (GE: Siddhartha) - 1922
- "Steppenwolf" (GE: Der Steppenwolf) - 1927 *
Hetmann, Frederik "Dream sounds. or the longest fairy tale that ever existed" (GE: Traumklänge. oder das längste Märchen, das es je gab) - 2004
Hirata, Andrea "The Rainbow Troops" (Indon: Lasykar Pelangi) - 2005
Highsmith, Patricia "The Talented Mr. Ripley" - 1955
Hislop, Victoria "Cartes Postales from Greece" - 2016
- "The Island" - 2005
- "Maria's Island" - 2021
- "The Last Dance and Other Stories" - 2015 
- "One August Night" - 2020
- "The Return" - 2008
- "The Sunrise"
- 2014 
- "Those Who Are Loved" - 2019
- "The Thread" - 2011
Høeg, Peter "Miss Smilla's Feeling for Snow" (DK: Frøken Smillas fornemmelse for sne) - 1992
Homer "Odyssey" (GR: Ομήρου Οδύσσεια, Odýsseia) - 800-600 BC
Hopmann, Sophie/Heidelore Mais "
Cucumber Sandwich in the Glove Compartment" (GE: Gurkensandwich im Handschuhfach) - 2019
Hornby, Nick "About a Boy" - 1998
Hosseini, Khaled "And the Mountains Echoed" - 2013
- "A Thousand Splendid Suns" - 2007 *
- "The Kite Runner" - 2003 *
Hugo, Victor "Les Misérables" (F: Les Misérables) - 1862
Hunter, Stephen "Night of Thunder: a Bob Lee Swagger Novel" - 2008  

Hüsch, Hanns Dieter "Frieda/Peace on Earth" (GE: Frieda auf Erden) - 1959
Hustvedt, Siri "The Summer without Men" - 2011

Huxley, Aldous "Brave New World" - 1931 *
Hyde, Catherine Ryan "When I found you" - 2009

Ibrahimi, Anilda "Red Like a Bride" (IT: Rosso come una sposa/Rot wie eine Braut) - 2008 *
Ibsen, Henrik "Peer Gynt" (NO: Peer Gynt) - 1867 
Ilf, Ilya; Petrov, Yevgeny "The Twelve Chairs" (RUS: Двенадцать стульев/Dvenadtsat stulyev) - 1928 *
Indriðason, Arnaldur "
Menschensöhne" (Inspector Erlendur #1) (ISL: Synir Duftsins) - [Sons of Dust] - 1997 *
Ionesco, Eugène "Rhinoceros" (F: Rhinocéros) - 1957
Irving, John "A Widow for One Year" - 1998

Ishiguro, Kazuo "The Remains of the Day" - 1989
- "When We Were Orphans" - 2000 * xx
Ivey, Eowyn "The Snow Child" - 2012
- "To The Bright Edge of the World" - 2016
Jackson, Shirley "The Lottery" - 1948 (short story)
Jacobsen, Roy "The Burnt-Out Town of Miracles" (NO: Hoggerne) - 2005 
Jäger, Mia (ed.) "Tomorrow, my friend, there will be something!" (GE: Morgen, Freundchen, wird's was geben!) - 2012
James, Henry "The American"
- 1875 
- "Daisy Miller" - 1879 
- "The Europeans" - 1878
James, P.D. "The Children of Men" - 1992
Janesch, Sabrina "Sibiria" (GE: Sibir) - 2023
Jelinek, Elfriede "The Piano Teacher" (GE: Die Klavierspielerin) - 1988 xx

Johnson, Adam "The Orphan Master's Son" - 2012
Joinson, Suzanne "The Photographer's Wife" - 2016 xx
Jonasson, Jonas "The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared" - 2004 *
Jones, Edward P. "The Known World" - 2004 xx
Jonuleit, Anja "Forgotten in Autumn or Autumn Crocus" (GE: Herbstvergessene) - 2010
Joyce, James "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man"
- 1916  
- "Dubliners"
- 1905 (short stories)
- "Ulysses" - 1922

Joyce, Rachel "Miss Benson's Beetle" - 2020
- "The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry" - 2012

Kadaré, Ismail "The Fall of the Stone City" (aka Chronicle in Stone) (AL: Darka e Gabuar) - 1971
- "The Pyramid" (AL: Piramida) - 1992
Kafka, Franz "The Metamorphosis" (GE: Die Verwandlung) - 1912
- "
The Judgment" (GE: Das Urteil) - 1912
Kaléko, Mascha "The Lyrical Shorthand Booklet" (GE: Das lyrische Stenogrammheft: Gedichte aus der Welt der Großstadt) - 1933
Kalisa, Karin "Sung's Shop" (GE: Sungs Laden) - 2015
Kaminer, Wladimir "The Crusaders" (GE: Die Kreuzfahrer) - 2018
- "Germany of all. Stories of our new neighbours" (GE: Ausgerechnet Deutschland. Geschichten unserer neuen Nachbarn) - 2018
- "
The Lost Summer. Germany Smokes on the Balcony" (GE: Der verlorene Sommer. Deutschland raucht auf dem Balkon) - 2021
- "My German Jungle Book" - Mein deutsches Dschungelbuch - 2003
- "Mother, her Cat and the Vacuum Cleaner" (GE: Meine Mutter, ihre Katze und der Staubsauger: Ein Unruhestand in 33 Geschichten) - 2016
- "Russian Disco" (GE: Russendisko) - 2000
- "Travel to Trulala" (GE: Die Reise nach Trulala) - 2002
- "
The Wave Riders. Stories from the new German" (GE: Die Wellenreiter. Geschichten aus dem neuen Deutschland) - 2021
Kapitelman, Dmitrij "The smile of my invisible father" (GE: Das Lächeln meines unsichtbaren Vaters) - 2016
Karystiani, Ionna (Ιωάννα Καρυστιάνη) "The Jasmine Isle" (GR: Μικρά Αγγλία/Mikra Anglia) - 1997
Kazantzakis, Nikos "The Last Temptation of Christ" (GR: Ο τελευταίος πειρασμός, O telefteos pirasmos) - 1951
Kehlmann, Daniel "Measuring the World" (GE: Die Vermessung der Welt) - 2005 *
Keller, Gottfried
"Novellas" (A Village Romeo and Juliet and others) (GE: Novellen - Romeo und Julia auf dem Dorfe u.a.) - 1855/56
Kemal, Yaşar "The Birds Have Also Gone" (TK: Kuşlar da Gitti) - 1978
- "The Drumming-Out" (TK: Teneke) - 1987

Kennedy, Emma "Shoes for Anthony" - 2015
Kennel, Odile "
What Ida says" (GE: Was Ida sagt) - 2011
Kent, Christobel "A Party in San Niccolò" - 2003
Kerouac, Jack "On the Road" - 1985 xx
Kertész, Imre "Fateless" (H: Sorstalanság) - 1975
Keyes, Daniel "Flowers for Algernon" - 1959
Keyes, Marian "Rachel's Holiday" - 1998
Kidd, Sue Monk "The Invention of Wings" - 2014
- "The Secret Life of Bees" - 2002 * 
Kimmel, Haven "A Girl Named Zippy" - 2000 xx
Kingsolver, Barbara "The Bean Trees" - 1988
- "Demon Copperhead" - 2022

- "Flight Behaviour" - 2012
- "The Lacuna" - 2009
- "Pigs in Heaven" - 1993

- "The Poisonwood Bible" - 1998 *
- "Prodigal Summer" - 2001 *

- "Unsheltered" - 2018
Khorsandi, Shappi "Nina is Not OK" - 2016
Kishon, Ephraim (english) "Almost the Truth" (GE: Beinahe die Wahrheit) - 1985
- "Kishon for all occasions. 327 useless pieces of wisdom" (GE: Kishon für alle Fälle. 327 unbrauchbare Lebensweisheiten) - 1987
- "My Friend Jossele and Other New Satires" (GE: Mein Freund Jossele und andere neue Satiren) - 1980
- "
Next year everything will be different" (GE: Im neuen Jahr wird alles anders) - 1982
- "No Applause for Podmanitzki" (GE: Kein Applaus für Podmanitzki) - 1973
- "No Oil, Moses?" (GE: Kein Öl, Moses?) - 1974
Kleist, Heinrich von "The Marquise of O-"
(GE: Die Marquise von O....) - 1808
- "The Prince of Homburg"
(GE: Prinz Friedrich von Homburg oder die Schlacht bei Fehrbellin) - 1809/10
Kneale, Matthew "English Passengers" - 2000
Knöppler, Florian "Kronsnest [Name of Village]" (GE: Kronsnest) - 2020
Koch, Herman "The Dinner" (NL: Het diner) - 2009
Kohl, Walter "The Empty Country" (GE: Das leere Land) - 2011 ++
Kohler, Sheila "Becoming Jane Eyre" - 2009
Konar, Affinity "Mischling" - 2016
Kornbichler, Sabine "Klara's House" (GE: Klaras Haus) - 2000
Korschunow, Irina "Ebb and Flow/The Tides" (GE: Ebbe und Flut) - 1995
- "From June to June" (GE: Von Juni zu Juni) - 1999
- "The Mirror Image" (GE: Das Spiegelbild) - 1992
Kostova, Elizabeth "The Historian" - 2005

- "The Swan Thieves" - 2010
Krall, Hanna "Chasing the King of Hearts" (PL: Król kier znów na wylocie) - 2006
Kröger, Theodor "
The Forgotten Village" (GE: Das vergessene Dorf. Vier Jahre Sibirien. Ein Buch der Kameradschaft) - 1934
Kross, Jaan "Professor Martens' Departure" (Est: Professor Martensi ärasõit) - 1984
Kulin, Ayşe "Rose of Sarajevo" (TR: Sevdalinka) - 1999 *  
Kurkow, Andrej "Grey Bees" (RUS: Серые пчелы/Seryye Pchely) - 2019

Lafayette, Madame de (Marie-Madeleine) "The Princess of Cleves" (F: La Princesse de Clèves) - 1678
Lagerkvist, Pär "Barabbas" (S: Barabbas) - 1950
Lagerlöf, Selma "Sancta Lucia. Weihnachtliche Geschichten" [Christmas Stories] (S: Kristuslegender) - 1893-1917
Lahiri, Jhumpa "Interpreter of Maladies" - 1999
- "The Lowland" - 2013

- "The Namesake" - 2003
Laker, Rosalind "The Golden Tulip"
- 1989   
Lalami, Laila "The Moors' Account" - 2014 
Lamb, Wally "The Hour I First Believed" - 2008 *
- "I Know This Much is True" - 1998

- "I'll Take You There" - 2016
- "She's Come Undone" - 1997
- "We are Water" - 2013

- "Wishin' and Hopin': A Christmas Story" - 2009
Lanchester, John "The Debt to Pleasure" - 1996* xx
Lander, Leena "The Order" (FIN: Käsky) - Die Unbeugsame - 2003
Landvik, Lorna "Welcome to The Great Mysterious" - 2000 * xx
Laube, Günter "Prisoner Number 343" (GE: Gefangener Nummer 343) - 2016  
Lawson, Mary "Crow Lake" - 2002 *
- "The Other Side of the Bridge" - 2006*

- "Road Ends" - 2013
"A Town Called Solace" - 2021
Lee, Harper "To Kill a Mockingbird" - 1960 *
Lee, Min Jin "Pachinko" - 2017
Le Guin, Ursula K. "The Left Hand of Darkness" - 1969 *
Leky, Mariana "Sorrow of all kinds" - (GE: 
Kummer aller Art) - 2022
- "What You Can See From Here" (GE: Was man von hier aus sehen kann) - 2017
Lem, Stanisław "Solaris" (PL: Solaris (powieść)) - 1961 *

L’Engle, Madeleine "A Wrinkle in Time" - 1962
Lennox, Judith "Before the Storm" - 2008
Lenz, Siegfried "The German Lesson" (GE: Deutschstunde) - 1967
- "Province Stage" (GE: Landesbühne) - 2009

- "Spectator over the Hedge" (GE: Zaungast) - 2002

Leroux, Gaston "The Phantom of the Opera" (F: Le Fantôme de l'Opéra) - 1910
Lessing, Doris "The Golden Notebook" - 1962 *
- "The Grass is Singing" - 1950
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim "Nathan the Wise" (GE: Nathan der Weise) - 1779
Lette, Kathy "How to Kill Your Husband" - 2006 xx
Letts, Billie "Where the Heart is" - 1995 *

Levithan, David "Every Day" - 2012

Levy, Marc "London Mon Amour" (F: Mes amis mes amours) - 2006
Lewycka, Marina "Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian" - 2005 *
- "Two Caravans" (aka Strawberry Fields) - 2007

Lim, Catherine "The Teardrop Story Woman" - 1998
Lippe, Jürgen von der "The King of the Animals. Stories and Glosses" (GE: Der König der Tiere. Geschichten und Glossen] - 2017
Lippe, Jürgen von der; Cleves, Monika "Wrong World" (GE: Verkehrte Welt) - 2012
Lippi Rosina "Homestead" - 1998

Littger, Peter "The Devil Lies in the Detail" (GE: The Devil Lies in the Detail) - 2015
Lodge, David "A Man of Parts" (Ein ganzer Mann) - 2011
Loewe, Elke "
Teufelsmoor = Devil's Bog, German region" (GE: Teufelsmoor) - 2002
Lovenberg, Felicitas von "
Praise for the Good Bookshop" (GE: Lob der guten Buchhandlung) - 2020
Löwenstein, Anna "The Stone City" (Esperanto: La Ŝtona Urbo) - 1999
Lukas, Michael David "The Oracle of Stamboul
" - 2011
Lundberg, Sofia "The Red Address Book" (SW: Den röda adressboken) - 2015
Lüpkes, Sandra "The Female Island Lord" (GE: Die Inselvogtin) - 2009

Maalouf, Amin "Samarkand" (F: Samarcande) - 1988
MacDonald, Ann-Marie "Fall On Your Knees" - 1997 *
- "The Way the Crow Flies" - 2003*
MacLaverty, Bernard "Cal" - 1983

