
Thursday, 12 March 2020

Reading Challenge - Chunky Books 2020

I have taken part in this reading challenge since 2013. The moment I saw that post, I know this was the most interesting challenge for me. I signed up for the highest of the four levels "Mor-book-ly Obese" which meant eight or more chunksters (books over 450 pages) of which three must be 750 pages or more.

I have carried on with that challenge without setting goals, I love big books and I will always read some. And I am more than willing to tell my friends about them.

If you are interested in the challenge, check out this link. They discontinued their challenge in 2015.
You can still find suggestions by page number, in case you can't find any chunksters yourself. ;-)

Or you can check out my lists from the previous years (below), maybe you are interested in a couple of them.

I read in
2013: 38 chunky books, 13 of them chunksters
2014: 37 chunky books, 15 of them chunksters
2015: 26 chunky books, 8 of which chunksters
2016: 28 chunky books, 3 of which chunksters
2017: 35 chunky books, 6 of which chunksters

2018: 29 chunky books, 6 of which chunksters
2019: 20 chunky books, 7 of which chunksters

I will be posting the books I have read here:
(I add the German title, if available, for my German friends)
[I add my own translation of a foreign book title if it's not available in English.]

Fatland, Erika "Die Grenze. Eine Reise um Russland" (Grensen: En reise rundt Russland gjennom Nord-Korea, Kina, Mongolia, Kasakhstan, Aserbajdsjan, Georgia, Ukraina, Hviterussland, Litauen, Polen, Latvia, Estland, Finland og Norge samt Nordøstpassasjen) [The Border. A trip around Russia] - 2017 - 642 pages
Staël, Anne-Louise-Germaine de "Corinne ou l'Italie" (Corinne: Or Italy/Corinna oder Italien) - 1807 - 632 pages
Bryson, Bill "The Body. A Guide for Occupants" - 2019 - 464 pages
Undset, Sigrid "Kristin Lavransdatter" (Kristin Lavransdatter) - 1920-22 - 1,168 pages

Rand, Ayn "We the Living" (Vom Leben unbesiegt) - 1936 - 464 pages
H., A. "My Struggle" (Notes by some megalomaniac who thought he could rule the world) (M.K.) - 1925/26 - 782 pages
Stendhal "Le Rouge et le Noir" (The Red and the Black/Rot und Schwarz) - 1830 - 825 pages
Tolstoy, Aleksey Konstantinovich "Prince Serebrenni" (aka The Silver Knight/The Silver Prince) (Князь Серебряный/Knjaz' Sserebrjanyi/Fürst Serebrenny/Zar Iwan der Schreckliche) - 1882 - 610 pages

Weir, Alison "Six Tudor Queens. Anna of Kleve. Queen of Secrets" (US title: The Princess in the Portrait) - 2019 - 512 pages
Falcones, Ildefonso "Die Erben der Erde" (Los herederos de la tierra/La catedral del mar #2/The heirs of the earth) - 2016 - 928 pages
Stephenson, Neal "Anathem" (Anathem) - 2008 - 1,024 pages
Hislop, Victoria "Those Who Are Loved" - 2019 - 489 pages
Crafts, Hannah "The Bondwoman’s Narrative" - 1855-69 - 464 pages
Dumas, Alexandre "Le comte de Monte-Cristo" (The Count of Monte Cristo/Der Graf von Monte Cristo) - 1844-46 - 531 pages
Rutherfurd, Edward "Sarum: the Novel of England" (Sarum) - 1987 - 1,376 pages
Metalious, Grace "Peyton Place" (Die Leute von Peyton Place) - 1957
- 512 pages
Fatland, Erika "Sovietistan: Travels in Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan" (Sovjetistan. En reise gjennom Turkmenistan, Kasakhstan, Tadsjikistan, Kirgisistan og Usbekistan) - 2014 - 512 pages
Marx, Karl "Das Kapital. Kritik der politischen Ökonomie" (Capital. Critique of Political Economy) - 1867 - 768 pages

I read 18 chunky books in 2020 of which 7 are considered a chunkster.


  1. I am doing a chunkster challenge of my own this year. One a month at least, though I did two in January. Even if it takes me a week or longer, nothing beats staying in a story for that long!

    1. That's exactly what I think, the longer the book, the later I have to say good-bye to the story. And a lot of long books are totally worth it. I've been noting them down for 7 years now and have been reading 213 chunksters in that time. WOW.

    2. Ooops, only 58 of them chunksters, 213 chunky books.
