
Monday, 15 January 2018

Statistics 2017

My statistics for the last years are here:
Going back to 2009-12, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016   

And these are the results of my reading lists for 2017:

* Statistics 2017 *
I read books that contributed to the following challenges:

100 Books by the BBC
This is an old challenge, I added just one more book to the list.
2017 TBR Pile Reading Challenge
Another old challenge where the participants try to read as many books from their To Be Read Pile as possible. I managed 30 books that had been on that stack for a while.
Dutch and French Books
4 French books, 1 Dutch book this year.
Emma's Book Club - Our shared shelf
An ever growing list of books about and for women, a group started by Emma Watson (better known as Hermione Granger), UN Woman Goodwill Ambassador. I added three more books to that list.
German Books
Since German is my mother tongue and I can easily obtain books in that language, I read 27.
My Favourite Books Ever
Every year I find some more books I can add to my list of favourite books. 20 this year.
Nobel Prize Winners and Their Books
This is another list to which I could add seven more books.
Oprah’s Book Club
So many old challenges, here is one where I added three more books.
Oscar Winning Books
I added one more book in this category.
Peace Prize of the German Book Trade (German: Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels)
Five books from authors in this category.
Reading Challenge - Chunky Books 2017
I read 35 chunky books in 2017 of which 6 are considered a chunkster.
The "Piggybank" Challenge 2017
The 108 books I read this year resulted in €216 to spend on something nice.
Top Ten Tuesday
I didn't participate much in this challenge this year, however, I managed to read 11 new books that I mentioned on those lists.
Travel the World Through Books
After reading the book "Die Ländersammlerin" [The Collector of Countries] by Nina Sedano, I thought it would be great to read a book from every country in the world. I managed 81 until now, added two more this year, Senegal and Nigeria. If you have a good suggestion for those countries I haven't "visited, yet, please let me know.

Books Read: 108
Pages read: 45,109
418 pages/book, 124 pages/day, 9 books/month
The average novel contains between 140 and 320 pages, i.e. 230 = 196 books in 2016

Books dating from which year:
Pre 1800s: 3
1800s: 5
1900-1949: 3
1950-1999: 30
2000s: 63 (6 of which from 2017)

Male Authors: 54
Female Authors: 54

Nobel Prize Winners: 9

Fiction: 75
Non-Fiction: 30

Chunky Books - more than 450 pages: 35, more than 750: 6
Library: 9
Re-Read: 6
TBR Pile: 35

Oldest Book: 1678
Bunyan, John "The Pilgrim's Progress from This World to That Which Is to Come" - 1678
Newest Book: 2017
Young European Collective (Vincent-Immanuel Herr, Martin Speer, Katharina Moser, Krzysztof Ignaciuk, Liza Noteris, Zlatin Georgiev, Thomas Goujat-Gouttequillet, Stylia Kampani, Zara Kitson, Nini Tsiklauri, Giulia Zeni, Phelan Chatterjee) "Who, if not us?" (Wer, wenn nicht wir?: Vier Dinge, die wir jetzt für Europa tun können) - 2017
Longest book: 1,088 pages
Dickens, Charles "Bleak House" - 1852/53 - 1,088pp.
Shortest book: 63 pages
Bryson, Bill "Bill Bryson's African Diary. A Short Trip for a Worthy Cause" - 2002 - 63pp.
Longest book title: 76
Witzel, Frank "Die Erfindung der Roten Armee Fraktion durch einen manisch-depressiven Teenager im Sommer 1969" (The Invention of the Red Army Faction by a Manic Depressive Teenager in the Summer of 1969) - 2015
Shortest Book Title: 6
Grass, Günter "Die Box. Dunkelkammergeschichten" (The Box: Tales from the Darkroom) (Autobiographical Trilogy #2) - 2008
Funniest Book:
Bryson, Bill "Notes from a Big Country" (US: I'm a Stranger Here Myself) - 1999
Saddest Book:
Bâ, Mariama "So Long a Letter" (Une si longue lettre) - 197
Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi "Half of a Yellow Sun" - 2006
Whitehead, Colson "Underground Railroad" - 2016
Weirdest Book:
Ballantyne, Tony "Dream London" - 2013