Mağden, Perihan "Two Girls" (TR: İki Genç Kızın Romanı)
- 2002

Magnani, Franca "My Italy" (GE: Mein Italien) - 1997
Mahfouz, Naguib "Children of Gebelawi" (aka Children of our Alley; arab: اولاد حارتنا Awlād ḥāritnā) - 1959 *
- "
Midaq Alley" (arab: زقاق المدق/Zuqaq El Midaq) - 1947
- "Palace Walk" (arab: بين القصرين/Bayn al-qasrayn) (Cairo Trilogy #1) - 1956
- "Palace of Desire" (arab: قصر الشوق/Qasr el-Shōq)
(Cairo Trilogy #2) - 1957 
- "Sugar Street" (arab: السكرية/Al-Sukkariyya) (Cairo Trilogy #3) - 1957
Malouf, David "Fly Away Peter" - 1979
Mankell, Henning "Daniel" (SW: Vindens son) - 2000
Man, Herman de "The Growing Water" (NL: Het wassende water) - 1925
Mann, Heinrich "Man of Straw", "The Patrioteer", or "The Loyal Subject" (Der Untertan) - 1914
Mann, Thomas "Buddenbrooks: The Decline of a Family" (GE: Buddenbrooks) - 1901 *
- "Death in Venice" (GE: Der Tod in Venedig) - 1912
- "The Magic Mountain" (GE: Der Zauberberg) - 1924
- "A Man and His Dog" (GE: Herr und Hund. Ein Idyll) - 1918 *
Mantel, Hilary "Bring up the Bodies"
(The Wolf Hall Trilogy #2) - 2012
- "The Mirror and the Light" (The Wolf Hall Trilogy #3) - 2020
- "Wolf Hall"
(The Wolf Hall Trilogy #1) - 2009
Marbe, Nausicaa "Mandraga" (ROM: Mândraga) [Mandraga] - 1998
Marini, Lorenzo "The Man of the Tulips" (IT: L'uomo dei tulipani) - 2002

Marschner, Rosemarie "The Book Room" (GE: Das Bücherzimmer) - 2004
- "The Girl at the Piano" (GE: Das Mädchen am Klavier) - 2013
Martin, Catherine "The Incredible Journey" - 1923
Martinson, Harry "Aniara" (SW: Aniara) - 1956 *
Mason, Daniel "The Piano Tuner" - 2002 *
Matheson, Richard "I am Legend" - 1954
Mathis, Ayana "The Twelve Tribes of Hattie" - 2013
Matzig, Gerhard "My Wife Wants a Garden. The Adventure of Building a House in the Suburbs" (GE: Meine Frau will einen Garten. Vom Abenteuer, ein Haus am Stadtrand zu bauen) - 2010
May, Karl "Through the Desert" (GE: Durch die Wüste) - 1892

Mayes, Frances "Swan" - 2002
- "Under the Tuscan Sun" - 1996
Mbue, Imbolo "Behold the Dreamers" - 2016
McCall Smith, Alexander "44 Scotland Street" - 44 Scotland Street #1 - 2005
- "Emma. A Modern Retelling" - 2015
- "Espresso Tales" + "Love Over Scotland" - 44 Scotland Street #2+3 - 2005+2006
- "The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency" Series 1-9 *
--- "The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency" (1) - 1999
--- "Tears of the Giraffe" (2) - 2000
--- "Morality for Beautiful Girls" (3) - 2001
--- "The Kalahari Typing School for Men" (4) - 2002
--- "The Full Cupboard of Life" (5) - 2004
--- "In the Company of Cheerful Ladies" (6) - 2004
--- "Blue Shoes and Happiness" (7) - 2006
--- "The Good Husband of Zebra Drive" (8) - 2007
--- "The Miracle at Speedy Motors" (9) - 2008
- "Tea Time for the Traditionally Built" (10) - 2009
- "The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency" Series #11-17 - Mma Ramotswe Serie
--- "The Double Comfort Safari Club" (11) - 2010
--- "The Saturday Big Tent Wedding Party" (12) - 2011
--- "The Limpopo Academy of Private Detection" (13) - 2012
--- "The Minor Adjustment Beauty Salon" (14) - 2013
--- "The Handsome Man's De Luxe Café" (15) - 2014
--- "The Woman Who Walked in Sunshine" (16) - 2015
--- "Precious and Grace" (17) - 2016
McCarthy, Cormac "The Road" - 2006 
McCullers, Carson "The Heart is a Lonely Hunter" - 1940
McCullough, Colleen "The Ladies of Missalonghi" - 1987
"The Thorn Birds" - 1977
McEwan, Ian "Atonement" - 2001 * xx
McGarry Morris, Mary "Songs in Ordinary Time" - 1995
McGowan, John; McGowan, Frankie "Actually, it’s Love" - 2004
McKinley, Tamara "Lands Beyond the Sea" - 2007
McLain, Paula "The Paris Wife" - 2012
McLeod, Cynthia "The Cost of Sugar" (NL: Hoe duur was de suiker?) - 1987
McMahon, Katharine "The Rose of Sebastopol" - 2007
Mehden, Heilwig von der "Take the Men as They Are. There are no Others" (GE: Nehmt die Männer wie sie sind. Es gibt keine anderen) - 1993
Melandri, Francesca "Right Blood or Everyone but me" (IT: Sangue giusto/Alle, außer mir) - 2017
Melville, Herman "Moby Dick or The Whale" - 1851
Menasse, Robert "
The Capital" (GE: Die Hauptstadt) - 2017
Mercier, Pascal "The Weight of the Words" (GE: Das Gewicht der Worte) - 2020
- "Lea" (GE: Lea) - 2007

- "Night Train to Lisbon" (GE: Nachtzug nach Lissabon) - 2004 *
- "Perlmann's Silence" (GE: Perlmanns Schweigen) - 1995
Meri, Veijo "The Manila Rope" (FIN: Manillaköysi) - 1957 *
Metalious, Grace "Peyton Place" - 1957
Michaels, Anne "Fugitive Pieces" - 1996
Michel, Sascha; Hosemann, Jürgen (Hrsg./Ed.) "Christmas Stories for Happy Hours" (GE: Weihnachtsgeschichten für Glückliche Stunden) - 2021
Miller, Arthur "Death of a Salesman" - 1949
Mistry, Rohinton "A Fine Balance" - 1995
- "Family Matters" - 2002
- "Such a Long Journey" - 1991
Mitchell, David "Cloud Atlas" - 2004
Mitchell, Margaret "Gone With the Wind" - 1936
Miura, Shion "The Easy Life in Kamusari" (J: 神去なあなあ日常 Kamusari nānā nichijō) - 2009 *
Mo, Yan "Red Sorghum" (CHN: 红高粱家族 Hóng gāoliang jiāzú) - 1987
Modick, Klaus "Concert without Poets" (GE: Konzert ohne Dichter) - 2015
- "The Shadows of the Ideas" (GE: Die Schatten der Ideen) - 2008
Modiano, Patrick "La Place de l'Étoile" (F: La Place de l'Étoile) - 1968
Moggach, Deborah "The Carer" - 2019
- "Tulip Fever" - 1999 *
Molière (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin) "The Miser or The School for Lies" (F: L'Avare ou l’École du mensonge) - 1668 *
Molnár, Ferenc "The Paul Street Boys" (H: A Pál-utcai Fiúk) - 1907 *
Montasser, Thomas "The happiness of the small moments" (GE: Das Glück der kleinen Augenblicke) - 2017
- "Monsieur Jean and his sense of luck (GE: Monsieur Jean und sein Gespür für Glück) - 2015
Moor, Dieter "You don't need what we don't have" (GE: Was wir nicht haben, brauchen Sie nicht) - 2009
Montefiore, Santa "Meet Me Under the Ombu Tree" - 2002 xx
Moore, Christopher "Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff" - 2002 *

Mora, Terézia "The Monster" (GE: Das Ungeheuer) - 2013
More, Thomas "Utopia" - 1516
Morgan Dawson, Sarah "A Confederate Girl's Diary"
- 1913
Morrison, Toni "Beloved" - 1987
- "The Bluest Eye" - 1970
- "Home" - 2012
- "Love" - 2003
- "A Mercy" - 2008
- "Paradise" - 1998

Morton, Kate "The Clockmaker's Daughter" - 2018
Mosebach, Martin "The Turkish Woman" (GE: Die Türkin) - 2002
Mosse, Kate "Labyrinth" - 2005 *

Moyes, Jojo "Me Before You" - 2012 xx

Mukherjee, Neel "A State of Freedom" - 2017
Mulisch, Harry "The Discovery of Heaven" (NL: De ontdekking van de hemel) - 1992 *
Müller, Herta "The Appointment" (GE: Heute wär ich mir lieber nicht begegnet) - 1997 *
Multatuli (Eduard Douwes Dekker) "Max Havelaar" (NL: Max Havelaar of de koffiveilingen der Nederlandsche Handelmaatschappy)
- 1959
Münk, Katharina "The Ice Skater" (GE: Die Eisläuferin) 2011
Münnix, Gabriele "Anderwelten (Other Worlds): A Fabulous Introduction to Philosophizing" (GE: Anderwelten: Eine fabelhafte Einführung ins Philosophieren) - 2009 

Munro, Alice "Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage" - 2001 * (short stories) 
- "Runaway" - Runaway - 2004 (short stories) 
Münstermann, Hans "The Happy Year 1940" (NL: "Het gelukkige jaar 1940/Das glückliche Jahr 1940) - 2000
Murakami, Haruki "Kafka on the Shore" (J: 海辺のカフカ Umibe no Kafuka) - 2004

- "Norwegian Wood" (J: Noruwei no mori, ノルウェイの森) - 1987   
Murasaki, Lady Shikibu "The Tale of Genji" (J: 源氏物語 Genji Monogatari) - early 11th century
Murdoch, Iris "The Philosopher's Pupil" - 1983
Myers, Benjamin "The Offing" - 2019

Nabokov, Vladimir "Lolita" - 1995
Nadal, Rafel "The Last Son's Secret" (E: La maldición de los Palmisano) - 2015
Nadolny, Sten "The Discovery of Slowness" (GE: Die Entdeckung der Langsamkeit) - 1983
Naipaul, V.S. "A Bend in the River" - 1979
- "Half A Life" - 2001
- "A House for Mr. Biswas" - 1961

Nast, Michael "#egoland" (GE: #EGOLAND) - 2018
Navarre, Marguerite de "Heptameron" (F: Heptaméron) - 1578 xx
Nawrath, Bianca "Eat This Now If You Love Me" (GE: Iss das jetzt, wenn du mich liebst) - 2021
NDiaye, Marie "Rosie Carpe" (F: Rosie Carpe) - 2001 xx
- "Three strong women" (F: Trois femmes puissantes) - 2009 xx
Némirovsky, Irène "La Proie" [The Prey] - 1938
- "Suite Française" (F: Suite Française) - 2004

Neruda, Pablo "The Captain's Verses" (Los versos del capitán) - 1973 (Poetry) *
Neville, Henry "The Isle of Pines" - 1668

Nguyen, Viet Thanh (Việt Thanh Nguyễn) "The Sympathizer" - 2015
Niffenegger, Audrey "The Time Traveler's Wife" - 2003 * xx
Noack, Barbara "All of a sudden, they're not children anymore" (GE: Auf einmal sind sie keine Kinder mehr) - 1978
Noble, Elizabeth "The Reading Group" - 2004 *
Noort, Tamar "Eternity is a good place" (GE: Die Ewigkeit ist ein guter Ort) - 2023
Nöstlinger, Christine "Best of Mama" (GE: Best of Mama) - 2001

Oates, Joyce Carol "A Book of American Martyrs" - 2017
- "Big Mouth & Ugly Girl" - 2003
- "Black Girl/White Girl" - 2006
- "Blonde" - 2000
- "Carthage" - 2014
- "Dear Husband, stories" - 2009 (short stories)
- "The Falls" - 2004

- "The Gravedigger's Daughter" - 2007
- "Jack of Spades. A Tale of Suspense" - 2015
- "Little Bird of Heaven" - 2009

- "The Man Without a Shadow" - 2016   
- "Middle Age" - 2001
- "Mudwoman" - 2012

- "The Sacrifice" - 2015
- "Sexy" - 2015
- "We Were the Mulvaneys" - 1996
O’Brian, Patrick "Master & Commander" - 1969
Oelker, Petra "The Happiest Year" (GE: Das glücklichste Jahr) - 2015
- "Two sisters. A story from troubled times" - (GE: Zwei Schwestern. Eine Geschichte aus unruhiger Zeit) - 2017

Ondaatje, Michael "Anil's Ghost" - 2000
- "The English Patient" - 1992

- "Warlight" - 2018
Osman, Richard "The Thursday Murder Club" - 2020
- "The Man Who Died Twice" - 2021
Osorio, Elsa "My Name is Light" (E: A veinte años, Luz) - 1998

Otto, Whitney "How to Make an American Quilt" - 1991

Owens, Delia "Where the Crawdads Sing" - 2018
Oz, Amos "A Tale of Love and Darkness" (Hebr: סיפור על אהבה וחושך) - 2002

Pagnol, Marcel "Jean de Florette" (F: Jean de Florette) - 1963 *   
Palacio, R.J. "Wonder" - 2012

Paluch, Andrea; Habeck, Robert "The Cry of the Hyenas" - 2004
Palma, Félix J. "
The Map of the Sky" (E: El mapa del cielo) - 2012  
- "The Map of Time" (E: El mapa del tiempo) - 2008
- "The Map of Chaos" (E: El mapa del caos) - 2014 
Pamuk, Orhan "A Strangeness in my Mind" (TR: Kafamda Bir Tuhaflık) - 2014
- "The Black Book" (TR: Kara Kitap) - 1990
- "Cevdet Bey and His Sons" (TR: Cevdet Bey ve Oğulları) - 1982
- "The Museum of Innocence" (TR: Masumiyet Müzesi) - 2008
- "My Father's Suitcase" (TR: Babamın Bavulu) - 2007
- "My Name is Red"
(TR: Benim Adım Kırmızı) - 1998 * 
- "The Naïve and the Sentimental Novelist" (TR: Saf ve Düşünceli Romancı) - 2011
- "The New Life" (TR: Yeni Hyat) - 1994
- "The Red-Haired Woman" (TR: Kırmızı Saçlı Kadın) - 2016
- "Snow" (TR: Kar) - 2002   
- "Silent House" (TR: Sessiz Ev) - 1983
- "The White Castle" (TR: Beyaz Kale) - 1985
Pasternak, Boris "Doctor Zhivago" (RUS: Доктор Живаго) - 1957

