
Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Top Ten Tuesday ~ Books On My Autumn 2020 TBR

"Top Ten Tuesday" is an original feature/weekly meme created on the blog "The Broke and the Bookish". This feature was created because they are particularly fond of lists at "The Broke and the Bookish".

It is now hosted by Jana from That Artsy Reader Girl.

Since I am just as fond of them as they are, I jump at the chance to share my lists with them! Have a look at their page, there are lots of other bloggers who share their lists here.

Books On My Autumn/Fall 2020 TBR 
(or spring if you live in the Southern Hemisphere)

I don't know when I'm going to read the next books on my TBR list because it's so huge but I thought I'll list the ones that I either bought most recently or that came up in a challenge or the book club. So, these are my books I will try to read in the next three months (among others, of course, LOL). 
Camus, Albert "Les Justes" (The Just Assassins) - 1949

Dumas, Alexandre "Le comte de Monte-Cristo" (The Count of Monte Cristo) - 1844-46

Fatland, Erika "Sovietistan: Travels in Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan" (Sovjetistan. En reise gjennom Turkmenistan, Kasakhstan, Tadsjikistan, Kirgisistan og Usbekistan) - 2014

Grass, Günter "Grimms Wörter. Eine Liebeserklärung" (Autobiographical Trilogy #3) [Grimms Words - A Declaration of Love] - 2010 - read, but it hasn't been translated (yet)

Harris, Joanne "A Cat, a Hat and a Piece of String" - 2012

Metalious, Grace "Peyton Place" - 1957

Patchett, Ann "The Dutch House" - 2019

Rutherford, Edward "Sarum: the Novel of England" - 1987

Stroyar, J.N. "Becoming Them" (The Children's War Book 3) - 2017

Whitehead, Colson "The Nickel Boys" - 2019


  1. My goodness...what a pile!

    I need to read The Dutch House!

    1. I know! And those are only the big ones. Believe me, I have a couple of shelves. LOL

      Have you read any of the books I intend to tackle?

      Thanks for your visit.

  2. I hope you enjoy all of these books!

    My post .

    1. So do I, Lydia. Have you read any of them, yet?

      Thanks for your visit and for leaving your link. See you there.

  3. THE DUTCH HOUSE is one I want to get to eventually. I've heard great things about it. I hope we both enjoy it :)

    Happy TTT!

    1. That's the main reason I put it there, Susan. So many great recommendations. I also hope we'll both like it.

      Thanks for your visit.

  4. I keep looking at The Dutch House but can't decide if it's something I want to pick up or not. I'll be back to see what you think :)

    1. I know exactly what you mean. I'm often wary of books that have created such a hype. More often than not, I end up buying them anyway because they are the ones I can pick up on the shelves of the smaller bookshops in my area. LOL

      Thanks for the confidence in my judgment. Means a lot.

      And thanks for visiting my TTT.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks, I'm sure there are some nice ones in there.

      Thanks for your visit.

  6. I hope that you can read and enjoy these books in the next few months.

    Here's my TTT list this week.

    1. So do I. I would certainly have no problems to get through the list if I wasn't distracted all the time - by other books. LOL

      Thanks for your visit and for leaving your link. See you on your page.

    2. I know what you mean about being distracted by other books. I sometimes try to read many books at once! So many books, so little time. LOL

    3. I always read at least five. Doesn't make me read any faster but I get the feeling. ;-)

  7. That looks like quite a variety of books. Always good. Dutch House also popped up on my radar recently, and now it seems to multiply. Sounds interesting and on my list to read.
    Monte Cristo always a good read. Love Joanne Harris, but don't think I have read this one. Sarum (and Russka, same author) have been on my shelves forever. I think it is the small text and big size that prevent me from opening them.
    Good luck with your reading.

    1. Variety is the spice of life.

      I have started The Dutch House, needs to improve ...

      Monte Cristo, almost through, quite a challenge but a good read.
      Joanne Harris, I haven't read all of her books but this one seems to be short stories linked together. We'll see.

      Edward Rutherfurd is one of my favourite authors. I've read all of his books except for this one (Sarum) and New York. Plus the new one (China) that will be published soon. I know the books look daunting but if you're only a little interested in history and what it did to people, you'll love them.

      Do you also have books you want to read next or do you decide on the spur of the moment?

      In any case - happy reading and thanks for your visit.

  8. Excellent list! I plan to read The Count of Monte Cristo before the year is over.

    1. I am just about to finish it. As most classics, it is a deserving read.