New authors (for me) that I would like to read more from: 14 (from 8 different countries. Germany, Sweden, Nigeria, Norway, Russia, Turkey, the UK, USA
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Dörte Hansen, Arlie Russell Hochschild, Eowyn Ivey, Selma Lagerlöf, Petra Oelker, Angelika Schrobsdorff, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (Александр Исаевич Солженицын), Max Tau, Andrew Taylor, Hasan Ali Toptaş, Sabine Weigand, Alison Weir, Colson Whitehead

Translated Books:
3 each from Arabic. Swedish and Turkish, 2 each from Russian and Spanish, 1 each from Chinese and Japanese
Books read in another language:
29 in German, 2 in French, 1 in Dutch

Numbers in Book Titles: 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 30
Place Names in Book Titles: Africa, Aragon, Broken Wheel, Capricornia, Deutsch (German), Deutschland (Germany), Greece, Europe, London, Molvanîa, Rothschildallee
Names in Book Titles: Agnes, Augustus, Austin, Edgar Sawtelle, Eleonore, Elisabeth, Eve, Henry, Kafka, Katherine, Lea, Nora Ephron, Oliver Twist, Sarah, Schlump, Simon, Prine, Rothschild
Colours in Book Titles: Grey, Red, Yellow

My Favourite Books: 12
Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi "Half of a Yellow Sun" (Die Hälfte der Sonne) - 2006
Bryson, Bill "Notes from a Big Country" (US: I'm a Stranger Here Myself/Streiflichter aus Amerika: Die USA für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene) - 1999
Falcones, Ildefonso "The Barefoot Queen" (La Reina Descalza/Das Lied der Freiheit) - 2013.
Hansen, Dörte "This House is Mine" (Altes Land) - 2015
Hislop, Victoria "Cartes Postales from Greece" - 2016
Ivey, Eowyn "To The Bright Edge of the World" (Das Leuchten am Rand der Welt) - 2016
Pamuk, Orhan "A Strangeness in my Mind" (Kafamda Bir Tuhaflık/Diese Fremdheit in mir) - 2014
Scott, Mary "Days that have been" (Das waren schöne Zeiten) - 1966
Taylor, Andrew "The Ashes of London" - 2016
Weigand, Sabine "Ich, Eleonore, Königin zweier Reiche" [I, Eleonore, Queen of Two Realms] - 2015
Weir, Alison "Six Tudor Queens. Katherine of Aragon. The True Queen" - 2015
Whitehead, Colson "Underground Railroad" - 2016

With my books, I visited places in the following countries:
Africa (6):
Algeria, Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa
Asia (6):
Afghanistan, China, Iraq, Japan, Lebanon, Pakistan
Europe (19):
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Kosovo, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia/USSR, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, The United Kingdom
North America (4):
Canada, Mexico, Nicaragua, the USA
South America (1):
Australia/Oceania (2):
Australia, New Zealand
Countries "visited" in total: 38

You may find some even greater statistics by better bloggers than me at "Stuck in a Book" and "Ready When You are, C.B."


  1. You always read such a diverse group of books. I read lots of books, but mainly police procedurals and science fantasy.

    1. I think we all should read what we enjoy most, we are learning something from every book we read, even if it's always the same. For me, reading the same genre all the time would be boring but you obviously don't think so, otherwise you would have moved on to others. Mind you, I do know that you also read diverse books and are always open to suggestions, so don't put your light under a bushel. Besides, it's not a competition. I like to revisit my books by remembering them in lists.

      I'm sure we'll both have a great reading year 2018.

  2. I read many chunky and chunkster books last year too.
    You might like Eowyn Ivey's first book: The Snow Child.
    You definitely hit more countries than I did.
    Also, for a book about Myanmar/Burma I recommend Miss Burma by Charmaine Craig.

    1. I love chunky books, they are the best. I always say, the best books start at 500 pages. ;)

      The Snow Child is already on my wishlist. I am a tad late with my reviews otherwise you would know how much I loved it. Well, it's made it on to my list of favourites, I think that already tells you something.

      I have already read a few books that take place in Burma (mainly before it was named Myanmar) but will keep your suggestion in mind. Thank you for the recommendation.

      Here's to a happy reading year 2018,