Paton, Alan "Cry, The Beloved Country" - 1948
Patchett, Ann "The Dutch House" - 2019
- "The Magician’s Assistant" - 1997 xx
- "The Patron Saint of Liars" - 1992 * 
Paull, Laline "The Bees" - 2014
Paretti, Sandra "The Wishing Tree" (GE: Der Wunschbaum) - 1975
Pausewang, Gudrun "The Last Children" (GE: Die letzten Kinder von Schewenborn oder … sieht so unsere Zukunft aus?) - 1983
Pears, Tim "In a Land of Plenty" - 1977
Peetz, Monika "
The Tuesday Women" (GE: Die Dienstagsfrauen) - 2010
- "Summer Sisters" (GE: Sommerschwestern) - 2022

Perry, Anne "A Christmas Odyssey" - 2010 xx
Pessl, Marisha "Special Topics in Calamity Physics" - 2006
Petrowskaja, Katja "Maybe Esther" (GE: Vielleicht Esther) - 2014
Petterson, Per "Out Stealing Horses" (NO: Ut og stjæle hester) - 2003
Philippe, Danièle "My Europe Began in Normandy" (J'avais quinze ans en juin 1944 en Normandie/Es begann in der Normandie) - 1988
Picoult, Jodi "My Sister's Keeper" - 2004 xx

Plath, Sylvia "The Bell Jar" - 1963
Plenzdorf, Ulrich "The New Sufferings of Young W." (GE: Die neuen Leiden des jungen W.) - 1972
Pleschinski, Hans "King's Alley" (
GE: Königsallee) - 2013
Poe, Edgar Allan "The Murders in the Rue Morgue and other stories" - 1841
Powers, Charles T. "In the Memory of the Forest" - 1997
Powers, Richard "The Overstory" - 2018
Pradas i Andreu, Núria "Tailor Made Dreams" (Cat: Somnis a mida) "Die Kleidermacherin" - 2016
Precht, Georg Jonathan & Richard David "Mr. Jørgensen's Instruments" or "The Ship in the Noor" (GE: Die Instrumente des Herrn Jørgensen oder Das Schiff im Noor) - 1999  
Proulx, Annie "The Shipping News" - 2003

Raittila, Hanny "Canal Grande" (SF: Canal Grande) - 2001
Rand, Ayn "We the Living" - 1936
Rasputin, Valentin "Farewell to Matyora" (RUS: Прощание с Матёрой = Proshshaniye s Matyoroy) - 1976
- "To Live and Remember" (or: Live and Remember) (RUS: Zhiwi e pomni, Живи и помни) - 1974
Regener, Sven "Berlin Blues" (GE: Herr Lehmann) - 2001
- "Neue Vahr South" - Neue Vahr Süd - 2004
Remarque, Erich Maria "All Quiet on the Western Front" (GE: Im Westen nichts Neues) - 1928 *
Rhoides, Emmanuel (Emmanuel Roidis) "The Curious History of Pope Joan" (GR: Πάπισσα Ιωάννα/Papissa Ioanna) - 1866
Rhue, Morton "The Wave" - 1981
Rhys, Jean "Wide Sargasso Sea" - 1966

Roach, Mary "My Planet. Finding Humor in the Oddest Places" - 2013
Roberts, Karen "The Flower Boy" - 2001

Roberts, Gregory David "Shantaram" - 2003
Robinson, Marilynne "Gilead" - 2004
Rosendorfer, Herbert "Letters Back to Ancient China" (GE: Briefe in die chinesische Vergangenheit) - 1983

Rosner, Elisabeth "The Speed of Light" - 2001
Roth, Charlotte "When Heaven Belonged to Us" (GE: Als der Himmel uns gehörte)  - 2015
- "When We Were Immortal" (GE: Als wir unsterblich waren) - 2014
Roth, Philip "The Ghost Writer" - 1979
- "Zuckerman Unbound" - 1981
Roy, Arundhati "The God of Small Things" - 1997
Rückert, Friedrich "To Read in the Evening. Texts to Think About" (GE: Am Abend zu lesen. Texte zum Nachdenken) ~ 1850/1860
Ruiz Zafón, Carlos "Gaudí in Manhattan" (E: La Mujer de Vapor) -
Gaudí in Manhattan - 2009
- "Marina" (E: Marina) - 1999

- "The Angel's Game" (E: El juego del ángel - El cementerio de los libros olvidados #2) - 2008
- "The City of Mist" (E: La Ciudad de Vapor - El cementerio de los libros olvidados #5) - 2020
- "The Labyrinth of the Spirits" (E: El laberinto de los espíritus - El cementerio de los libros olvidados #4) - 2016
- "The Midnight Palace" (El Palacio de la Medianoche) - 1994
- "The Prince of Mist" (E: El príncipe de la niebla) - 1993
- "The Prisoner of Heaven" (E: El prisionero del cielo - El cementerio de los libros olvidados #3) - 2011
- "The Shadow of the Wind" (E: La sombra del viento - El cementerio de los libros olvidados #1) - 2001 *
- "Watcher in the Shadows" (E: Las luces de Septiembre) - 1995
Rulfo, Juan "Pedro Páramo" (Pedro Páramo/Pedro Páramo) - 1955
Runcie, James "The Discovery of Chocolate" - 2001

Rushdie, Salman "Midnight's Children" - 1981
- "The Satanic Verses" - 1988 *
Rutherfurd, Edward "Awakening: The Rebels of Ireland" - 2006
- "China" - 2021

- "Dublin: Foundation (The Princes of Ireland: The Dublin Saga)" - 2004
- "The Forest" - 2000

- "London - The Novel" - 1997
- "New York"  - 2009

- "Paris" - 2013
- "Russka. The Novel of Russia" - 1991
- "Sarum: the Novel of England" - 1987
Ryan, Donal "The Thing About December" - 2013

Sackville, Amy "The Still Point" - 2010
Şafak, Elif "10 Minutes 38 Seconds in This Strange World" - 2019
- "Araf" (aka The Saint of Incipient Insanities) - 2004

- "The Forty Rules of Love: A Novel of Rumi" - 2001 *
- "The Island of Missing Trees" - 2021

- "Three Daughters of Eve" (TR: Havva'nın Üç Kızı) - 2016
Saki (H.H. Munro) "The Complete Short Stories of Saki"
1909-24 *
Salinger, J.D. "Catcher in the Rye" - 1951 * xx
Sampedro, José Luis "The Etruscan Smile" (E: La sonrisa etrusca) - 1985
Sand, George "Fadette" (aka Fanchon, the Cricket) (F: La Petite Fadette) - 1849
Sansom, C.J. (Christopher John) "Dominion" - 2011

Saramago, José "Blindness" (PO: Ensaio sobre a Cegueira) - 1995 * 
- "Cain" (PO: Caim) - 2009
Satrapi, Marjane "Persepolis. The Story of a Childhood" (F: Persepolis) - 2000 *
- "Persepolis. The Story of a Return" (F: Persepolis. Vol. 2) - 2000 *

Schami, Rafik "A Hand Full of Stars" (GE: Eine Hand voller Sterne) - 1987
- "The Calligrapher’s Secret" (GE: Das Geheimnis des Kalligraphen) - 2008 *
- "The Dark Side of Love" (GE: Die dunkle Seite der Liebe) - 2004
Scheib, Asta "An Ornament in Her Home" (GE: Eine Zierde in ihrem Hause) - 2002
Scherz, Reiner "Do you also sell books here? Quaint anecdotes from a bookseller" (GE: Gibt’s hier auch Bücher? Kuriose Anekdoten eines Buchhändlers) - 2007
Scherzant, Sina; Notter, Marius "3 More Loyalty Points Until the Pan Set" (GE: Noch 3 Treuepunkt bis zum Pfannen-Set) - 2021 xx
Schiller, Friedrich "Intrigue and Love" (GE: Kabale und Liebe) - 1784

Schimmel, Betty "To See You Again" - 1999    
Schlink, Bernhard "
Colours of Good-bye" (Abschiedsfarben) - 2020
- "The Reader" (GE: Der Vorleser) - 1994

Schmitt, Éric-Emmanuel "Monsieur Ibrahim and the Flowers of the Koran" (F: Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleurs du Coran) - 1999 *
- "Oscar and the Lady in Pink" (F: Oscar et la dame rose) - 2002 *

Schoemperlen, Diane "Our Lady of the Lost and Found" - 2001
Schulz, Charles M. "
Advent with the Peanuts" (Advent mit den Peanuts) - 1979/80
Schulze, Ingo "Simple Storys: A Novel from the East German Province" (GE: Simple Storys: Ein Roman aus der ostdeutschen Provinz) - 1998  
Schulte-Loh, Christian "On the Island to Laugh" (GE: Zum Lachen auf die Insel) - 2017   

Schwarz, Christina "Drowning Ruth" - 2001
Scott, Mary - New Zealand novels
- "Breakfast at Six" - 1953
-- "Dinner Doesn’t Matter" - 1957
-- "Tea and Biscuits" - 1961
-- "A Change from Mutton" - 1964
-- "Turkey at Twelve" - 1968
-- "Shepherd’s Pie" - 1972
-- "Strangers for Tea" - 1975
-- "Board, but no Breakfast" - 1978 
- "Families are Fun" - 1957
-- "No Sad Songs" - 1960
-- "Freddie" - 1965
- "Away From It All" - 1977
- "First Things First" - 1973
- "Haven't We Met Before?" - 1970
- "If I Don't, Who Will?" - 1971
- "It’s Perfectly Easy" - 1963
- "It Was Meant" - 1974
- "One of the Family" - 1958
- "Pippa in Paradise" - 1955
- "Strictly Speaking" - 1969  
- "The Long Honeymoon" - 1963
- "The White Elephant" - 1959
- "What Does It Matter" - 1966
- "Yes, Darling" - 1967
- "Yours to oblige" - 1954
Scott, Mary; West, Joyce "Fatal Lady" (Inspector Wright #1) - 1960
- "Such Nice People" (Inspector Wright #2) - 1962
- "The Mangrove Murder" (Inspector Wright #3) - 1964
- "No Red Herrings" (Inspector Wright #4) - 1964
- "Who Put It There?" (Inspector Wright #5) - 1965 
See, Lisa "Peony in Love" - 2007
- "Snow Flower and the Secret Fan" - 2005
Sefton, Maggie "Knit One, Kill Two" - 2005 xx
Segal, Erich "Love Story" - 1970
Sendker, Jan-Philipp "The Art of Hearing Heartbeats" (Burma Trilogy # 1) (GE: Das Herzenhören) - 2002
- "The Far Side of the Night" (The Rising Dragon #3) (GE: Am anderen Ende der Nacht) - 2016
- "The Language of Solitude" (aka Dragon Games) (The Rising Dragon #2) - (GE: Drachenspiele) - 2009
- "A Well-Tempered Heart"
(Burma Trilogy # 2) (GE: Herzenstimmen) - 2012
- "Whispering Shadows" (The Rising Dragon #1) (GE: Das Flüstern der Schatten) - 2007
Serreau, Coline "Pilgrimage in French" (F: Saint-Jacques... La Mecque/Pilgern auf Französisch) - 2008
Seth, Vikram "An Equal Music" - 1999

- "A Suitable Boy" - 1993
Setterfield, Diane "The Thirteenth Tale" - 2006
Shaffer, Mary Ann & Barrows, Annie "The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Society" - 2008 *
Shakespeare, William "Hamlet" - 1599/1602 
- "Macbeth" (aka The Scottish Play) - 1599/1606 
- "Much Ado About Nothing" - 1598/99
- "Romeo and Juliet" - 1597
Shakib, Siba "Eskandar" (GE: Eskandar) - 2009
- "Samira and Samir" (GE: Samira und Samir) - 2004

Shin, Kyung-sook "Please Look After Mom" (KOR: 엄마를 부탁해 Ch'angbi) - 2008 *
Sieg, Sören "Have a nice Sunday: The 88 best stories of Leo, Lina and Lukas" (GE: Schönen Sonntag: Die 88 besten Geschichten von Leo, Lina und Lukas) - 2010
- "
Have a nice Sunday 2: The latest from Leo, Lina and Lukas" (GE: Schönen Sonntag 2. Das Neueste von Leo, Lina und Lukas) - 2012
Sieg, Sören; Krohn, Axel "I didn't understand you visually. Overheard German dialogues" (GE: Ich hab dich rein optisch nicht verstanden. Deutsche Dialoge mitgehört) - 2015
Shalev, Meir "Four Meals" (Hebr: כימים אחדים) - 1994
Shalev, Zeruya "Husband and Wife" (Hebr: בעל ואישה) - 2000
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft "Frankenstein: or, The Modern Prometheus" - 1888 *

Shields, Carol "The Stone Diaries" - 1993 
Shreve, Anita "The Weight of Water" - 1997
Shriver, Lionel "We Need to Talk About Kevin" - 2003
Shteyngart, Gary "Absurdistan" - 2006
Shute, Nevil "A Town Like Alice" (US Titel: The Legacy) - 1950
- "On the Beach" - 1959
Sienkiewicz, Henryk "Quo Vadis" (PL: Quo Vadis) - 1895
Simenon, Georges "Maigret Sets a Trap"
(Maigret #48) (F: Maigret tend un piège) - 1958
Singer, Isaac Bashevis "Yentl, the Yeshiva Boy" (Yidd: נטל בחור ישיבה/Yenṭl der Yeshive-boḥer) - 1983

Sington, Philip "The Einstein Girl" - 2009 xx
Sitch, Rob: Cilauro, Santo: Tom Gleisner, Tom "Molvanîa. A Land Untouched By Modern Dentistry" - 2003 
Skibsrud, Johanna "The Sentimentalists" - 2010

