
Thursday, 18 April 2019

The Classics Club: The Classics Spin #20

"Words and Peace" is a blog I've been following for a couple of years and I have always found some interesting new books there, especially French ones.

This month, she published a post (The Classics Spin #20) by "The Classics Club" asking us to create a post, before next Monday, Monday 22, and list our choice of any twenty books that remain "to be read" on our Classics Club list.

I didn't have a classics club list so far but that's easy for someone who loves lists, just copy the oldest books from my list and here we are.

1.    Alighieri, Dante "The Divine Comedy" (Divina Commedia) - 1308-20
2.    Staël, Anne-Louise-Germaine de "Corinne: Or Italy" (Corinne ou l'Italie) - 1807
3.    Austen, Jane "Sanditon" - 1817
4.    Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von "Italienische Reise" (Italian Journey aka Letters from Italy) - 1817
5.    Eichendorff, Joseph von "Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts und andere Novellen" (Life of a Good-For-Nothing) - 1826
6.    Stendhal "Le Rouge et le Noir" (The Red and the Black) - 1830 - The Classic Spin #23
7.    Gogol, Nikolai (Никола́й Васи́льевич Го́голь, Nikolay Vasilyevich Gogol) "The Overcoat" (Шинель) - 1842
8.    Dumas, Alexandre "Le comte de Monte-Cristo" (The Count of Monte Cristo) - 1844-46
9.    Douglass, Frederick "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave" - 1845
10.    Sand, George "Fadette" (aka Fanchon, the Cricket) (La Petite Fadette) - 1849
11.    Crafts, Hannah "The Bondwoman’s Narrative" - 1855-69
12.    Hawthorne, Nathaniel "The Scarlet Letter" - 1850
13.    Northup, Solomon "Twelve Years a Slave" - 1853 - 240pp.
14.    Keller, Gottfried "Novellen" (Romeo und Julia auf dem Dorfe u.a.) "Novellas" (A Village Romeo and Juliet and others) - 1855/56
15.    Eliot, George "Silas Marner" (Silas Marner) - 1861
16.    Jacobs, Harriet Ann (Linda Brent) "Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl" - 1861
17.    Rhoides, Emmanuel (Emmanuel Roidis) "The Curious History of Pope Joan" (Papissa Ioanna) - 1866
18.    Marx, Karl "Das Kapital. Kritik der politischen Ökonomie" (Capital. Critique of Political Economy) - 1867
19.    James, Henry "Daisy Miller" - 1879 - The Classic Spin #20
20.    Twain, Mark "A Tramp Abroad" - 1880

If you want to take up the challenge, here is the post:

"This is your Spin List. You have to read one of these twenty books by the end of the year. Try to challenge yourself. For example, you could list five Classics Club books you are dreading/hesitant to read, five you can’t WAIT to read, five you are neutral about, and five free choice (favorite author, re-reads, ancients - whatever you choose.)

On Monday 22nd April, we’ll post a number from 1 through 20. The challenge is to read whatever book falls under that number on your Spin List by 31st May, 2019."

I'm not dreading to read any oft hem because I want to read them, so I just put them in chronological order and see which number I will be given.

Needless to say, I am going to join the Classics Club. I love classics. Just will have to put together a reading wish list for my classics.

The number chosen was 19, so I read "Daisy Miller" first. I have added every other book I read afterwards with a link to the spin.


  1. So glad I inspired you to join The Classics Club, and that you are jumping in with the Spin!! I wish you #6, enjoy!

    1. You have inspired me to many reads over the years but I think this is one of the best finds because it will lead me to many many more ...

      Anyway, always a pleasure reading your blog. And, as you can see, I just love classics. Yes, I will have to read "Le Rouge et le Noir" soon. Might do as the next one after whatever number gets picked. I'm so excited.

      Have a good weekend and a Happy Easter!

  2. I have read The Red and the Black and Twelve Years a Slave. I enjoyed both. I wonder what will be the number for May!

    1. It's # 19, so I'll read "Daisy Miller" by Henry James. But I will try to read at least one book of that list every month. :)

  3. So thrilled that you will be joining us at the classics club. The spins are a fun way to knock a few books of your TBR pile every year.
    Good luck with your first one :-)

    1. Definitely a good idea. I alwyas try to have one TBR book on the go anyway but since I love classics, this will be a second incentive.

      I have put together my list and posted it here. And I have sent an e-mail with the link.

      Happy to join the club.
