
Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Top Ten Tuesday ~ Characters Whose Job I Wish I Had

"Top Ten Tuesday" is an original feature/weekly meme created on the blog "The Broke and the Bookish". This feature was created because they are particularly fond of lists at "The Broke and the Bookish".

It is now hosted by Jana from That Artsy Reader Girl.

Since I am just as fond of them as they are, I jump at the chance to share my lists with them! Have a look at their page, there are lots of other bloggers who share their lists here.

This week's topic is: Characters Whose Job I Wish I Had
(maybe not even because the job sounds fun, but maybe the co-workers are cool or the boss is hot?)

This is a topic quite close to my heart. I would have loved to be a teacher. Unfortunately, my parents didn't have the means to support me and they were too afraid to let me do it on my own since they didn't grow up in academic circles. That's one of the reason why I'm such an advocate for free education, makes it a little more equal and easier for kids growing up in families that can't help them.
However, I have helped out a lot in school when my boys were there and I even "taught" some support classes plus I taught religion at church, so I know a little bit about the job to know that it's not all fun and games.

A lot of the books I read have teachers in them. I have searched for some extraordinary stories surrounding those who chose the profession. Sometimes, they are put in a difficult position (e.g. Lamb, Nafisi, Shriver), sometimes they find great ways to teach their children something spectatular (esp. Rhue). If you are looking for more books with a teacher, go to my "Teacher" link here.

Agnes Grey
Brontë, Anne "Agnes Grey" - 1847
Lucy Snowe
Brontë, Charlotte"Villette" - 1853
Caelum Quirk
Lamb, Wally "The Hour I First Believed" - 2008
Frank McCourt
McCourt, Frank "Teacher Man. A Memoir 1949-1985" - 2005
Azar Nafisi
Nafisi, Azar "Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books" - 2003
Hannah Schneider, Gareth van Meer
Pessl, Marisha "Special Topics in Calamity Physics" - 2006
Ben Ross
Rhue, Morton "The Wave" - 1981
Dana Rocco
Shriver, Lionel "We need to talk about Kevin" - 2003
Viktor Schengeli
Ulitzkaya, Lyudmila "Imago" or "The Big Green Tent" (Russian: Zelenyi shater/Зеленый шатер) - 2010
Clara Callan
Wright, Richard B. "Clara Callan" - 2001

My hero of all these teachers is Ben Ross though some of the others have been pretty great, as well.


  1. What grade or age group would you have wanted to teach?

    1. Definitely not before middle school. I helped out a lot in school when my kids were small and also tought RE in church, I was always happy to take the older ones and the others were happy to leave them to me. LOL

      Thanks for your visit, Lydia, see you on your page.

  2. I was a teacher. I loved being a teacher.

    And in a way, you did become a teacher. You are teaching us all from the classroom of your blog.

    1. Aaawww, that is so sweet of you to say, Deb. As I just said to Lydia ^^, I helped a lot in school and taught RE in church, loved it. Oh, and I taught Esperanto but not at school, just in the club. So, I think I know enough about the job to know I would have liked it. Also, I know a lot of teachers and I also know the downside. But still ...

      Thanks for your visit and lovely comment.

  3. The Big Green Tent was an amazing novel.

    1. It was, wasn't it? One of the more modern Russian novels. I love anything Russian. Their literature is just great but also their music, their paintings, a great people. Always a pleasure to read.

      Thanks for coming by.

  4. My mom was a teacher and I grew up watching her stay up late grading papers, stress out over lessons, and cry over difficult students. She loved her job, but to me it sounded like hell! I vowed then and there that I would NEVER be a teacher. LOL.

    Teachers are incredibly important and my life has definitely been blessed by great ones (my mom included). I'm glad you found ways to do what you loved, even if it wasn't an official career.

    Happy TTT!

    1. Thanks, Susan. I just said to Deb ^^ that I know the downside and yes, I have done a lot of that, too. But it still doesn't outweigh the pleasure you have when a student finally understands something.

      I totally agree that teachers are important, very important. And I'm happy that I could help them just a little.

      Thanks for your visit. Will see what you came up with.

  5. I'm always grateful for teachers because it is a job I couldn't do.

    1. There are many jobs I couldn't do and I'm grateful they are there, like doctors and nurses. But I know I could have done it because I have helped out enough in school and even given lessons alone to know I really would have enjoyed it. On the other hand, even if we know, we couldn't do a certain job, we can always dream to be that person, right?

      Thanks for your visit.