Slimani, Leïla "Adèle" (F: Dans le jardin de l'ogre) - 2014 *
Smiley, Jane "The All-true Travels and Adventures of Lidie Newton" - 1998
- "Early Warning" - Last Hundred Years #2 - 2015
- "Golden Age" - Last Hundred Years #3 - 2015
- "Some Luck" - Last Hundred Years #1 - 2014
- "A Thousand Acres" - 1991
Smith, Ali "The Accidental" - 2004 xx
Smith, Betty "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" - 1943
Smith, Dodie "I Capture the Castle" - 1948

Smith, Zadie "On Beauty" - 2005
- "White Teeth" - 1999
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander "August 1914" ["The Red Wheel" cycle] (RUS: Солженицын, Александр Исаевич/Узел I - «Август Четырнадцатого», Красное колесо) - 1971
- "His Great Stories" (RUS: One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich; For the Good of the Cause; Matryona's House; An Incident at Krechetovka Station) (RUS: Оди́н день Ива́на Дени́совича/Odin den' Ivana Denisovicha; Для пользы дела/ lja pol'zy dela; Матрёнин двор/Matrjonin dvor; Случай на станции Кречетовка/Sluchaj na stancii Krechetovka) - 1962/63
Sonneborn, Martin & seine politische Beraterin: Latour, Claudia "99 Ideas to Revive the Political Utopia. The Communist Manifesto" (GE: 99 Ideen zur Wiederbelebung der politischen Utopie. Das kommunistische Manifest" - 2021
Soueif, Ahdaf "Aisha" - 1983 (short stories)
- "The Map of Love" - 1999 *

Sparks, Nicholas "The Notebook" - 2004 
Spufford, Francis "Golden Hill: A Novel of Old New York" - 2016
Stachniak, Eva "The Winter Palace. A Novel of Catherine the Great" - 2011
Staël, Anne-Louise-Germaine de "Corinne: Or Italy" (F: Corinne ou l'Italie) - 1807
Stanišić, Saša "How the Soldier Repairs the Gramophone" (GE: Wie der Soldat das Grammofon repariert) - 2006
Stedman, M L "The Light Between Oceans" - 2012
Steinbeck, John "Cannery Row" - 1945
- "East of Eden" - 1952 *
- "The Grapes of Wrath" - 1939 *
- "Of Mice and Men" - 1937

- "The Pearl" - 1947
Stendhal "The Red and the Black" (F: Le Rouge et le Noir) - 1830
Sterne, Laurence "The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman"
- 1759-67
Stephenson, Neal "Anathem" - 2008
Stevenson, Robert Louis "Treasure Island"
- 1881/82     
Sthers, Amanda "The Ghost Street" (F: Chicken Street) - Die Geisterstraße  - 2005
Stockett, Kathryn "The Help" - 2009
Stoker, Bram "Dracula" - 1897
Storm, Theodor
"Cooper Basch" (GE: Bötjer Basch) - 1886 
- "A Double" (GE: Ein Doppelgänger) - 1887
- "There were two king's children" (GE:
Es waren zwei Königskinder)
- 1884  
- "The Rider on the White Horse" (aka The Dikegrave/The Dykemaster) (GE: Der Schimmelreiter)
- 1888
- "Paul the Puppeteer" (GE: Pole Poppenspäler) - 1874
Stowe, Harriet Beecher "Uncle Tom’s Cabin" - 1852
Stratmann, Cordula "She Up There, He Down There" (GE: Sie da oben, er da unten) - 2010
Stroyar, J.N. "The Children's War" - 2001
- "A Change of Regime" (The Children's War #2) - 2004
"Becoming Them" (The Children's War #3) - 2017
Sturluson, Snorri "Egil's Saga" (Icel: Egils saga Skallagrímssonar) - 1240
Swarup, Vikas "Q & A" - 2005    
Syal, Meera "Life Isn't All Ha Ha Hee Hee" * - 1999 xx
Štimec, Spomenka "Croatian War Nocturnal" (Esperanto: Kroata Milita Noktlibro) - 1993

Takahashi, Yuta "The Chibineko Kitchen" (J: ちびねこ亭の思い出ごはん 黒猫と初恋サンドイッチ/Chibinekoteino omoidegohan kuronekoto hatsukoisandoitchi) - 2020
Talshir, Anat "If I Forget Thee" (Hebr.: Im Eshkahekh) - 2010

Tan, Amy "The Joy Luck Club" - 1989 *
Tanpınar, Ahmet Hamdi "The Time Regulation Institute" (TR: Saatleri Ayarlama Enstitüsü) - 1961 *
Tartt, Donna "The Goldfinch" - 2013
- "The Secret History" - 1992
Taschler, Judith W. "David" (GE: David) - 2017
- "
The German Teacher" (GE: Die Deutschlehrerin) - 2013
- "Novel without a U" (GE: Roman ohne U) - 2014
- "stay" (GE: bleiben) - 2016
- "Summer and Winter" (GE: Sommer wie Winter) - 2011

Taylor, Andrew "The Ashes of London" - 2016
Tekin, Latife "Swords of Ice" (TR: Buzdan Kiliçlar) - 1989 *
Tellkamp, Uwe "The Tower" (GE: Der Turm) - 2008

Thackeray, William Makepeace "Vanity Fair, or, A Novel Without a Hero" - Jahrmarkt der Eitelkeit - 1848
't Hart, Maarten "The Sundial" (NL: De zonnewijzer) - 2003 xx
- "The fury/rage/raging of the whole world" (NL: Het woeden der gehele wereld) - 1993
Thomas, Dylan "Under Milk Wood" - 1954 xx
Thomas, Rosie "The Potter’s House" - 2001

Titchmarsh, Alan "Only Dad" - 2002

Tóibín, Colm "Brooklyn" - 2009 xx
Tokarczuk, Olga 
"Drive your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead(PL: Prowadź swój pług przez kości umarłych) - 2009
- "Primeval and Other Times" (PL: Prawiek i inne czasy) - 1996 *
- "Drive your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead" - 2009
Tolkien, J.R.R. "The Hobbit"
- 1937 xx
Tolstoy, Aleksey Konstantinovich "Prince Serebrenni: An Historical Novel of the Times of Ivan the Terrible and of the Conquest of Siberia" (aka The Silver Knight/The Silver Prince) (RUS: Князь Серебряный/Knjaz' Sserebrjanyi) - 1882
Tolstoy, Leo "Anna Karenina" (RUS: Анна Каренина = Anna Karenina) - 1877 *
- "Collected Works. The Stories" (RUS. Gesammelte Werke. Die Erzählungen) - 1886
- "War and Peace" (RUS: Война и мир = Woina i mir) - 1868/69
Toptaş, Hasan Ali "The Shadowless" (TR: Gölgesizler) - 1995
Towles, Amor "A Gentleman in Moscow" - 2016
- "Rules of Civility" - 2011
Tremain, Rose "Music & Silence" - 1999 

- "The Gustav Sonata" - 2016
Trollope, Anthony "Barchester Chronicles":
The Warden - 1855; Barchester Towers - 1857, Doctor Thorne - 1858, Framley Parsonage - 1861; The Small House at Allington - 1864; The Last Chronicle of Barset - 1867
- "The Way We Live Now" - 1875
Trollope, Joanna "Next of Kin" - 1996
Trotter, Derek "Del Boy" (Family of John Sullivan) "He Who Dares" - 2015
Tsumura, Kikuko "There's No Such Thing as an Easy Job" (Konoyoni tayasui shigoto wa na/この世にたやすい仕事はない) - 2015

Tsypkin, Leonid "Summer in Baden-Baden" (RUS: лджубит достоджэвсково) - 1981
Tucholsky, Kurt "Rheinsberg - a Storybook for Lovers" (GE: Rheinsberg - ein Bilderbuch für Verliebte) - 1912
Tucker, Helen "The Sound of Summer Voices" - 1969
Turner, Nancy E. "These is my Words" (Sarah Agnes Prine Trilogy #1) - 1999 *
- "Sarah's Quilt"
(Sarah Agnes Prine Trilogy #2) - 2006
- "The Star Garden" (Sarah Agnes Prine Trilogy #3) - 2017
- "The Water and the Blood" - 2001
Tuuri, Antti "
Fifteen Meters to the Left" (FIN: Viisitoista metriä vasempaan) Fünfzehn Meter nach links" - 1985
Twain, Mark "A Tramp Abroad" - 1880 xx
"The Innocents Abroad" - 1869 xx
Twilfer, Kai "FInn-Luca, heel! The Crazy Family Horror Next Door" (GE: Finn-Luca, komm bei Fuß! Der verrückte Familienhorror von nebenan" - 2016
Tyler, Anne "The Accidental Tourist" - 1985

- "Digging to America" - 2006
- "A Patchwork Planet" - 1998
- "A Spool of Blue Thread" - 2015  

Ulitzkaya, Lyudmila "Imago" or "The Big Green Tent" (RUS: Зеленый шатер = Zelenyi shater) - 2010
- "Medea and Her Children" (Медея и её дети/Medeja i eë deti) - 1996
Undset, Sigrid "Kristin Lavransdatter" (NO: Kristin Lavransdatter) - 1920-22
Unigwe, Chika "On Black Sisters’ Street" - 2007
Urquhart, Jane "The Stone Carvers" - 2001*
- "The Underpainter" - 1997 xx
Uthaug, Maren "Before there were Birds" (DK: Hvor der er fugle/Hannahs Lied) - 2017

van Loon, Karel "A Father's Affair" (NL: De passievrucht) - 1999 *
Vargas Llosa, Mario "Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter" (E: La tía Julia y el escribidor) - 1977
- "The Feast of the Goat" (E: La fiesta del chivo) - 2000 *
- "The Storyteller" (E: El Hablador) - 1987
Various/Verschiedene "The Most Beautiful Winter Fairy Tales" (GE: Die schönsten Wintermärchen) - 2016
Verghese, Abraham "The Covenant of Water" - 2023
Voland, Maxim "The Republic" (GE: Die Republik) - 2020
Voltaire "
Candide, or Optimism" (F: Candide, ou l'Optimisme) - 1759
Vonnegut, Kurt "Breakfast of Champions" - 1973
Vreeland, Susan "Girl in Hyacinth Blue" - 1999 *

Wahl, Caroline "22 Lanes" (GE: 22 Bahnen) - 2023
Walker, Alice "The Color Purple" - 1982
- "The Temple of My Familiar" - 1989
Waltari, Mika "The Dark Angel" (SF: Johannes Angelos) - 1952 *
- "The Egyptian" (SF: Sinuhe Egyptiläinen) - 1945 *

- "The Secret of the Kingdom" (SF: Valtakunnan salaisuus) - 1959 *
Waters, Sarah "The Night Watch" - 2006 xx
Waugh, Evelyn "Brideshead Revisited: The Sacred and Profane Memories of Captain Charles Ryder" - 1945 *
Weidermann, Volker "Summer Before the Dark: Stefan Zweig and Joseph Roth, Ostend 1936" (GE: Ostende - 1936, Sommer der Freundschaft)
- 2014
Weigand, Sabine "I, Eleanor, Queen of Two Realms" (GE: Ich, Eleonore, Königin zweier Reiche) - 2015
Weiler, Jan
"And the puberty animal sleeps forever" (GE: Und ewig schläft das Pubertier) (Pubertiere #3) - 2017
- "Antonio in Wonderland"
(GE: Antonio im Wunderland) - 2005
- "The Awning Man" (GE: Der Markisenmann) - 2022
- "The Book of 39 Precious Things" (GE: Das Buch der 39 Kostbarkeiten) - 2011
- "Dragon's Seed" (GE: Drachensaat) - 2008
"The Elders" (GE: Die Ältern) (Pubertiere #4) - 2020
- "Eldertime" (GE: Älternzeit) (Pubertiere #5) - 2023
- "In My Little Country" (GE: In meinem kleinen Land) - 2006
- "In the realm of the puberty animal"
(GE: Im Reich der Pubertiere) (Pubertiere #2) - 2016
- "Kühn is Busy"
(GE: Kühn hat zu tun) - 2015
- "Maria, He Doesn't Like It"
(GE: Maria, ihm schmeckt's nicht!) - 2003
- "My Life as a Human" (GE: Mein Leben als Mensch) - 2009
- "Nick's Hodgepodge" (GE: Nicks Sammelsurium) (Pubertiere #0,5) - 2016
- "Teenosaurus Rex"
(GE: Das Pubertier) - 2014
Weir, Andy "The Martian" - 2011  
Wells, Benedict "
The End of Loneliness" (GE: Vom Ende der Einsamkeit) - 2016
Wells, H. G. "The Time Machine" - 1895

Wells, Rebecca "Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood" - 1996 and "Little Altars Everywhere" - 1998 *
Wharton, Edith "Ethan Frome" - 1911
- "The House of Mirth" - 1905 *

Whitehead, Colson "The Nickel Boys" - 2019
- "Underground Railroad" - 2016
Wilde, Oscar "A Woman of No Importance" - 1893
- "The Importance of Being Earnest" - 1895
- "Only Dull People Are Brilliant at Breakfast" - 1946
- "The Picture of Dorian Gray" - 1890
- "The Nightingale and the Rose. Short Stories" - 1891

Williams, John "Augustus" - 1972
Williams, Tennessee "A Streetcar named Desire" - 1947
Witzel, Frank "The Invention of the Red Army Faction by a Manic Depressive Teenager in the Summer of 1969" (GE: Die Erfindung der Roten Armee Fraktion durch einen manisch-depressiven Teenager im Sommer 1969) - 2015
Wodehouse, P.G. "The Code of the Woosters" (Jeeves #7) - 1938
- "Right Ho, Jeeves" - 1934
- "Ring for Jeeves" - 1953
- "The World of Jeeves" (Jeeves #2-4: The Inimitable Jeeves #2, Carry On, Jeeves #3, Very Good, Jeeves! #4) - 1923/1925/1930
Wolf, Christa "They Divided the Sky" (aka Divided Heaven) (GE: Der geteilte Himmel) - 1963
Wolfe,Thomas "Look Homeward, Angel" - 1929
Wolff, Iris "
Pretend it's Raining" (GE: So tun, als ob es regnet) - 2017
Woolf, Virginia "Mrs. Dalloway" - 1925

