
Tuesday, 13 April 2021

Top Ten Tuesday - Crayola Crayon Colours

"Top Ten Tuesday" is an original feature/weekly meme created on the blog "The Broke and the Bookish". This feature was created because they are particularly fond of lists at "The Broke and the Bookish".

It is now hosted by Jana from That Artsy Reader Girl.

Since I am just as fond of them as they are, I jump at the chance to share my lists with them! Have a look at their page, there are lots of other bloggers who share their lists here.

This week's topic is: April 13: Book Titles That Sound Like They Could Be Crayola Crayon Colours (Take a moment and Google some of the crazy Crayola crayon colors that exist. Can you think of any book titles that sound like they could also be a crayon color? It might be fun to include a description of the kind of color you’re picturing.)

What a funny challenge. Jana gave us the hint to look up Crayola colours. My sons were never much into drawing, so we only had the basics. But wow, they have any mixture of any colours on earth. Unbelievable.

It was a tough decision, would I stick to the known colours or rather use those funny ones. In the end I went with blue and green, my favourite colours. I would have loved to come up with a title like "Periwinkle" or "Wild Blue Yonder". I'm sure there are books with those words in their title.

You see the colours here in the order of my book list. Arent' they beautiful?

And here are the books:

Drinkwater, Carol "The Olive Series" - 2001-2010

Montgomery, L. M. (Lucy Maud) "Anne of Green Gables" - 1908

Cullen, Bill "It’s a long way from Penny Apples" - 2003

Powers, Charles T. "In the Memory of the Forest" - 1997

Falcones, Ildefonso "Cathedral of the Sea" (Spanish: La catedral del mar) - 2008

Collins, Wilkie "The Moonstone" - 1868

Betancourt, Íngrid "Even Silence has an End: My Six Years in the Jungle"
(French: Même le silence a une fin) - 2010

Abulhawa, Susan "The Blue Between Sky and Water" - 2015
There are even two colours in this title. Blue and Sky.
Having said that, there might even be a "water blue".

Levy, Andrew "A Brain Wider Than The Sky: A Migraine Diary" - 2009
Faulkner, William "Light in August" - 1932


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Lydia. Obviously, my favourite colours. LOL

      Thanks for your visit. Will have a look on your page.

  2. In Memory of the Forest! And Cathedral of the Sea! Wonderful.

    1. They are both fantastic books. Have you read them, Deb?

      Thanks for visiting.

  3. This colour palette is amazing! I adore the sound of In memory of the forest :)

    My post:

    1. It is a wonderful book. Unfortunately, the author passed away, so there won't be more books by him but this one is fantastic.

      Thanks for your visit and leaving your link to Books and Bouquets. I'll have a look what you came up with.

  4. Moonstone already sounds like a crayola crayon cover.

    1. It does, doesn't it? And you can even imagine the colour whereas some of the names I saw on their list gave me no hint at all. LOL

      Thanks for your visit, Deanna. See you on your page.

  5. Aah yes, your shades are lovely! I especially like Cathedral of the Sea. Lovely shades of blues and greens. Like your blog colors!

    Happy TTT and here's my Ten Crayola Colors Book Titles

    1. Thanks, Elza. That's why I chose these blog colours because I absolutely love green and blue.

      I started out with all sorts of colours but I wasn't surprised that I ended up with these.

      Thank you for visiting and leaving your link, will visit you soon.

  6. I used to love to draw and color. Getting a brand-new box of crayons was a HUGE deal to me. So much possibility, you know?

    I love the hues you chose. Blues and greens are so calming to me.

    Happy TTT!

    1. That is probably why I love them so much, Susan. I just was on your page and absolutely loved your twist on the topic.

      I loved to draw, as well, but we didn't have crayons, just water colours. I still prefer them. We just had to mix the shades ourselves.

      Thanks, as always, for your visit.

  7. I love those colors. I like the greenish hues in particular. Cathedral and Green Gables might be my favorites.

    1. Thank you, Greg. Well, green is my all time favourite colour, closely followed by blue. And I think the "sea" colour is also my favourite.

      I just went to see your page. As I said, I especially loved the colours you picked from the Crayola list. So fantastic.

      Thanks for your visit.

    2. Green is a favorite of mine too. I like teal and turquoise hues as well, and sea blues. I ended up having more fun with this topic than I expected! :)

    3. Same as me, Greg. I didn't think I'd find antything at all at first.

      But your shades are the ones I like most, as well. They are so calming.

  8. Green and blue are my favorite colors too. My eyes are blue and I like to wear green eye shadow.

    1. It probably has a lot to do how our own colouring is. I just talked to another blogger about "Colour Me Beautiful" which she had on the list of this topic. A Muslim friend once told me that they use blue and green for anything holy. Probably because they are the colours of nature.

      Thanks, as always, for coming to my page. Always such a pleasure to talk to you.
