
Monday, 9 November 2020

Non-fiction November

The Classics Club is an interesting website. It gives us the opportunity not only to read the classics we always wanted to read, no, though their pages we are able to talk to others and also find new classics we didn't think about.

It's non-fiction November and the club reminded us that there are lots of non-fiction classics about, as well. I checked my classic list and found that I don’t have many non-fiction classics on my list, probably because I prefer to read about current affairs there. But there are a few:

Douglass, Frederick "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave" - 1845
Jacobs, Harriet Ann (Linda Brent) "Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl" - 1861
Rhoides, Emmanuel (Emmanuel Roidis) "The Curious History of Pope Joan" (gr.: Papissa Ioanna) - 1866
Marx, Karl "Das Kapital. Kritik der politischen Ökonomie" (Capital. Critique of Political Economy) - 1867
Elbogen, Ismar; Sterling, Eleonore "Die Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland" [The History of the Jews in Germany] - 1935/66

I have chosen Karl Marx this month. I desperately want to read "The Communist Manifesto" (Das kommunistische Manifest) but bought "Das Kapital" a while ago. So, "The Capital" it is.

Through "Words and Peace" I found "The Classics Club".


  1. Have fun reading Das Kapital. I have not read anything by Karl Marx before.

    1. Me, either. But I'm a big fan of his ideas and thought I'd start with that because it supposed to be his main work. During my professional education, I did a lot of business and commercial studies, the beginning is rather tedious for me. But I know this was all new back then. For me, it's not a heavy read at all. At least not at the moment. Let's see what I think when he gets down to the nitty-gritty. LOL

      Thanks so much for your visit. Have a good day.

  2. Replies
    1. It will come. Once I'm finished. 😉

      I also want to read "The Communist Manifesto" but thought I'd start with this one first due to my professional background. (see my comment above).

      Have a good day.