- "To the Lighthouse" - 1927 *
Woolfolk Cross, Donna "Pope Joan" - 1996 *

Worth, Jennifer "Call the Midwife" - 2002
Wroblewski, David "The Story of Edgar Sawtelle" - Die Geschichte von Edgar Sawtelle - 2008

Xu, Ruiyan "The Lost and Forgotten Languages of Shanghai" - 2010
Xueqin, Cao (
Cáo Xuěqín) "Dream of the Red Chamber/The Story of the Stone" (CHN: 红楼梦/Hung lou meng) - 1717-63

Yates, Richard "Revolutionary Road" - 1961
Yerby, Frank "Griffin's Way" - 1962

- "Speak now" - 1969
Young, William Paul "The Shack" - 2007

, Feridun "Seven Towers Quarter" (GE: Siebentürmeviertel) - 2015
Zeh, Juli
"About People" (GE: Über Menschen) - 2021
- "Among People" (Name of the village but also wordplay) (GE: Unterleuten) - 2016 
- "The Method" (GE: Corpus Delicti. Ein Prozess) - 2009
- "The Silence is a Sound. A Trip Through Bosnia" (GE: Die Stille ist ein Geräusch. Eine Fahrt durch Bosnien) - 2002
Zöller, Elisabeth "Anton or The Time of The Unworthy Life" (GE: Anton oder Die Zeit des unwerten Lebens) - 2004
Zusak, Markus "The Book Thief" - 2005 *
- "The Messenger" (US: I am the Messenger/Der Joker) - 2002
Zweig, Stefanie "The House in Rothschild Lane" (GE: Das Haus in der Rothschildallee) (Familie Sternberg #1) - 2009 
- "The Children in Rothschild Lane"
(GE: Die Kinder der Rothschildallee) (Familie Sternberg #2) - 2009
- "Coming Home to Rothschild Lane"
(GE: Heimkehr in die Rothschildallee) (Familie Sternberg #3) - 2010
- "A New Start in Rothschild Lane"
(GE: Neubeginn in die Rothschildallee) (Familie Sternberg #4) - 2010
- "A Mouthfull of Earth/Soil" (GE: Ein Mundvoll Erde) - 1980
- "
Home was Nowhere. My Life on Two Continents" (GE: Nirgendwo war Heimat. Mein Leben auf zwei Kontinenten) - 2012
- "It started back then in Africa" (GE: Es begann damals in Afrika) - 2004
- "Nowhere in Africa" und "
Somewhere in Germany" - 1995+1996 * Book Club Questions - Nowhere in Africa - Somewhere in Germany (GE: Nirgendwo in Afrika + Irgendwo in Deutschland) - 1942

- "Owuor's homecoming" (GE: Owuors Heimkehr) - 2003
- "The Dream of Paradise"
(GE: Der Traum vom Paradies) - 1999
- "Reunion with Africa" (GE: Wiedersehen mit Afrika) - 2002 

Anonymous "Lazarillo de Tormes" (E: La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes y de sus fortunas y adversidades)- 1554

(Auto)-Biographies/Biographical Novels
Aicher-Scholl, Inge "The White Rose" (GE: Die weiße Rose) - 1952
Akçam, Dursun "German Home - Happiness Alone" (TR: Alaman Ocağı) (GE: Deutsches Heim - Glück allein) - 1982
Akyün, Hatice "
Once Hans with Hot Sauce. Living in Two Worlds" (GE: Einmal Hans mit scharfer Soße. Leben in zwei Welten) - 2005
Angelou, Maya "I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings" - 1969
- "Mom & Me & Mom" - 2013
Arana, Marie "American Chica: Two Worlds, One Childhood" - 2002
Ashworth, Andrea "Once in a House on Fire" - 1999

Bandi (반디) "The Accusation: Forbidden Stories from Inside North Korea" (KOR: 고발/Gobal) - 2014
Barnes, Valerie "A Foreign Affair. A Passionate Life in Four Languages" - 2004
Betancourt, Íngrid "Even Silence Has an End" (F: Même le silence a une fin) - 2010 *

Biden, Joe "Promise Me, Dad. A Year of Hope, Hardship, and Purpose" - 2017

Boom, Corrie ten with Sherrill, John and Elizabeth "The Hiding Place. The Triumphant Story of Corrie Ten Boom" (NL: De schuilplaats) - 1972
Booth, Cathleen "Mercy & Grace on the Camino de Santiago" - 2020
Brandt, Rut "Freundesland. Erinnerungen" [Friends' Country] - 1992
Brownstein, Carrie "Hunger Makes Me a Modern Girl" - 2015
Buck, Pearl S. "Imperial Woman" - 1956
- "My several worlds: A Personal Exile" - 1954
Camus, Albert "The First Man" (F: Le premier homme) - 1994
Carey, Peter "True History of the Kelly Gang" - 2001 *
Carnarvon, Countess Fiona of "Lady Almina and the Real Downton Abbey: The Lost Legacy of Highclere Castle" (GE: Lady Almina und das wahre Downton Abbey: Das Vermächtnis von Highclere Castle) - 2011
Chang, Jung "Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China" - 1991
Chang, Leslie T. "Factory Girls. Young Women on the Move in Modern China" - 2008 *
Clarke, Stephen "A Year in the Merde" - 2004
- "Merde actually" (aka In the Merde for Love) - 2006

Clinton, Hillary Rodham "Living History" - 2003 *
- "It Takes a Village: And Other Lessons Children Teach Us" - 1996

- "What Happened" - 2017
Crafts, Hannah "The Bondwoman’s Narrative"
- 1855-69
Cullen, Bill "It’s a Long Way From Penny Apples" - 2003

Dallaire, Roméo "Shake Hands with the Devil" - 2003
- "The Fight Like Soldiers, They Die Like Children" - 2010
Damm, Sigrid "Christiane and Goethe" (GE: Christiane und Goethe) - 1998
Degen, Michael "Not All of Them Were Killers" (GE: Nicht alle waren Mörder) - 1999 
Dinesen, Isak/Blixen, Karen "Out of Africa" - 1937

Dirie, Waris "Desert Flower" - 1998
Douglass, Frederick "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave" - 1845
Drinkwater, Carol "The Olive Farm" and further Olive Farm Books -
- "The Olive Harvest" - 2006
Dylan, Bob "Chronicles. Volume One" - 2004
Ephron, Nora "I Feel Bad About My Neck And Other Thoughts on Being a Woman" - 2006
(short stories)
- "I Remember Nothing. And Other Reflections"
- 2010 (short stories)
- "The Most of Nora Ephron" - 2014 (short stories)   
Ernaux, Annie "The Years" (FR: Les années) - 2008
Filipović, Zlata "Zlata's Diary: A Child's Life in Wartime Sarajevo" (BOS: Zlatin dnevnik: otroštvo v obleganem Sarajevu) - 1993
Frandi-Coory, Anne "Whatever Happened to Ishtar?: A Passionate Quest To Find Answers For Generations Of Defeated Mothers" - 2010
Frank, Anne "The Diary of a Young Girl" (NL: Het achterhuis)
- 1942-33
Fuller, Alexandra "Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight" - 2002 * xx

Geti, Monica "The Year of Sunshine" - 2004
Gopnik, Adam "Paris to the Moon" - 2000
Grass, Günter "The Box: Tales From the Darkroom" (GE: Die Box. Dunkelkammergeschichten) - 2008
- "Grimm's Words. A Declaration of Love" (GE: Grimms Wörter. Eine Liebeserklärung) - 2010
- "My Century" (GE: Mein Jahrhundert) - 1999

- "Peeling the Onion" (GE: Beim Häuten der Zwiebel) - 2006
Gray, Martin "For those I loved" (F: Au nom de tous les miens) - 1971
Green, Hannah (Joanne Greenberg) "I Never Promised you a Rose Garden" - 1964

Grimm, Hans Herbert aka Emil Schulz "Schlump" (GE: Schlump) - 1928

Hamann, Brigitte "The Reluctant Empress" (GE: Elisabeth, Kaiserin wider Willen) - 1981
Hammond, Richard "On the Edge: My Story" - 2007
Hanff, Helene "84 Charing Cross Road" + "The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street" - 1970 + 1973
Harris, Kamala "The Truths We Hold. An American Journey" - 2019
Henderson, Kristin "Driving by Moonlight: A Journey Through Love, War, and Infertility" - 2003
Hirsi Ali, Ayaan "Infidel: My Life" (NL: Mijn vrijheid) - 2006 *

- "Nomad: From Islam to America" - 2010 *
Huston, Allegra "Love Child" - 2009
Ilibagiza, Immaculée "Left to Tell" - 2006
Jacobs, Harriet Ann (Linda Brent) "Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl" - 1861
Jason, David "My Life" - 2013
- "Only Fools and Stories: From Del Boy to Granville, Pop Larkin to Frost" - 2017
Jessop, Carolyn "Escape" - 2007
Kästner, Erich "When I Was a Little Boy" (GE: Als ich ein kleiner Junge war) - 1957
Keneally, Thomas "Schindler's Ark" - 1982 xx
Khorsandi, Shappi "A Beginner's Guide to Acting English" - 2009

Kladstrup, Donald & Petie "Wine and War" - 2001 xx *
Krakauer, Jon "Under the Banner of Heaven
: A Story of Violent Faith" - 2003 xx
Krug, Nora "Belonging: A German Reckons With History and Home" (GE: Heimat. Ein deutsches Familienalbum) - 2018
Lamb, Christina "The Africa House: The True Story of an English Gentleman and His African Dream" - 1999

Le Clézio, Jean-Marie Gustave "The African" (F: L'Africain) - 2004
Levi, Primo "If Not Now, When?" (I: Se non ora, quando) - 1982
Liao, Yiwu "Testimonials or: For a Song and a Hundred Songs: A Poet's Journey Through a Chinese Prison" (CHN: Zheng-Ci) - 2000
Lindgren, Astrid "Samuel August from Sevedstorp and Hanna from Hult" (aka A Love Story) (SW: En kärlekshistoria: Samuel August från Sevedstorp och Hanna i Hult) - 1975
Ling, Laura & Lisa "Somewhere Inside" - 2010 *
Logue, Mark & Conradi, Peter "The King's Speech
: How One Man Saved the British Monarchy" - 2010

Mandela, Nelson "Long Walk to Freedom" - 1994
Mandelstam, Ossip "The Noise of Time" aka "The Din of Time" (RUS: Шум времени, Shum vremeni) - 1925
Massaquoi, Hans J. "Destined to Witness" - 1999
Mayle, Peter "A Year in Provence" - 1998
McCarthy, Pete "McCarthy's Bar" - 2000

- "The Road to McCarthy: Around the World in Search of Ireland" - 2002 *
McCourt, Frank "Angela's Ashes" (Frank McCourt #1) - 1996
- "'Tis: A Memoir" (Frank McCourt #2) - 1999

- "Teacher Man. A Memoir 1949-1985"
(Frank McCourt #3) - 2005
McEntire, Reba "Reba: My Story" - 1994
Moran, Caitlin "How to be a Woman" - 2011   

Moyle, Franny "Constance: The Tragic and Scandalous Life of Mrs. Oscar Wilde" - 2011
Müller, Herta "The King Bows and Kills" (GE: Der König verneigt sich und tötet) - 2003
Nafisi, Azar "Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books" - 2003
Neumann, Eva-Maria "They Didn't Just Take My Freedom" (GE: Sie nahmen mir nicht nur die Freiheit) - 2007   
Noa Bercovitch, Pascale "The Dolphin’s Boy: A Story of Courage and Friendship" (F: Oline, le dauphin du miracle) - 2000
Noor-Al-Hussein, Queen of Jordan "A Leap of Faith" - 2003*
Northup, Solomon "Twelve Years a Slave" - 1853
Oates, Joyce Carol "A Widow's Story" - 2011
Obama, Barack
"A Promised Land" - 2020
- "Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance" - 1995

- "The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream" - 2006

Obama, Michelle "Becoming" - 2018
- "The Light We Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain Times" - 2022
O'Faolain, Nuala "Almost There: The Onward Journey of a Dublin Woman" - 2003 xx 
O'Farrel, John "Things can only get better: Eighteen Miserable Years in the Life of a Labour Supporter, 1979-1997" - 1998
Olson, Pamela J. "Fast Times in Palestine: A Love Affair with a Homeless Homeland" - 2011

Perkins, Sue "Spectacles" - 2015
Perry, Matthew "Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing" - 2022
Precht, Richard David "Lenin only reached Lüdenscheid" (GE: Lenin kam nur bis Lüdenscheid. Meine kleine deutsche Revolution) - 2007
Pye, Michael "The Edge of the World: How the North Sea Made Us Who We Are" - 2014
Raddatz, Fritz J. "Then two becomes Both of us. Kurt Tucholsky & Mary Gerold" (GE: Dann wird aus Zwein: Wir beide. Kurt Tucholsky & Mary Gerold) - 2015  
Rávic Strubel, Antje "User's Guide for Sweden" (GE: Gebrauchsanweisung für Schweden) - 2008
Rhodes, Ben "The World As It Is. Inside The Obama House" - 2018

Robertson, Adele Crockett "The Orchard: A Memoir" - 1995
Rowlatt, Bee & Witwit, May "Talking About Jane Austen in Baghdad. The True Story of an Unlikely Friendship" - 2010 *

Rowlinson, Derek "What's the best you can do?: First-hand Recollections of a Second-hand Bookseller" - 2009
Russell, Helen "The Year of Living Danishly: My Twelve Months Unearthing the Secrets of the World's Happiest Country" - 2015

Rutland, Eva "No Crystal Stair" - 2000
Sadler, Michael "An Englishman in Paris" - 2000

Sawyer, Anh Vu "Song of Saigon: One Woman’s Journey to Freedom" - 2003
Schwarzer, Alice "My Life" (GE: Lebenslauf) - 2011
Sedaris, David "Me Talk Pretty One Day" - 2000 (short stories) xx

