
Thursday, 24 March 2016

The "Piggybank" Challenge 2016

I have taken part in this challenge for two years now (see here my result from last year including a link to the previous one) and decided to carry on. Why? You will discover once you read this text:

This is a challenge idea by a German blogger. I have translated her text and you can find the original site here at "Willkommen im Bücherkaffee".

How long does this challenge last?
1 March 2016 to 1 March 2017

What goes into the piggybank?
For every book I've read - €2.00 into the piggybank
(Amount can be individually altered, of course)

• For every finished book, the amount chosen is inserted into the piggy bank/ money box.
• This money is then off limits until the end of the challenge, i.e. the piggybank stays closed.
• On 1 March the piggybank can be opened and you can go shopping extensively - or carry on reading and saving.
• Be consistent and put the money into the bank immediately, otherwise you will lose track easily. (Personally, I put the books I read right next to the money box  until I drop the money in, otherwise it gets forgotten very quickly. Only after that do i put the book back on the shelf.)
• A list of books read would be very nice because you can perfectly observe the savings success.
• In addition, it would be great if you post a challenge post on your blog. This way, everyone can follow the progress of the other challenge participants so much easier. If you don't have a blog, then just leave a comment here in the comments from time to time about your opinion or your progress.

Would you like to join us?
Go ahead! It is worthwhile in any case and you will certainly not regret it.

Just write in the comments or by email to and send your link to the post. You may use the challenge logo with a link to the challenge in the Bücherkaffee.

The hashtag for the Twitter exchange : # Sparstrumpf

Last year, I read 96 books in that timeframe which resulted in €192.

