
Tuesday, 2 February 2016

2016 TBR Pile Reading Challenge

I have joined quite a few reading challenges since I started my blog but this one sounded the most interesting of them all.

As Evie from the Bookish Blog says: "We all have those books. We buy them, win them, they're gifted to us. Then we put them up on a bookshelf and there they stay, collecting dust, waiting for the time when we'll finally decide to pick them up."

Okay, I admit, my TBR (To Be Read) pile is a lot longer than it should be and I can't resist buying any new books but I will attempt to read more old books than buying new ones this year.

I could, of course, try to tackle the 50+ challenge but we all know that is not going to happen, instead, I will try to do at least 11-20 old books in addition to the new ones I'm buying and those I get from the library and hopefully be pleasantly surprised at the end of the year. Wish me luck. Thank you.

So far, I have already read these of my "old books" in 2016:

Weizsäcker, Richard von "Drei Mal Stunde Null? 1949-1969-1989" [Three Times Hour Zero] - 2001
Perry, Anne "A Christmas Odyssey" - 2010
Twain, Mark "The Innocents Abroad" - 1869
Camus, Albert "L'Étranger" (The Stranger/The Outsider) - 1942
Smiley, Jane "Early Warning" - 2015
Ephron, Nora "I Remember Nothing. And other reflections" - 2010
Grass, Günter "Mein Jahrhundert" (My Century) - 1999
Mistry, Rohinton "Family Matters" - 2002 

Paluch, Andrea; Habeck, Robert "Der Schrei der Hyänen" [The cry of the hyenas] - 2004 
Trollope, Anthony "The Way We Live Now" - 1875
Marini, Lorenzo "Der Tulpenmaler" (L'uomo dei tulipani/The Man of the Tulips) -  2002
Swarup, Vikas "Q & A" - 2005  

Mora, Terézia "Das Ungeheuer" [The Monster] - 2013    
Grimm, Jacob und Wilhelm "Jorinde und Joringel. Acht Märchen der Brüder Grimm" [Jorinda and Joringel. Eight Fairy Tales] - 1812
Adorf, Mario "Der Dieb von Trastevere" [The Thief of Trastevere] - 1994
Mitchell, David "Cloud Atlas" - 2004 

Robertson, Adele Crockett "The Orchard: A Memoir" - 1995
Mercier, Pascal "Perlmann's Silence" (Perlmanns Schweigen) - 1995
Waters, Sarah "The Night Watch" - 2006

Obama, Barack "Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance" - 1995
Sedano, Nina
"Die Ländersammlerin" [The Collector of Countries- 2014
Bryson, Bill "The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid" - 2006
Eliot, George "The Mill on the Floss" - 1860
Perkins, Sue "Spectacles" - 2015
Grossman, David "
The Zig Zag Kid" [יש ילדים זיגזג/Jesh Jeladim) - 1994
Oates, Joyce Carol "Sexy" (Sexy) - 2005
Mak, Geert "De goede stad" [The Good Town]  - 2007
Aaronovitch, Ben "Whispers Under Ground" (Rivers of London 3) - 2012 
Rushdie, Salman "Midnight's Children" - 1981
Mantel, Hilary "Bring up the Bodies" - 2012
Adams, Douglas "The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy" - 1979
Obama, Barack "The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream"  - 2006
Pye, Michael "The Edge of the World: How the North Sea Made Us Who We Are" - 2014

Atkinson, Kate "Behind the Scenes at the Museum" (Familienalbum) - 1995 - 496 pages
Štimec, Spomenka "Kroata Milita Noktlibro" [Croation Nocturnal] - 1993Oates, Joyce Carol "Carthage" - 2014
Kostova, Elizabeth "The Swan Thieves" - 2010

37 books


  1. No challenges for me this year, but I always enjoy seeing what others are reading. On your recommendation I'm reading I'm Off Then and enjoying it very much.

    1. Ooooh, I do hope you will enjoy I'm off then, please, let me know when you're finished.

      Happy Reading,

  2. Good for you Marianne. We will make each other work toward the goals we've set. I am already falling behind due to a conference last week where I picked up 20 books (not counting those I had signed to others). Of the 20, I've read one and have it ready to go on to someone.

    1. That will be great, Shonna, I have read three so far but one is in German and has not been translated, so I might not write a review. But I will count it anyway since it is/was a book on my TBR pile that I have now finished.

      Hope you will get closer to your goal this month.
      Have a great time,