Seth, Vikram "Two Lives" - 2005
Shields, Carol "Jane Austen. A Life" - 2001
Sobel, Dava "Galileo's Daughter" - 2000 *
Solstad, Lexidh "Catpasity" - 2015
Steinem, Gloria "My Life on the Road" - 2015  
Stevenson, Helen "Instructions for Visitors. Life and Love in a French Town" - 2001
Stewart, Chris "Driving over Lemons" - 1999
Stone, Irving "The Agony and the Ecstasy" - 1961 *
Tademy, Lalita "Cane River" - 2001
- "Red River" - 2007
Taha, Karosh "In the Belly of the Queen" (GE: Im Bauch der Königin) - 2020
Tannous, Samer; Hachmöller, Gerd "When a Syrian comes to Rotenburg (Wümme): Trying to understand my new German homeland" (GE: Kommt ein Syrer nach Rotenburg (Wümme): Versuche, meine neue deutsche Heimat zu verstehen) - 2020
Tau, Max "The Country I Had to Leave" (GE: Das Land, das ich verlassen mußte) - 1961
- "
A Refugee Finds His Country" (GE: Ein Flüchtling findet sein Land) - 1964
Terzani, Tiziano "
The End Is My Beginning. A Father, a Son and the Great Journey of Life" (IT: La fine è il mio inizio/Das Ende ist mein Anfang. Ein Vater, ein Sohn und die große Reise des Lebens) - 2006
Tevis, Walter "The Queen's Gambit" - 1983
Thoreau, Henry David "Walden; or, Life in the Woods" - 1854
Tomalin, Claire "Jane Austen - A Life" - 1997
Trojanow, Ilija
"Nomad on Four Continents. In the Footsteps of Sir Richard Bacon" (GE: Nomade auf vier Kontinenten. Auf den Spuren von Sir Richard Francis Burton) - 2006
- "The Collector of Worlds" (GE: Der Weltensammler) - 2006 *

Ung, Loung "First They Killed My Father. A Daughter of Cambodia Remembers" - 2000 *
Vance, J.D. "Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis" - 2016
Walker, Alice "The Way Forward is with a Broken Heart" - 2000
Walls, Jeannette "The Glass Castle" - 2005
Walser, Martin "Runaway Horse" (GE: Ein fliehendes Pferd) - 1978
Westover, Tara "Educated" - 2018

Wiesel, Eli "Night" (F: La Nuit) - 1958 *
Worsley, Lucy "Jane Austen at Home" - 2017
Wright, Richard B. "Clara Callan" - 2001
Yousafzai, Malala; Lamb, Christina "I am Malala. The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban" - 2013
Zierl, Helmut "Follow the Sun. The Summer of my Life" (GE: Follow the Sun. Der Sommer meines Lebens) - 2020
Zweig, Stefan "The World of Yesterday" (GE: Die Welt von Gestern. Erinnerungen eines Europäers) - 1942
Zweig, Stefanie "Home was Nowhere. My Life on Two Continents" (GE: Nirgendwo war Heimat. Mein Leben auf zwei Kontinenten - 2012


Ackroyd, Peter "Thames. Sacred River" - 2007
- "The History of England, Vol. 1 Foundation" - 2011
- "The History of England, Vol. 2 Tudors" - 2012 
- "The History of England, Vol. 3 Civil War" - 2014
- "The History of England, Vol. 4 Revolution" - 2016
Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi "We Should All Be Feminists" - 2014
Ahmad, Aeham "The Pianist from Syria" (aka The Pianist of Yarmouk) (GE: Und die Vögel werden singen. Ich, der Pianist aus den Trümmern) - 2017
Aitken, Ben "Dear Bill Bryson: Footnotes from a Small Island" - 2015

Albom, Mitch "Tuesdays with Morrie" - 1997
Alexievich, Svetlana "Second Hand Time. The Last of the Sovjets" (RUS: Время секонд хэнд/Vremja sekond khend) - 2013 
- "Voices from Chernobyl: The Oral History of a Nuclear Disaster" (RUS: Чернобыльская молитва/Černobylskaja molitva) - 2016
Andersson, Per J. "From the Swede who took the train and saw the world with different eyes" (aka Take the train: on the track through history, present and future) (SW: Ta tåget: på spåret genom historien, samtiden och framtiden) - 2019
Armstrong, Alexander; Osman, Richard "The 100 Most Pointless Things In The World" - 2012

Arnold, Catharine "Globe: Life in Shakespeare's London" - 2014
Arntz, Jochen; Schmale, Holger "The Chancellors and their families: How Private Life Shapes German Politics" (GE: Die Kanzler und ihre Familien: Wie das Privatleben die deutsche Politik prägt) - 2017
Austen, Jane "Selected Letters. 1796-1817" - 1796-1817
Basti, Abel & van Helsing, Jan "Hitler in Argentina" (GE: Hitler überlebte in Argentinien) - 2011
Bauer, Thomas "The Unification of the World. About the loss of ambiguity and diversity" (GE: Die Vereindeutigung der Welt. Über den Verlust an Mehrdeutigkeit und Vielfalt) - 2018
Bender, Sue "Plain and Simple" - 1991 *
Berg-Ehlers, Luise "Visiting the Countryside with Miss Marple" (GE: Mit Miss Marple aufs Land) - 2013
Berlin, Peter "This is how they are, the Swedes: The people who understand foreigners" (GE: So sind sie, die Schweden: Die Fremdenversteher von Reise-Know-How) - 2017
Binchy, Maeve "The Maeve Binchy Writers' Club" - 2010
Birtwistle, Sue; Conklin, Susie "The Making of Pride and Prejudice" - 1995
Bode, Sabine "Traces of War: The German Disease - German Angst" (GE: Kriegsspuren: Die deutsche Krankheit - German Angst) - 2008
Bogel, Anne "I'd Rather Be Reading: The Delights and Dilemmas of the Reading Life" - 2018

Bohlmann-Modersohn, Marina "Hamburg. A City in Biographies" (GE: Hamburg. Eine Stadt in Biographien) - 2013
Boning, Wigald "In Rio steht ein Hofbräuhaus. Reisen auf fast alle Kontinente" [There is a Bavarian Brewery in Rio. Travels Through Most Continents] - 2010
Bonnett, Alastair "Off the Map" - 2014
Bosetsky, Horst "Firewood for Potato Peels" (GE: Brennholz für Kartoffelschalen) - 1995
Briley, John "Cry Freedom: The Legendary True Story of Steve Biko and the Friendship that Defied Apartheid" - 1987

Broerken, Hella "Paris Walks" (GE: Paris-Spaziergänge) - 2013
Brown, Daniel James "The Boys in the Boat" - 2013 * 

Bush, George W., Institute "We Are Afghan Women. Voices of Hope" - 2016
Bryson, Bill "At Home" - 2010

- "A Walk in the Woods" - 1998
- "Bill Bryson's African Diary. A Short Trip for a Worthy Cause" - 2000
- "The Body. A Guide for Occupants" - 2019
- "Down Under/In a Sunburned Country" - 2002
- "Icons of England" - 2008

- "The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid" - 2006     
- "Made in America: an Informal History of the English Language in the United States" - 1994
- "Mother Tongue" - 1990
- "Neither Here Nor There. Travels in Europe" - 1991

- "Notes from a Big Country" (US: I'm a Stranger Here Myself) - 1999

- "Notes from a Small Island" - 1995
- "The Lost Continent" - 1989
- "One Summer: America, 1927" - 2013
- "The Road to Little Dribbling: More Notes from a Small Island" - 2015
- "Shakespeare: The World as a Stage" - 2007
- "A Short History of Nearly Everything" - 2003

- "Troublesome Words" - 1997
Buruma, Ian "
Murder in Amsterdam: The Death of Theo Van Gogh and the Limits of Tolerance" (NL: Dood van en gezonde roker) - 2006 *
Bythell, Shaun "Confessions of a Bookseller" - 2019
- "The Diary of a Bookseller" - 2017 
- "Remainders of the Day: More Diaries from The Bookshop, Wigtown" - 2022
- "Seven Kinds of People you Find in Bookshops" - 2020
Calvino, Italo "Why Read the Classics?" (IT: Perché leggere i classici?) - 1991
Campbell, Jen "The Bookshop Book" - 2014
Carter, Jimmy "We Can Have Peace In The Holy Land. A Plan That Will Work" - 2008
Clarkson, Jeremy "The World According to Clarkson" - 2004
- "The World According to Clarkson, Vol. 2. And Another Thing" - 2006
Clinton, Hillary Rodham & Clinton, Chelsea "The Book of Gutsy Women: Favourite Stories of Courage and Resilience" - 2019
Coates, Ta-Nehisi "Between the World and Me" - 2015
Collister, Linda; Berry, Mary; Hollywood, Paul "Great British Bake Off: How to Bake: The Perfect Victoria Sponge and Other Baking Secrets" - 2011
Conrad, François "Why German Barks and French Purrs" (GE: Warum Deutsch bellt und Französisch schnurrt" - 2021
Ditfurth, Hoimar von "The mind did not fall from the sky: the evolution of our consciousness" (GE: Der Geist fiel nicht vom Himmel: Die Evolution unseres Bewußtseins) - 1976
Dobbert, Steffen
"Understanding Ukraine: History, Politics and Struggle for Freedom" - (GE: Ukraine verstehen: Geschichte, Politik und Freiheitskampf) - 2022
Dorling Kindersley "Brussels. Bruges, Ghent & Antwerp" - 2000
Dorling Kindersley "Eyewitness Guide Paris" and "Top 10 Paris" - 2020
Du Bois, W.E.B. "The Souls of Black Folk" - 1903
Dumbach, Annette E.; Newborn, Jud; Gierlichs, Annerose "Sophie Scholl and the White Rose" (GE: Die Geschichte der weißen Rose) - 2002

Elbogen, Ismar; Sterling, Eleonore "The History of the Jews in Germany]" (GE: Die Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland) - 1935/66
Elliot, Jason "An Unexpected Light. Travels in Afghanistan" - 1999
Emcke, Carolin "Echoes of Violence: Letters from a War Reporter" (GE: Von den Kriegen. Briefe an Freunde) - 2004

- "Against Hate" (GE: Gegen den Hass) - 2016
Engberding, Hans; Thöns, Bodo (Hrsg./Ed.) "Transsib Reader: Travel Experiences On The Longest Railway Line In The World" (GE: Transsib-Lesebuch: Reiseerlebnisse auf der längsten Bahnstrecke der Welt) - 2002
Fatland, Erika "The Border: A Journey Around Russia Through North Korea, China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Norway, and the Northeast Passage" (NO: Grensen: En reise rundt Russland gjennom Nord-Korea, Kina, Mongolia, Kasakhstan, Aserbajdsjan, Georgia, Ukraina, Hviterussland, Litauen, Polen, Latvia, Estland, Finland og Norge samt Nordøstpassasjen) - 2017
- "Sovietistan: Travels in Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan" (NO: Sovjetistan. En reise gjennom Turkmenistan, Kasakhstan, Tadsjikistan, Kirgisistan og Usbekistan) - 2014 *
Fermor, Patrick Leigh "Between the Woods and the Water: On Foot to Constantinople from the Hook of Holland" - 1986
Finkbeiner, Bernhard, Brekle, Hans-Jörg "Ask Mum" (GE: Frag Mutti) - 2006
Fleischmann, Lea "This is not my Country. A Jew leaves the Federal Republic" (GE: Dies ist nicht mein Land. Eine Jüdin verlässt die Bundesrepublik) - 1980
- "I'm Israeli. Experience in an oriental country" (GE: Ich bin Israelin. Erfahrungen in einem orientalischen Land) - 1982
Fleischmann, Lea/Noll, Chaim "My Language Lives Elsewhere. Thoughts About Germany and Israel" (GE: Meine Sprache wohnt woanders. Gedanken zu Deutschland und Israel) - 2006
Fox, Kate "Watching the English: the Hidden Rules of English Behaviour" - 2004

Frankopan, Peter "The Silk Roads. A New History of the World" - 2015
Friedrichs, Julia "Allow us: Elite - On the Trail of the Mighty of Tomorrow" (GE: Gestatten: Elite – Auf den Spuren der Mächtigen von morgen) - 2008
Fry, Stephen "Mythos: The Greek Myths Retold" - 2017
"Stephen Fry in America" - 2009

Garfield, Simon "On the Map. Why the World Looks the Way it Does" (aka On the Map: A Mind-Expanding Exploration of the Way the World Looks) - 2012
- "To the Letter: A Curious History of Correspondence - A Celebration of the Lost Art of Letter Writing" - 2013
Gates Gill, Michael "How Starbucks Saved My Life: A Son of Privilege Learns to Live Like Everyone Else" - 2007
Gauck, Johannes "Winter in Summer - Spring in Autumn: Memoirs" (GE: Winter im Sommer – Frühling im Herbst: Erinnerungen) - 2009
Gercke, Stefanie "I Return to Africa" (GE: Ich kehre zurück nach Afrika) - 1998
Gillard, Joe "The Little Book of Lost Words. Collywobbles, Snollygosters, and 86 Other Surprisingly Useful Terms Worth Resurrecting" - 2019
Giordano, Ralph "The Bertinis" (GE: Die Bertinis) - 1982
- "Germany trip. Notes from a difficult homeland" (GE: Deutschlandreise. Aufzeichnungen aus einer schwierigen Heimat) - 1998
- "My Irish Diary" (GE: Mein irisches Tagebuch) - 1996

Gladwell, Malcolm "The Tipping Point" - 2000
Gödde, Stefan "Nice to Meet You, Jerusalem. On a Discovery Tour into the Heart of the City" (GE: Nice to Meet You, Jerusalem. Auf Entdeckungstour ins Herz der Stadt) - 2019
Goldmann, Klaus; Wermusch, Günter "Vineta. The Rediscovery of a Sunken City" (GE: Vineta. Die Wiederentdeckung einer versunkenen Stadt) - 1999
Greywoode, Josephine (ed.) "Why We Read. 70 Writers on Non-Fiction" - 2022
Griffin, John Howard "Black like me" - 1961 *
Guiliano, Mireille "French Women Don’t Get Fat" - 2004

Guo, Xiaolu (郭小橹) "Language" - 2017
Harari, Yuval Noah "21 Lessons for the 21st Century" - 2018
- "Homo Deus. A Brief History of Tomorrow" - 2016
- "Sapiens. A Brief History of Mankind" (Hebr.: Ḳizur Toldot Ha-Enoshut/קיצור תולדות האנושות) - 2014

