
Monday, 15 October 2012

Peace Prize of the German Book Trade

Peace Prize of the German Book Trade (German: Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels)
Peace Prize given by the German Publishers Associations

Every year during the Frankfurt Book Fair, the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade (German: Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels) is awarded to a humanist and writer who "contributed to the idea of peace ... through their exceptional activities, especially in the fields of literature, science and art". As those who know me are aware, I always love lists and often find valuable literature, especially among those awarded a prize for their works. I have added the books I have read in brackets behind the author's name and will add more as soon as I read more and/or write more reviews.

1950 Max Tau, Norway (Das Land, das ich verlassen mußte; Ein Flüchtling findet sein Land)
1951 Albert Schweitzer, France
1952 Romano Guardini, Germany
1953 Martin Buber, Israel
1954 Carl Jacob Burckhardt, Switzerland
1955 Hermann Hesse, Germany (Siddhartha - Siddhartha; Steppenwolf - Der Steppenwolf; Narcissus and Goldmund - Narziss und Goldmund)
1956 Reinhold Schneider, Germany
1957 Thornton Wilder, United States
1958 Karl Jaspers, Germany
1959 Theodor Heuss, Germany
1960 Victor Gollancz, United Kingdom
1961 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, India
1962 Paul Tillich, United States
1963 Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker, Germany
1964 Gabriel Marcel, France
1965 Nelly Sachs, Germany
1966 Augustin Bea + Willem Adolf Visser ’t Hooft, Germany + the Netherlands
1967 Ernst Bloch, Germany
1968 Léopold Sédar Senghor, Senegal
1969 Alexander Mitscherlich, Germany
1970 Alva + Gunnar Myrdal, Sweden
1971 Marion Gräfin Dönhoff, Germany
1972 Janusz Korczak (posthumous), Poland
1973 Club of Rome
1974 Frère Roger, Switzerland
1975 Alfred Grosser, Germany
1976 Max Frisch, Switzerland (The Arsonists/Biedermann und die BrandstifterHomo Faber/Homo Faber)
1977 Leszek Kolakowski, Poland
1978 Astrid Lindgren, Sweden (Seacrow Island; The Six Bullerby Children, Samuel August from Sevedstorp and Hanna from Hult aka A Love Story)
1979 Yehudi Menuhin, Israel
1980 Ernesto Cardenal, Nicaragua
1981 Lew Kopelew, Soviet Union
1982 George F. Kennan, United States
1983 Manès Sperber, Austria/France
1984 Octavio Paz, Mexiko
1985 Teddy Kollek, Israel
1986 Władysław Bartoszewski, Poland
1987 Hans Jonas, Germany
1988 Siegfried Lenz, Germany (Deutschstunde/The German Lesson; Landesbühne; Zaungast)
1989 Václav Havel, Czechoslovakia
1990 Karl Dedecius, Germany
1991 György Konrád, Ungarn
1992 Amos Oz, Israel (A Tale of Love and Darkness)
1993 Friedrich Schorlemmer, Germany
1994 Jorge Semprún, Spain
1995 Annemarie Schimmel, Germany
1996 Mario Vargas Llosa, Peru (Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter; The Feast of the Goat; The Storyteller)
1997 Yaşar Kemal, Turkey (The Birds Have Also Gone; The Drumming-Out)
1998 Martin Walser, Germany (Ein fliehendes Pferd/Runaway Horse)
1999 Fritz Stern, United States
2000 Assia Djebar, Algeria
2001 Jürgen Habermas, Germany
2002 Chinua Achebe, Nigeria (Things Fall Apart)
2003 Susan Sontag, United States
2004 Péter Esterházy, Hungary
2005 Orhan Pamuk, Turkey (The Black Book; Cevdet Bey and His Sons; Istanbul – Memories of a City; The Museum of Innocence; My Father's Suitcase; My Name is Red; The New Life, The Red-Haired Woman; Snow; The Silent House; A Strangeness in my Mind; To Look Out the WindowThe White Castle)
2006 Wolf Lepenies, Germany
2007 Saul Friedländer, Israel
2008 Anselm Kiefer, Germany
2009 Claudio Magris, Italy
2010 David Grossman, Israel (To the End of the Land; The Zig Zag Kid)
2011 Boualem Sansal, Algeria
2012 Liao Yiwu, China (Testimonials or: For a Song and a Hundred Songs)
2013 Swetlana Alexijewitsch, Belarus (Voices from Chernobyl; Second Hand Time)
2014 Jaron Lanier, USA

2015 Navid Kermani, Iran/Germany (Dein Name [Your Name], Between Quran and Kafka: West-Eastern Affinities/Zwischen Koran und Kafka. West-östliche Erkundungen)
2016 Carolin Emcke, Germany (Gegen den Hass/Against Hate; Echoes of Violence/Von den Kriegen)

2017 Margaret Atwood, Canada (The Blind Assassin, Hag-Seed, The Handmaid's Tale; Oryx and Crake)
2018 Aleida + Jan Assmann, Germany
2019 Sebastião Salgado, Brazil
2020 Amartya Sen, India 
2021 Tsitsi Dangarembga, Simbabwe (Nervous Conditions)
2022 Serhiy Zhadan, Ukraine
Salman Rushdie, United Kingdom (Midnight's Children, The Satanic Verses)
2024 Anne Applebaum, Poland/USA

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