
Thursday, 5 March 2015

The "Piggybank" Challenge 2015

I have taken part in this challenge for two years now (see here my result from last year including a link to the previous one) and decided to carry on. Why? You will discover once you read this text:

This is a challenge idea by a German blogger. I have translated her text and you can find the original site here at "Willkommen im Bücherkaffee".

How long does this challenge last?
1 March 2015 to 1 March 2016

What goes into the piggybank?
For every book I've read - €2.00 into the piggybank
(Amount can be individually altered, of course)

•    For every finished book, the amount chosen is inserted into the piggy bank/ money box.
•    This money is then off limits until the end of the challenge, i.e. the piggybank stays closed.
•    On 1 March the piggybank can be opened and you can go shopping extensively - or carry on reading and saving.
•    Be consistent and put the money into the bank immediately, otherwise you will lose track easily. (Personally, I put the books I read right next to the money box  until I drop the money in, otherwise it gets forgotten very quickly. Only after that do i put the book back on the shelf.)
•    A list of books read would be very nice because you can perfectly observe the savings success.
•    In addition, it would be great if you post a challenge post on your blog. This way, everyone can follow the progress of the other challenge participants so much easier. If you don't have a blog, then just leave a comment here in the comments from time to time about your opinion or your progress.

Would you like to join us?
Go ahead ! It is worthwhile in any case and you will not regret it.

Just write in the comments or by email to and send your link to the post. You may use the challenge logo with a link to the challenge in the Bücherkaffee.

The hashtag for the Twitter exchange : # Sparstrumpf

Would you like to join?
Go on. It is worthwhile in any care and you will certainly not regret it.

Last year, I read 72 books in that timeframe which resulted in €144 to spend on something nice. :-D