Hastings, Max "The Secret War: Spies, Codes And Guerrillas, 1939–45" - 2015
Hawking, Stephen "A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes" - 1988
Herman, Sarah & York, Lucy "The Unofficial Facebooker’s Social Survival Guide" - 20008
Hessel, Stéphane "Time for Outrage!" (F: Indignez-vous!) - 2011

Hickman, Katie "Daughters of Britannia. The Lives and Times of Diplomatic Wives" - 1999
Higham, John "360 Degrees Longitude" - 1999

Hill, Richard "We Europeans" - 1992
Hilliges, Ilona Maria "The White Witch" (GE: Die weiße Hexe) - 2000
Hirst, John "The Shortest History of Europe" - 2009 

H., A. "My Struggle" (Notes by some megalomanic who thought he could rule the world, GE: M. K.) - 1925/26
Hochschild, Arlie Russell "Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right" - 2016
Holzach, Michael "The Forgotten People: A Year Among the Hutterites" (GE: Das vergessene Volk. Ein Jahr Bei den deutschen Hutterern In Kanada) - 1980  
Hooks, Bell "All About Love: New Visions" - 1999 xx
Hunt, Ken; Taylor, Mike "Xenophobe's Guide to the Aussies" - 1995  
Iyengar, B.K.S. "Light on Life: The Yoga Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom" - 2005 xx
Ilibagiza, Immaculée with Erwin, Steve "Our Lady of Kibeho: Mary Speaks to the World From the Heart of Africa" - 2008

Illies, Florian "1913: The Year before the Storm" (GE: 1913: Der Sommer des Jahrhunderts) - 2012

Janson, Stefan (Hrsg./Ed.) "Greece. Travel Reader" (GE: Griechenland. Reise-Lesebuch) - 2002
Johnson, Maureen; Cooper, Jay "Your Guide to Not Getting Murdered in a Quaint English Village" - 2021
Johnson, Dr. Spencer "Who Moved My Cheese?" - 1998
Judd, Naomi "Love Can Build a Bridge" - 1993
Keefe, Patrick Radden "Say Nothing. A True Story of Murder and Memory in Northern Ireland" - 2018
Kerkeling, Hape "The Boy Neeeds Some Fresh Air" (GE: Der Junge muss an die frische Luft. Meine Kindheit und ich) - 2014
- "Freshly 'hallpapered" - (GE: Frisch hapeziert. Die Kolumnen) - 2018
- "Paws off the table! My cats, other cats and me" (GE: Pfoten vom Tisch! Meine Katzen, andere Katzen und ich) - 2021
Kermani, Navid "Between Quran and Kafka: West-Eastern Affinities" (GE: Zwischen Koran und Kafka. West-östliche Erkundungen) - 2014
- "Your Name" (GE: Dein Name) - 2011
Krasnow, Iris "The Surrendering to Motherhood: Losing Your Mind, Finding Your Soul" - 1997 xx
Kampfner, John "Why the Germans Do it Better. Notes from a Grown-Up Country" - 2020
Kristof, Nicholas D. & Wudunn, Sheryl "Half the Sky" - 2009 *

- "A Path Appears: Transforming Lives, Creating Opportunity" - 2014
Krone-Schmalz, Gabriele "Understanding Russia" (GE: Russland verstehen) - 2015
Küstenmacher, Werner Tiki "The Three Minute Bible" (GE: Die 3-Minuten-Bibel) - 2004
Kwalanda, Miriam "The colour of my face. Life journey of a Kenyan woman" (GE: Die Farbe meines Gesichts. Lebensreise einer kenianischen Frau) - 2000

Lamb, Christina "The Sewing Circles of Herat" - 2002 *
Landers, Brian "Empires Apart. A History of American and Russian Imperialism" - 2010
Larsen Line, Joanne/Loving Tubesing, Nancy "Quilts From The Quiltmaker's Gift" - 2000

Leapman, Michael "The Ingenious Mr Fairchild: The Forgotten Father of the Flower Garden" - 2001 *
LeBor, Adam "City of Oranges. An Intimate History of Arabs and Jews in Jaffa" - 2006 *
Le Faye, Deirdre "Jane Austen, The World of Her Novels" - 2002

Levine, James A. "Move a Little, Lose a Lot: New N.E.A.T. Science Reveals How to Be Thinner, Happier, and Smarter" - 2009
Levy, Andrew "A Brain Wider Than The Sky: A Migraine Diary" - 2009
Lewis, Oscar "The Children of Sanchez" - 1961 *
Lind, Stefanie (Publ.) "Trip To Norway: Cultural Compass For Hand Luggage" (GE: Reise nach Norwegen: Kulturkompass fürs Handgepäck) - 2010
Link, Charlotte "Storm Time" (GE: Sturmzeit) - 1989
Lopez-Schroder, Maite "Romping through Ulysses" - 2013
Lovenberg, Felicitas von "
Praise for the Good Bookshop" (GE: Lob der guten Buchhandlung) - 2020

MacGregor, Neil "Germany. Memories of a Nation" - 2014
Mak, Geert "My Father's Century" (NL: De eeuw van mijn vader) - Das Jahrhundert meines Vaters - 1999
- "Jorwerd: The Death of the Village in late 20th Century" (NL: Hoe God verdween uit Jorwerd) - 1996

- "In Europe. Travels Through the Twentieth Century" (NL: In Europa: Reizen door de twintigste eeuw) - 2004
Mandelstam, Ossip "
The Din of Time" (RUS: Шум времени/Shum vremeni) - 1925
Mandino, Og "The Greatest Salesman In The World" - 1968

Marshall, Tim "Divided: Why We're Living in an Age of Walls" (aka The Age of Walls. How Barriers Between Nations Are Changing Our World) - 2018
Marx, Karl "Capital. Critique of Political Economy" (GE: Das Kapital. Kritik der politischen Ökonomie) - 1867
Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich "The Communist Manifesto" (GE: Das kommunistische Manifest) - 1848
Masood, Ehsan "Science & Islam: a history" - 2009
Meier, Peg/Wood, Dave "The Pie Lady of Winthrop: And Other Minnesota Tales" - 1985
Milton, Giles "Nathaniel's Nutmeg" - 1999 *

Montagu, Ewen "
The Man Who Never Was. World War II's Boldest Counterintelligence Operation" - 1953
Morgan, Ann "Reading the World. Confessions of a Literary Explorer" (aka The World Between Two Covers: Reading the Globe) - 2015
Moore, Michael "Stupid White Men" - 2001
Moore, Peter "No Shitting in the Toilet - The Travel Guide For When You've Really Lost It" - 1997
Mortenson, Greg "Stones into Schools" (with Mike Bryan) - 2009 *
- "Three Cups of Tea" (with David Oliver Relin) - 2006 *
Newsham, Brad "Take me with you" - 2000
Nichols, Peter "A Voyage for Madmen" - 2002 *

Nicoletti, Cara "Voracious: A Hungry Reader Cooks Her Way through Great Books" - 2015 
Nietzsche, Friedrich "Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future/On the Genealogy of Morality" (GE: Jenseits von Gut und Böse. Vorspiel einer Philosophie der Zukunft/Zur Geneologie der Moral) - 1886
- "Thus spoke Zarathustra. A Book for All and None" (GE: Also sprach Zarathustra. Ein Buch für Alle und Keinen) - 1883/85
O'Farrell, John "An Utterly Impartial History of Britain or 2,000 Years of Upper Calls Idiots in Charge" - 2007
Orsenna, Erik "Grammar Is a Sweet, Gentle Song" (F: La grammaire est une chanson douce) - 2001
Orth, Stephan (German reviews"Absolutely Locked Out" (GE: Absolutely Ausgesperrt) - 2022
"Couchsurfing in China: Encounters and Escapades Beyond the Great Wall" aka "High Tech and Hot Pot: Revealing Encounters Inside the Real China" (GE: Couchsurfing in China. Durch die Wohnzimmer der neuen Supermacht) - 2019
- "Couchsurfing in Iran: Revealing a Hidden World" (GE: Couchsurfing im Iran - Meine Reise hinter verschlossene Türen) - 2015
- "Couchsurfing in Russia: Friendships and Misadventures Behind Putin’s Curtain" (GE: Couchsurfing in Russland. Wie ich fast zum Putin-Versteher wurde) - 2017
- "Couchsurfing in Saudi Arabia: My Journey Through a Country Between the Middle Ages and the Future" (GE: Couchsurfing in Saudi-Arabien: Meine Reise durch ein Land zwischen Mittelalter und Zukunft" - 2021
- "Couchsurfing in Ukraine" (GE: Couchsurfing in der Ukraine) - 2024
Ortheil, Hanns-Josef "In the Light of the Lagoon" (GE: Im Licht der Lagune) - 1999

Pamuk, Orhan "To Look Out the Window/Pieces from the View: Life, Streets, Literature" (TR: Manzaradan Parçalar: Hayat, Sokaklar, Edebiyat/Der Blick aus meinem Fenster. Betrachtungen) - 2008
- "Istanbul" (TK: İstanbul - Hatıralar ve Şehir) - 2003
Pautner, Norbert "The 200 best mnemonics" (GE: Die 200 besten Eselsbrücken) - 2021
Pavord, Anna "The Tulip" - 2004

Pearson, Allison "I Don't Know How She Does It" - 2002 * xx
Peters, Veronika "What Fits in Two Suitcases" (GE: Was in zwei Koffer passt) - 2007
Petz, Ingo "Cuckoo Clocks in Baku. Travel to a Country That Really Exists" (GE: Kuckucksuhren in Baku. Reise in ein Land, das es wirklich gibt) - 2006

Piercy, Joseph "The Story of English: How an Obscure Dialect Became the World's Most-Spoken Language" - 2012
Pinkola Estés, Clarissa "Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype" - 1992

Pollock, David C., & Van Reken, Ruth "Third Culture Kids" - 2001 *
Pool, Daniel "What Jane Austen Ate and Charles Dickens Knew" - 1993
Precht, Richard David
"Anna, the School and the good God" (GE: Anna, die Schule und der liebe Gott. Der Verrat des Bildungssystems an unsere Kinder) - 2013
- "The Art of not being Selfish" (GE: Die Kunst, kein Egoist zu sein) - 2010
- "Who Am I and If So, How Many?" (GE: Wer bin ich und wenn ja, wie viele?) - 2007
Preisendörfer, Bruno "When Germany was not yet Germany. Journey to the time of Goethe" (GE: Als Deutschland noch nicht Deutschland war. Reise in die Goethezeit) - 2015
Rees, Siân "The Floating Brothel" - 2001

Rice, Ronald (ed.) "My Bookstore: Writers Celebrate Their Favorite Places to Browse, Read, and Shop" - 2012
Roth, Martin "Contradiction! A family discusses populism, values and political engagement" (GE: Widerrede! Eine Familie diskutiert über Populismus, Werte und politisches Engagement) - 2017 
Ruiz, Don Miguel Ángel "The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom" - 1997xx

Sanders, Ella Frances "Lost in Translation. An Illustrated Compendium of Untranslatable Words from Around the World" - 2014
Sankovitch, Nina "Tolstoy and the Purple Chair: My Year of Magical Reading" - 2010
Sapolsky, Robert M. "Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst" - 2017 *
Saviano, Roberto "Gomorrah: A Personal Journey Into the Violent International Empire of Naples' Organized Crime System" (IT: Gomorra: Viaggio Nell’impero Economico E Nel Sogno Di Dominio Della Camorra) - 2006
Schaik, Carel van & Michel, Kai "The Good Book of Human Nature: An Evolutionary Reading of the Bible" - 2016
Schami, Rafik "A German Passion Called Noodle Salad: and Other Strange Stories" (GE: Eine deutsche Leidenschaft names Nudelsalat: und andere seltsame Geschichten) - 2011
Schmitz, Ralf "Schmitz' cat. Dogs have masters, cats have employees" (GE: Schmitz' Katze. Hunde haben Herrchen, Katzen haben Personal) - 2008
"Schmitz' little house: If you have craftsmen, you no longer need enemies" (GE: Schmitz' Häuschen: Wer Handwerker hat, braucht keine Feinde mehr) - 2014
Schneider, Wolf "German for Life. What the School Forgot to Teach Us" (GE: Deutsch fürs Leben. Was die Schule zu lehren vergaß) - 1994
Schnoy, Sebastian "A Little Peace: A Cheerful History of Europe in Three Revolutions and a Flash of Inspiration" (GE: Das bisschen Frieden: Eine heitere Geschichte Europas in drei Revolutionen und einem Geistesblitz) - 2019
- "
Learn from Napoleon how to avoid doing the dishes" (GE: Von Napoleon lernen, wie man sich vorm Abwasch drückt) - 2013
- "Smørrebrød in Napoli. A fun journey through Europe" (GE: Smørrebrød in Napoli. Ein vergnüglicher Streifzug durch Europa) - 2009
Schrobsdorff, Angelika "You Are Not Like Other Mothers" (GE: Du bist nicht so wie andre Mütter) - 1992
Schroeder, Steffen "Was alles in einem Menschen sein kann. Begegnung mit einem Mörder" [What can be in a person. Encountering a murderer] - 2017
Schweizer, Gerhard "Understanding Islam. History, Culture and Politics" (GE: Islam verstehen. Geschichte, Kultur und Politik) - 2016
Scott, Mary "Days That Have Been" - 1966 
Sedano, Nina "The Collector of Countries" (GE: Die Ländersammlerin) - 2014  
Seierstad, Åsne "The Bookseller of Kabul" (NO: Bokhandleren i Kabul) - 2003
Sendker, Jan-Philipp "Cracks in the Great Wall" (GE: Risse in der großen Mauer) - 2000
Shakib, Siba "Afghanistan, Where God Only Comes to Weep" (GE: Nach Afghanistan kommt Gott nur noch zum Weinen) - 2002 *
Shaw, Karl "Royal Babylon: The Alarming History of European Royalty" - 1999