My progress (I add the German title, if available, for my German friends):
Abulhawa, Susan "Mornings in Jenin" (Während die Welt schlief) - 2010
Paluch, Andrea; Habeck, Robert "Der Schrei der Hyänen" [The cry of the hyenas] - 2004
Trollope, Anthony "The Way We Live Now" - 1875
Bryson, Bill "A Walk in the Woods: Rediscovering America on the Appalachian Trail" - 1998
Marini, Lorenzo "The Man of the Tulips" (L'uomo dei tulipani/Der Tulpenmaler) -  2002
Kulin, Ayşe "Rose of Sarajevo" (Sevdalinka) - 1999
Swarup, Vikas "Q & A" (Rupien! Rupien!) - 2005
Scott, Mary "What Does It Matter" (Macht nichts, Darling) - 1966
Hooks, Bell "All About Love: New Visions" - 1999
Filipović, Zlata "Zlata's Diary: A Child's Life in Wartime Sarajevo" (Zlatin dnevnik: otroštvo v obleganem Sarajevu/Ich bin ein Mädchen aus Sarajewo) - 1993
Mora, Terézia "Das Ungeheuer" [The Monster] - 2013
Stevenson, Robert Louis "Treasure Island" (Die Schatzinsel) - 1881/82
Zweig, Stefanie "Das Haus in der Rothschildallee" (Familie Sternberg #1) [The House of Rothschild Avenue] - 2007
Lafayette, Madame de (Marie-Madeleine) "The Princess of Cleves" (La Princesse de Clèves/Die Prinzessin von Clèves) - 1678
Grimm, Jacob und Wilhelm "Jorinde und Joringel. Acht Märchen der Brüder Grimm" [Jorinde and Joringel. Eight Fairy Tales] - 1812
Schwarzer, Alice "Lebenslauf" [My life] - 2011
Adorf, Mario "Der Dieb von Trastevere. Geschichten aus Italien" [The Thief from Trastevere] - 1994
Moran, Caitlin "How to be a Woman" (Wie ich lernte, eine Frau zu sein) - 2011
Scott, Mary "Yes, Darling" (Ja, Liebling) - 1967
Oates, Joyce Carol "The Man Without a Shadow" - 2016
Aboulela, Leila "The Kindness of Enemies" - 2015
Mitchell, David "Cloud Atlas" (Der Wolkenatlas) - 2004
McCall Smith, Alexander "Emma. A Modern Retelling" - 2015
Robertson, Adele Crockett "The Orchard: A Memoir" (Der Apfelgarten. Erinnerungen einer Glücklichen) - 1995
Mercier, Pascal "Perlmann's Silence" (Perlmanns Schweigen) - 1995
Landers, Brian "Empires Apart. A History of American and Russian Imperialism" - 2010
Joyce, James "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" (Bildnis des Künstlers als junger Mann) - 1916
Worth, Jennifer "Call the Midwife" - 2002
Ali, Sabahattin "Madonna in a Fur Coat" (Kürk Mantolu Madonna/Die Madonna im Pelzmantel) - 1943
Waters, Sarah "The Night Watch" (Die Frauen von London) - 2006
Joinson, Suzanne "The Photographer's Wife" - 2016
Obama, Barack "Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance" (Ein amerikanischer Traum. Die Geschichte meiner Familie) - 1995
Satrapi, Marjane "Persepolis. The Story of a Childhood" (Persepolis) - 2000
Sedano, Nina "Die Ländersammlerin" [The Collector of Countries- 2014
Satrapi, Marjane "Persepolis. The Story of a Return" (Persepolis 2) - 2000
Bryson, Bill "The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid" (Mein Amerika) - 2006
Scott, Mary "Strictly Speaking" (Das Teehaus im Grünen) - 1969
Eliot, George "The Mill on the Floss" (Die Mühle am Floss).- 1860
Perkins, Sue "Spectacles" - 2015
Grossman, David "The Zig Zag Kid" [יש ילדים זיגזג/Jesh Jeladim/Zickzackkind) - 1994
Shakespeare, William "Macbeth" - 1599/1606
Oates, Joyce Carol "Sexy" (Sexy) - 2005
Mak, Geert "De goede stad" [The Good Town]  - 2007
Aaronovitch, Ben "Whispers Under Ground" (Rivers of London 3) (Ein Wispern unter Baker Street) - 2012
Brownstein, Carrie "Hunger Makes Me a Modern Girl" - 2015
Alexijewitsch, Swetlana (Alexievich, Svetlana) "Second Hand Time. The Last of the Sovjets" (Время секонд хэнд/Vremja sekond khend/Secondhand-Zeit: Leben auf den Trümmern des Sozialismus) - 2013
Rushdie, Salman "Midnight's Children" (Mitternachtskinder) - 1981
García Márquez, Gabriel "The General in His Labyrinth" (El general en su laberinto/Der General in seinem Labyrinth) - 1989
Mantel, Hilary "Bring up the Bodies" (Falken) - 2012
Adams, Douglas "The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy" (Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis) - 1979
Maalouf, Amin "Samarkand" (Samarcande/Samarkand) - 1988
Obama, Barack "The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream" (Hoffnung wagen: Gedanken zur Rückbesinnung auf den American Dream) - 2006
Zweig, Stefanie "Die Kinder der Rothschildallee" (Familie Sternberg #2) [The Children of Rothschild Avenue] - 2009
Wolfgang Borchert "Schischyphusch oder Der Kellner meines Onkels" [Shishyphush or my uncle's waiter] - 1947/2016
Pye, Michael "The Edge of the World: How the North Sea Made Us Who We Are" - 2014
Scott, Mary "Haven't We Met Before?" (Hilfe, ich bin berühmt) - 1970
Grass, Günter "Beim Häuten der Zwiebel" (Peeling the Onion) - 2006
Atkinson, Kate "Behind the Scenes at the Museum" (Familienalbum) - 1995
Štimec, Spomenka "Kroata Milita Noktlibro" (Kroatisches Kriegsnachtbuch) [Croatian Nocturnal] - 1993
Arnold, Catharine "Globe: Life in Shakespeare's London" - 2014
Angelou, Maya "Mom & Me & Mom" - 2013
Oates, Joyce Carol "Carthage" - 2014
Nguyen, Viet Thanh (Việt Thanh Nguyễn) "The Sympathizer" - 2015
Konar, Affinity "Mischling" - 2016
Zeh, Juli "Unterleuten" - 2016
Plath, Sylvia "The Bell Jar" (Die Glasglocke) - 1963
Kostova, Elizabeth "The Swan Thieves" (Die Schwanendiebe) - 2010
Coates, Ta-Nehisi "Between the World and Me" (Zwischen mir und der Welt) - 2015
Scott, Mary "If I Don’t, Who Will?" (Oh, diese Verwandtschaft!) - 1971
Pamuk, Orhan "Cevdet und seine Söhne" (Cevdet Bey ve Oğulları/Cevdet Bey and His Sons) - 1982
Fredriksson, Marianne "Simon and The Oaks" (aka Simon's Family/Simon och ekarna/Simon) - 1985
Ephron, Nora "The Most of Nora Ephron" - 2014
Bâ, Mariama "So Long a Letter" (Une si longue lettre/Ein so langer Brief: Ein afrikanisches Frauenschicksal) - 1979
Hochschild, Arlie Russell "Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right" - 2016
Scott, Mary "First Things First" (Verlieb dich nie in einen Tierarzt) - 1973
Bohjalian, Chris "Midwives" (Das Tagebuch meiner Mutter) - 1997
Witzel, Frank "Die Erfindung der Roten Armee Fraktion durch einen manisch-depressiven Teenager im Sommer 1969" [The Invention of the Red Army Faction by a Manic Depressive Teenager in the Summer of 1969] - 2015
Hansen, Dörte "Altes Land" (This House is Mine) - 2015
Lamb, Wally "I'll Take You There" - 2016
Modick, Klaus "Konzert ohne Dichter" [Concert without poets] - 2015

I read 81 books in this timeframe which resulted in €162 to spend on something nice.  :-D 

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