My progress (I add the German title, if available, for my German friends):
Follett, Ken "Winter of the World" (Winter der Welt) - 2012
Scott, Mary "Families are Fun" (Fröhliche Ferien am Meer) - 1957
Hugo, Victor "Les Misérables" (Die Miserablen/Die Elenden) - 1862
Setterfield, Diane "The Thirteenth Tale" (Die dreizehnte Geschichte) - 2006
Follett, Ken "Edge of Eternity" (Kinder der Freiheit) - 2014
Scott, Mary "No Sad Songs" (Kopf hoch, Freddie!) - 1960
Shteyngart, Gary "Absurdistan" (Snack Daddys abenteuerliche Reise/Absurdistan) - 2006
Yousafzai, Malala; Lamb, Christina "I am Malala. The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban" (Ich bin Malala: Das Mädchen, das die Taliban erschießen wollten, weil es für das Recht auf Bildung kämpft) - 2013
Scott, Mary "Freddie" (Wann heiraten wir, Freddie?) - 1965
Eco, Umberto "The Name of the Rose" (Der Name der Rose/Il nome della rosa) - 1980
Scott, Mary "Pippa in Paradise" (Es tut sich was im Paradies) - 1955
Dugain, Marc "The Officer's Ward" (La Chambre des officiers/Die Offizierskammer) - 1999
Munro, Alice "Runaway" - 2004
Brown, Eleanor "The Weird Sisters" (Die Shakespeare-Schwestern) - 2011
Mak, Geert "In Europe. Travels through the twentieth century" (In Europa: Reizen door de twintigste eeuw/In Europa. Eine Reise durch das 20. Jahrhundert) - 2004
Burton, Jessie "The Miniaturist" (Die Magie der kleinen Dinge) - 2014
Krone-Schmalz, Gabriele "Russland verstehen. Der Kampf um die Ukraine und die Arroganz des Westens" [Understanding Russia. The battle for the Ukraine and the arrogance of the West] - 2015
Regener, Sven "Neue Vahr Süd" [Neue Vahr South] - 2004
Moore, Michael "Stupid White Men" (Stupid White Men: Eine Abrechnung mit dem Amerika unter George W. Bush) - 2001
Modiano, Patrick "La Place de l'Étoile" (Place de l'Étoile") - 1968
Brontë, Charlotte "Villette" (Villette) - 1853
Roth, Charlotte "Als der Himmel uns gehörte" [When Heaven Belonged to Us] - 2015
Matheson, Richard "I am Legend" (Ich bin Legende/Ich, der letzte Mensch) - 1954
Patchett, Ann "The Patron Saint of Liars" - 1992
Butler, Octavia E. "Kindred" (Vom gleichen Blut) - 1979
Coory, Kasey "Pious Evil. Condemn not my Children" - 2014
Oates, Joyce Carol "The Sacrifice" - 2015
Azevedo, Francisco "Once Upon a Time in Rio" (Der Hochzeitsreis/O Arroz de Palma) - 2008
Dickens, Charles "Little Dorrit" (Klein Dorrit) - 1857
Sendker, Jan-Philipp "Drachenspiele" (Dragon Games aka The Language of Solitude) (Dragon Games #2) - 2009
Lahiri, Jhumpa "Interpreter of Maladies" (Melancholie der Ankunft) - 1999
Eliade, Mircea "Marriage in Heaven" (Nuntă în cer/Hochzeit im Himmel) - 1938
Doerr, Anthony "All the Light We Cannot See" (Alles Licht, das wir nicht sehen) - 2014
Zweig, Stefanie "Nirgendwo in Afrika" (Nowhere in Africa) - 1995
Schoemperlen, Diane "Our Lady of the Lost and Found" - 2001
Multatuli (Eduard Douwes Dekker) "Max Havelaar of de koffiveilingen der Nederlandsche Handelmaatschappy" (Max Havelaar oder Die Kaffeeversteigerungen der Niederländischen Handelsgesellschaft - Max Havelaar, or the Coffee Auctions of the Dutch Trading Company) - 1859
Bryson, Bill "Notes from a Small Island" (Reif für die Insel. England für Anfänger und Fortgeschritten) - 1995
Ghosh, Amitav "Flood of Fire" (Ibis Trilogy #3) - 2015
Lind, Stefanie (Hrsg.) "Reise nach Norwegen: Kulturkompass fürs Handgepäck" [Trip to Norway: Cultural Compass for your Hand Luggage] - 2010
Orsenna, Erik "Grammar Is a Sweet, Gentle Song" (La grammaire est une chanson douce/Die Grammatik ist ein sanftes Lied) - 2001
Shakespeare, William "Hamlet" (Hamlet) - 1599-1602
Scott, Mary "Yours to oblige" (Na endlich, Liebling) - 1954
Raddatz, Fritz J. "Dann wird aus Zwein: Wir beide. Kurt Tucholsky & Mary Gerold" [Then two will make the two of us] - 2015
Fowler, Karen Joy "The Jane Austen Book Club" (Der Jane Austen Club) - 2004
Lenz, Siegfried "Landesbühne" [Province Stage] - 2009
Hislop, Victoria "The Sunrise" - 2014
Levithan, David "Every Day" (Letztendlich sind wir dem Universum egal) - 2012