Simmonds, Jeremy "Number One in Heaven – The Heroes Who Died For Rock 'n' Roll" - 2006
Smiley, Jane "13 Ways of Looking at the Novel" - 2005
Snider, Grant "I Will Judge You by Your Bookshelf" - 2020
Sonneborn, Martin & seine politische Beraterin: Latour, Claudia "99 Ideen zur Wiederbelebung der politischen Utopie. Das kommunistische Manifest" [99 Ideas to Revive the Political Utopia. The Communist Manifesto] - 2021
Specht, Heike "The first of their kind, Women are changing the world" (GE: Die ersten ihrer Art. Frauen verändern die Welt) - 2022
Sponge, Miss Victoria "Scone with the Wind: Cakes and Bakes with a Literary Twist" - 2015
Steghöfer, Marie-Helene "A Year in Sweden" - Ein Jahr in Schweden
- 2017
Stein, Gertrude "Paris France" - 1940
Steinmeier, Frank-Walter "We" (GE: Wir) - 2024

Stelter, Bernd "
As you get older, you need to enjoy life" (GE: Wer älter wird, braucht Spaß am Leben) - 2022
- "Death Has a Tow Bar.
Camping Thriller" (GE: Der Tod hat eine Anhängerkupplung) - 2008
"The Killer Comes On Quiet Clogs: Camping Thriller" (GE: Der Killer kommt auf leisen Klompen: Camping-Krimi) - 2017
- "Life is Too Short to Drink Bad Wine" (GE: Das Leben ist zu kurz, um schlechten Wein zu trinken) - 2004
- "Lousy Game for Black Shells/Mussels. Camping Thriller" (GE: Mieses Spiel um schwarze Muscheln. Ein Camping-Krimi) - 2021
- "Never Again a Holiday Home" (GE: Nie wieder Ferienhaus) - 2004
- "Those Who Lose Weight Have More of Life" (GE: Wer abnimmt, hat mehr Platz im Leben) - 2011
Stewart, Sheila "Lifting the Latch" - 1987

- "Ramlin Rose" - 1993
Suttner, Bertha von "Lay Down Your Arms!" or "Down with Weapons!" (GE:
Die Waffen nieder!) - 1889
Taylor, Andrew James "Books That Changed the World" - 2008

Taylor, Helen "Why Women Read Fiction. The Stories of Our Lives" - 2019
Theroux, Paul "Riding the Iron Rooster" - 1988

Thomson, Mike "Syria's Secret Library: The True Story of How a Besieged Syrian Town Found Hope" - 2018
Tibballs, Geoff "The Good, the Bad and the Wurst. The 100 Craziest Moments from the European Song Contest" - 2016
Titchmarsh, Alan
"Trowel and Error" - 2002

Tolan, Sandy "The Lemon Tree: An Arab, a Jew, and the Heart of the Middle East" - 2006
Truss, Lynne "Eats, Shoots and Leaves" - 2005
- "Talk to the Hand
" - 2005
Tung, Debbie "Book Love" - 2005
Twilfer, Kai "Finn-Luca, heel! The Crazy Family Horror Next Door" [GE: Finn-Luca, komm bei Fuß! Der verrückte Familienhorror von nebenan] - 2016

Uusma, Bea "The Expedition: a Love Story: Solving the Mystery of a Polar Tragedy" (SW: Expeditionen: min kärlekshistoria) - 2013
Vargas, Jose Antonio "Dear America: Notes of an Undocumented Citizen" - 2018
Venske, Henning "Letters from the Government Camp" (GE: Briefe aus dem Regierungslager) - 1999
Vermes, Timur "Look who's back" (GE: Er ist wieder da) - 2012
Vilar, Esther "The Manipulated Man" (GE: Der dressierte Mann) - 1971
Virgil "The Aeneid" (LAT: Aeneas)
- 29-17 BC 
Vossestein, Jacob "Dealing with the Dutch" - 1998

Wallraff, Günter "Witnesses for the prosecution. The 'Bild'-description continued" (GE: Zeugen der Anklage. Die "Bild"-beschreibung wird fortgesetzt) - 1979
- "From the Guy Who Went Forth and Learned to Fear" (GE: Von einem, der auszog und das Fürchten lernte) - 1970
Weidemann, Siggi "User's Guide for Brussels and Flanders" (GE: Gebrauchsanweisung für Brüssel und Flandern) - 2007
Weir, Alison "Six Tudor Queens. Katherine of Aragon. The True Queen" - 2015
- "Six Tudor Queens. Anne Boleyn. A King's Obsession" - 2017
- "Six Tudor Queens. Jane Seymour. The Haunted Queen" - 2018
- "Six Tudor Queens. Anna of Kleve. Queen of Secrets" (US Title: The Princess in the Portrait) - 2018
- "Six Tudor Queens. Katheryn Howard. The Tainted Queen" (US Title: The Scandalous Queen) - 2020 
- "The Six Wives of Henry VIII" - 1991
eizsäcker, Richard von "Three Times Zero Hour? 1949-1969-1989" (GE: Drei Mal Stunde Null? 1949-1969-1989) - 2001
Westerman, Frank "The Republic of Grain" (NL: De graanrepubliek) - 1999
Westerteicher, Inga "Dear friend: letters from famous women" (GE: Liebe Freundin: Briefe Berühmter Frauen) - 2000
White, Colin & Boucke, Laurie "The UnDutchables: an Observation of the Netherlands, its Culture and its Inhabitants" - 1989
Wickert, Ulrich "Everything About Paris" (GE: Alles über Paris) - 2004
- "
You have to love France to understand it" (GE: Frankreich muss man lieben, um es zu verstehen) - 2017
Wimschneider, Anna "Autumn Milk. Memories of a Farmer's Wife" (GE: Herbstmilch. Lebenserinnerungen einer Bäuerin) - 1985
Winchester, Simon "The Map that Changed the World" - 2001
Wisner, Franz "How the World Makes Love: And What It Taught a Jilted Groom" - 2001 xx *
Wolf, Naomi "The Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty are Used Against Women" - 1990

Wood, Levison "Eastern Horizons. Hitchhiking the Silk Road" - 2017
Woodhouse, C.M. "Modern Greece. A Short History" - 2000

Woodward, Bob; Bernstein, Carl "All the President's Men" - 1974
Wurtzel, Elizabeth "The Secret of Life" - 2001 xx
Wulf, Britta "The Reindeer in the Kitchen. A German-Siberian Love" (GE: Das Rentier in der Küche. Eine deutsch-sibirische Liebe)  - 2016
Young European Collective "Who, If Not Us?" (GE: Wer, wenn nicht wir?) - 2017
Yu, Hua (余華/Yú Huá) "China in Ten Words" (十個詞彙裡的中國/Shi ge cihui li de Zhongguo) - 2012 * 
Zane, Lily "Creating Home. Inspiring Comfort in Every Room" - 1998

Children's and Youth Books
Ahlberg, Janet & Allan "The Jolly Postman or Other People's Letters" - 1986
Awdry, Rev. Wilbert "Thomas the Tank Engine"
- 1956-2011
Balliett, Blue "Chasing Vermeer" - 2003
Baum, L. Frank "The Wizard of Oz" - 1900
Baumgart, Klaus "Laura's Star" (GE: Lauras Stern) - 1996
Berenstain, Stan and Jan "The Berenstain Bears" - 1962ff.
Bourgeois, Paulette "Big Sarah's Little Boots" - 1988

Bridwell, Norman "Clifford" - 1963-2015
Brown, Marc "Arthur's Nose" - 1976
Brumbeau, Jeff/de Marcken, Gail "The Quiltmaker’s Gift" - 2001

de Brunhoff, Jean "The Story of Babar" (F: Histoire de Babar le petit éléphant) - 1934
Burnett, Frances Hodgson "The Secret Garden" - 1911

Busch, Wilhelm "Max and Moritz" (GE: Max und Moritz) - 1865
Carle, Eric "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" - 1969

Civardi, Anne; Cartwright, Stephen "Things People Do" - 1986
Coerr, Eleanor "Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes" - 1977
Cottrell Boyce, Frank "Millions" - 2004

Dahl, Roald "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" - 1964
Davis, Lee "P.B. Bear"
- 1990s
Deary, Terry "Horrible Histories"
- 1993ff.    
- "Top Ten Shakespeare Stories" - 1998  
Donaldson, Julia "The Gruffalo" - 1999
Elwell Hunt, Angela "The Tale of Three Trees" - 1989
Estes, Eleanor "The Hundred Dresses" - 1944

Funke, Cornelia "Inkheart" (GE: Tintenherz) - 2003   

Gaarder, Jostein "Sophie's World" (NO: Sofies verden) - 1991
Grimm, Jacob und Wilhelm "Jorinda and Joringel. Eight Fairy Tales" (GE: Jorinde und Joringel. Acht Märchen der Brüder Grimm) - 1812

Handford, Martin "Where's Wally?" (aka Where's Waldo) - 1987
Hargreaves, Roger "Mr. Men"
- 1971ff.
Hesse, Karen "Letters From Rifka" - 1992
- "Out of the Dust" - 1997

Hoffmann, Heinrich "Struwwelpeter" (or Shockheaded/Slovenly Peter) (GE: Der Struwwelpeter) - 1845
Ingalls Wilder, Laura "Little House Books"
- 1932-71

Jansson, Tove "Moominsummer Madness" (Vaarallinen juhannus/Farlig midsommar) (The Moomins #5) - 1954 *
Juster, Norton "The Phantom Tollbooth" - 1961

Kästner, Erich
"Emil and the Detectives" (GE: Emil und die Detektive) - 1929
- "Lisa and Lottie" (aka The Parent Trap) (GE: Das doppelte Lottchen) - 1949
"Three Men in the Snow" (GE: Drei Männer im Schnee) - 1934
King-Smith, Dick "The Hodgeheg" and "King Max the Last" - 1995
Leaf, Munro "The Story of Ferdinand" - 1936
Lewis, C.S. "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" - 1950

Lindgren, Astrid "Seacrow Island"
(SW: Vi på Saltkråkan)- 1964  
- "The Six Bullerby Children"
(SW: Barnen i Bullerbyn) - 1947
MacLachlan, Patricia - Sarah, Plain & Tall Series (Sarah, Plain & Tall; Skylark, Caleb's Story, More Perfect Than the Moon)
- 1986-2004
McBratney, Sam "Guess How Much I Love You" - 1994 
Milne, AA "Winnie the Pooh"
- 1926
Montgomery, L. M. "Anne of Green Gables" - 1908
Munsch, Robert "Love You Forever" - 1986

Murphy, Jill "Five Minutes Peace" - 1986
Numeroff, Laura "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" - 1985

Obama, Barack "Of Thee I Sing" - 2010
O'Dell, Scott "Island of the Blue Dolphins" - 1969

- "Zia" - 1976

Peet, Bill "The Whingdingdilly" - 1982
Pope Osborne, Mary "Magic Tree House" Series
- 1992ff.
Potter, Beatrix "The Tale of Peter Rabbit" - 1902
Prelutsky, Jack - Poems for Children
- 1990-2000
ey, H.A. "Curious George" - 1941-1966 
Robinson, Barbara "The Best Christmas Pageant" - 1972
Rowling, J.K. "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" - 1997 xx  

Rylant, Cynthia "Old Town in the Green Groves: Laura Ingalls Wilder's Lost Little House Years" - 2002

Sachar, Louis "Holes" - 1998
- "Small Steps" - 2006
- "Stanley Yelnats’ Survival Guide to Camp Green Lake" - 2003
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine "The Little Prince" (F: Le Petit Prince) - 1953 *

Savage Carlson, Natalie "The Family Under the Bridge" - 1958
Scarry, Richard "What Do People Do All Day"
- 1968 et al.
Scieszka, Jon; Smith, Lane "The True Story of the Three Little Pigs" - 1989

Sendak, Maurice "Where The Wild Things Are" - 1963

LeSieg, Theo (=Dr. Seuss) "The Cat in the Hat" - 1957

- "Wacky Wednesday" - 1974
Smucker, Barbara "Underground to Canada" - 1977
Spyri, Johanna "Heidi" (GE: Heidis Lehr- und Wanderjahre + Heidi kann brauchen, was es gelernt hat)
- 1880/81
Streatfeild, Noel "Ballet Shoes" - 1936

Trivizas, Eugene "The Three Little Wolves and The Big Bad Pig" - 1997

Watterson, Bill "Calvin & Hobbes" - 1985-95
Webster, Jean "Daddy Longlegs" - 1912

White, E.B. "Charlotte's Web" - 1952

Wilding, Valerie "Top Ten Classic Stories" - 2001
- "Top Ten Dickens Stories" - 2000
Woodruff, Elvira "Dear Austin: Letters from the Underground Railroad" - 1998

Spiritual Books
Anderson, Leith "Jesus. An Intimate Portrait of the Man, His Land, and His People" - 2006
Bach, Richard "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" - 1970
Buddha "The Dhammapada" (Sanskrit: धम्मपद) - ca. 300 BC
Carroll, James "Practicing Catholic" - 2009
Chapman, Gary "The Five Love Languages of Teenagers" - 2008
Cooper O'Boyle, Donna-Marie "The Domestic Church: Room by Room" - 2008
Curtis Higgs, Liz "Bad Girls of the Bible" - 1999
Forest, Jim "Confession. Doorway to Forgiveness" - 1999
- "The Ladder of the Beatitudes" - 2002
- "Praying with Icons"
- 1997/2008
- "The Road to Emmaus. Pilgrimage as a Way of Life" - 2007
Hart, Mark "The "R" Father" - 2010
Hubbard, Fra Elbert "A Message to Garcia" - 1899
Kerkeling, Hape "I'm Off Then" (GE: Ich bin dann mal weg) - 2014
Lindberg, Anne Morrow "A Gift from the Sea" - 1955
Lukefahr, Oscar C.M. "We Believe... A Survey of the Catholic Faith" - 1995
- "We Worship: A Guide to the Catholic Mass" - 2004
Odell, Catherine M. "Faustina. Apostle of Divine Mercy" - 1998
Strobel, Lee "The Case for Christ" - 1998
Wolff, Uwe "Where Was Jesus Between Good Friday and Easter Sunday?" (GE: Wo war Jesus zwischen Karfreitag und Ostersonntag?) - 2003

Book titles in italics have not been translated into English.
* International Book Club
xx Books I really didn't like

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