Friday 18 August 2023

Guiliano, Mireille "French Women Don’t Get Fat"

Guiliano, Mireille "French Women Don’t Get Fat" - 2004

I'm not a fan of self-help books. I didn't think this was one, I thought it was a sort of funny one but that wasn't the fact. It was a self-help book as most of them are: Only the author knows what's best and the rest of the world, or in this case, the American woman, has no idea.

I'm not American and I know a lot of Americans have weight problems, as do many Germans. But the way the author talks about Americans and American women was quite denigrating. I didn't care for that at all. You can give advice without being uppish. I love France and I have French friends and they are all really nice. And I always met lovely people in France. But this one sounded like she just wanted to confirm the prejudice that all French people are unfriendly. What a pity.

I must admit, though, that some of her advice certainly is not wrong, just the way she pronounced it.

From the back cover:

"Irresistible, chic, convincing, funny, wise, and very timely, this is the ultimate non-diet book, which nonetheless could radically change the way we think and live - showing us how to eat with balance, control and above all pleasure. Packed with wonderful recipes, this charming memoir teaches us how to enjoy our meals, like a French woman, without putting on weight."


  1. This was my review (which I've just re-read) from back in 2015. Agree that the author was *very* patronising!

    1. Thanks for that, Kitten. I'm glad you agree and I was not the only one who was a tad annoyed by her tone.

  2. Gross. As if we don't have enough to deal with. Definitely confirming the stereotypical way we view the French.

    1. You're right, Sarah. It's people like her who create that image, I'm afraid. I'm sure you believe me when I tell you that the typical French person is not like that, same as the typical American is not like he or she is seen by other countries.

  3. Will definitely be passing on this one. I don't enjoy negativity like that in any form.

    1. You are making a good decision, Lark. If you know of anyone who did enjoy this read, let me know. I doubt there will be many.