McCarthy, Pete "The Road to McCarthy: Around the World in Search of Ireland" - 2002
Titchmarsh, Alan "Trowel and Error" - 2002
Petrowskaja, Katja "Vielleicht Esther" (Maybe Esther) - 2014
Lawson, Mary "Road Ends" - 2013
Wilde, Oscar "The Picture of Dorian Gray" (Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray) - 1890
Talshir, Anat "If I Forget Thee" (Im Eshkahekh/Über uns die Nacht) - 2010
Scott, Mary "One of the Family" (Onkel ist der Beste) - 1958
Fowler, Christopher "Hell Train" - 2011
Gaskell, Elizabeth "North and South" (Margarethe/Norden und Süden) - 1854/55
Roberts, Gregory David "Shantaram" - 2003
Littger, Peter "The devil lies in the detail: Lustiges und Lehrreiches über unsere Lieblingsfremdsprache" - 2015
Hay, Ashley "The Railwayman's Wife" - 2013
Kerkeling, Hape "I'm off then: Losing and Finding Myself on the Camino de Santiago" (Ich bin dann mal weg. Meine Reise auf dem Jakobsweg) - 2006
Tyler, Anne "A Spool of Blue Thread" (Der leuchtend blaue Faden) - 2015
Hammond, Richard "On the Edge: My Story" - 2007
O'Faolain, Nuala "Almost There: The Onward Journey of a Dublin Woman" 2003
Murakami, Haruki "Norwegian Wood" (Noruwei no mori, ノルウェイの森 - Naokos Lächeln) - 1987
Pagnol, Marcel "Jean de Florette" (L'eau des collines #1) (dto./dto.) - 1963
Ferri, Jean-Yves; Didier Conrad, Didier "Le Papyrus de César" (Asterix and the Missing Scroll/Der Papyrus des Cäsar) - 2015
Scott, Mary "The White Elephant" (Zum Weißen Elefanten) - 1959
Schimmel, Betty with Gabriel, Joyce "To See You Again. A True Story of Love in a Time of War" (Werden wir uns wiedersehen. Eine Liebe in den Zeiten des Krieges.) - 1999
Funke, Cornelia "Tintenherz" (Inkheart) - 2003
Lalami, Laila "The Moors' Account" - 2014
Paull, Laline "The Bees" (Die Bienen) - 2014
Fleischhauer, Wolfram "Schule der Lügen" (aka "Die Inderin") (In a Tender Hold) - 2014
Dickens, Charles "Hard Times" (Harte Zeiten) - 1854
Delacourt, Grégoire "La liste de mes envies" (The list of my desires/My Wish List/Alle meine Wünsche) - 2012
Hawkins, Paula "The Girl on the Train" (The Girl on the Train - Du kennst sie nicht, aber sie kennt dich) - 2015
Doron, Lizzie "Who the fuck is Kafka" - 2015
Mantel, Hilary "Wolf Hall" (Wölfe) - 2009
Kristof, Nicholas; WuDunn, Sheryl "A Path Appears: Transforming Lives, Creating Opportunity" - 2014
Scott, Mary "The Long Honeymoon" (Flitterwochen) - 1963
Schami, Rafik "Eine Hand voller Sterne" (A Hand Full of Stars) - 1987
Bryson, Bill "The Road to Little Dribbling: more Notes from a Small Island" (It’s teatime, my dear! Wieder reif für die Insel) - 2015
Ulitzkaya, Lyudmila "Imago" or "The Big Green Tent" (Das grüne Zelt/Zelenyi shater/Зеленый шатер) - 2010
Weizsäcker, Richard von "Drei Mal Stunde Null? 1949-1969-1989" [Three Times Zero Hour? 1949-1969-1989] - 2001
Perry, Anne "A Christmas Odyssey" - 2010
Twain, Mark "The Innocents Abroad" (Die Arglosen im Ausland) - 1869
Steinem, Gloria "My Life on the Road" - 2015
Zweig, Stefanie "Irgendwo in Deutschland" (Somewhere in Germany) - 1996
Anonymous "Lazarillo de Tormes" (Spanish: La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes y de sus fortunas y adversidades) - 1554
Camus, Albert "L'Étranger" (The Stranger/The Outsider/Der Fremde) - 1942
Smiley, Jane "Early Warning" (Last Hundred Years: A Family Saga #2) - 2015
Ephron, Nora "I Remember Nothing. And other reflections" (Ich kann mir alles merken: Nur nicht mehr so lange) - 2010
Grass, Günter "Mein Jahrhundert" (My Century) - 1999
Scott, Mary "It’s Perfectly Easy" (Es ist ja so einfach) - 1963
Pleschinski, Hans "Königsallee" [King's Alley] - 2013
Mistry, Rohinton "Family Matters" (Die Quadratur des Glücks) - 2002

I read 96 books in this timeframe which resulted in €192 to spend on something nice. :-D


  1. This sounds like fun! I'm a little late in starting, but I'm going to do it. Great idea. Annette

    1. I don't think it matters when you start, it sure is fun and you even get a reward for reading at the end of the year. What could be better? ;)

      Happy Easter,
