Monday, 11 July 2011

Dahl, Roald "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"

Dahl, Roald "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" - 1964

I didn't grow up with Roald Dahl, I only "met" him as an adult, first I read his crime stories. I didn't even know he was a children's author for the longest time. Then I moved to England where we settled in “Dahl County” and I then read his books with my children.

This story is, as can be guessed according to the title , about a little boy Charly who wins a tour through the fabulous factory of Willy Wonka where they make Wonka's Whipple-Scrumptious Fudgermallow Delights. The story is full of fantastic names, there are characters called Veruca Salt and Augustus Gloop, quite imaginative. The language makes this book readable both to children and adults alike.

From the back cover: "'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' is a much-loved story by Roald Dahl, full of snozzberries, rainbow drops, luminous lollies and hair toffee!

Charlie Bucket loves chocolate. And Mr Willy Wonka, the most wondrous inventor in the world, is opening the gates of his amazing chocolate factory to five lucky children. It's the prize of a lifetime! Gobstoppers, wriggle sweets and a river of melted chocolate delight await - Charlie needs just one Golden Ticket and these delicious treats could all be his.

If you are interested in his adult books, check out my post for "The Best of Roald Dahl".

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