Tuesday, 4 April 2017

2017 TBR Pile Reading Challenge

I have joined quite a few reading challenges since I started my blog but this one sounded the most interesting of them all.

As Evie from the Bookish Blog says: "We all have those books. We buy them, win them, they're gifted to us. Then we put them up on a bookshelf and there they stay, collecting dust, waiting for the time when we'll finally decide to pick them up."

Okay, I admit, my TBR (To Be Read) pile is a lot longer than it should be and I can't resist buying any new books but I will attempt to read more old books than buying new ones this year.

I could, of course, try to tackle the 50+ challenge but we all know that is not going to happen, instead, I will try to do at least 11-20 old books in addition to the new ones I'm buying and those I get from the library and hopefully be pleasantly surprised at the end of the year. In 2016, I managed to read 37 of the books that had been waiting to be read for more than a year. Let's see how many there are going to be next year.

So far, I have already read these of my "old books" in 2017:
Fredriksson, Marianne "Simon and The Oaks" (aka Simon's Family/SW: Simon och ekarna) - 1985
Bohjalian, Chris "Midwives" - 1997
Laker, Rosalind "The Golden Tulip" - 1989 
Grass, Günter "Die Box. Dunkelkammergeschichten" (German) (GE: The Box: Tales from the Darkroom) (Autobiographical Trilogy #2) - 2008  
Ballantyne, Tony "Dream London" - 2013
Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi "Half of a Yellow Sun" (Die Hälfte der Sonne) - 2006
Bryson, Bill "Bill Bryson's African Diary. A Short Trip for a Worthy Cause" - 2002
Schrobsdorff, Angelika "Du bist nicht so wie andre Mütter" (German) (GE: You are not like other mothers) - 1992
Murakami, Haruki "Kafka am Strand" (Kafka on the Shore) (J: 海辺のカフカ Umibe no Kafuka) - 2004
Lenz, Siegfried "The German Lesson" (German) (Deutschstunde) - 1968 
Herbert, Xavier "Capricornia" (Capricornia) - 1938
Aaronovitch, Ben "Broken Homes" - 2013 - (Rivers of London 4)
Ruiz, Don Miguel Ángel "The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom" - 1997
Nöstlinger, Christine "Best of Mama" (German) [Best of Mum] - 2001 
Hemingway, Ernest "For Whom the Bell Tolls" (Wem die Stunde schlägt) - 1940 
Taylor, Andrew James "Books That Changed the World" - 2008 
Ali, Monica "In the Kitchen" (Hotel Imperial) - 2009 
Mercier, Pascal "Lea" (Lea) - 2007 
Sitch, Rob: Cilauro, Santo: Tom Gleisner, Tom "Molvanîa. A Land Untouched By Modern Dentistry" (Molwanîen - Das Land des schadhaften Lächelns) - 2003 
Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi "Americanah" (Americanah) - 2013 
Şafak, Elif "Three Daughters of Eve" (Havva'nın Üç Kızı/Der Geruch des Paradieses) - 2016 
Wroblewski, David "The Story of Edgar Sawtelle" (Die Geschichte von Edgar Sawtelle) - 2008
Atwood, Margaret "The Blind Assassin" (Der blinde Mörder) - 2000  
Bunyan, John "The Pilgrim's Progress from This World to That Which Is to Come" (Pilgerreise zur seligen Ewigkeit) - 1678 
Chevalier, Tracy "The Lady and the Unicorn" (Der Kuss des Einhorns) - 2003
Jones, Edward P. "The Known World" (Die bekannte Welt) - 2004 
Heidenreich, Elke "Wörter aus 30 Jahren" [Words from 30 years] - 2003
Turner, Nancy E. "The Star Garden: A Novel of Sarah Agnes Prine" - 2007
Oates, Joyce Carol "Big Mouth & Ugly Girl" (Unter Verdacht) - 2003
Dickens, Charles "Oliver Twist" (Oliver Twist) - 1838 
Austen, Jane "Selected Letters. 1796-1817" [Ausgewählte Briefe]
Hamann, Brigitte "Elisabeth, Kaiserin wider Willen" (The Reluctant Empress) - 1981

Altogether 32 TBR books in 2017.


  1. I keep promising that I'll read the books I have and not buy any more, but then someone recommends a book or writes a review and I know I have to have the book, so more get added to my TBR stack.
    I just finished reading The Sea, The Sea by Iris Murdoch and gave it 5 stars, something I almost never do. have you ever read her?

    1. I know exactly what you mean, my "pile" grows all the time despite good intentions and much reading.

      I have not read "The Sea, The Sea" but it is also on my wishlist. Thanks.

      Happy Reading,

  2. Good luck! I tell you, those TBR piles or shelves or lists are like a sorcerer's apprentice incident. They just grow and grow.

    1. Hahahaha, that is the best comparison I ever heard. Thanks for making my day.

      Have a good weekend,
