
Thursday, 11 February 2021

Reading Challenge - Chunky Books 2021

I have taken part in this reading challenge since 2013. The moment I saw that post, I know this was the most interesting challenge for me. I signed up for the highest of the four levels "Mor-book-ly Obese" which meant eight or more chunksters (books over 450 pages) of which three must be 750 pages or more.

I have carried on with that challenge without setting goals, I love big books and I will always read some. And I am more than willing to tell my friends about them.

If you are interested in the challenge, check out this link. They discontinued their challenge in 2015.
You can still find suggestions by page number, in case you can't find any chunksters yourself. ;-)

Or you can check out my lists from the previous years (below), maybe you are interested in a couple of them.

I read in
2013: 38 chunky books, 13 of them chunksters
2014: 37 chunky books, 15 of them chunksters
2015: 26 chunky books, 8 of which chunksters
2016: 28 chunky books, 3 of which chunksters
2017: 35 chunky books, 6 of which chunksters

2018: 29 chunky books, 6 of which chunksters
2019: 20 chunky books, 7 of which chunksters
18 chunky books, 7 of which chunksters

I will be posting the books I have read here:
(I add the German title, if available, for my German friends)
[I add my own translation of a foreign book title if it's not available in English.]

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von "Italienische Reise" (Italian Journey aka Letters from Italy) - 1817 - 891 pages
Christie, Agatha "Hercule Poirot. The Complete Short Stories" - 1923-61 - 908 pages
Ford, Ford Madox "Parade's End" (Tetraology: Some Do Not, No More Parades, A Man Could Stand Up, Last Post) (Keine Paraden mehr) - 1924-28 - 968 pages
Elliot, Jason "An Unexpected Light. Travels in Afghanistan" (Unerwartetes Licht - Reisen durch Afghanistan) - 1999 - 512 pages
Sapolsky, Robert M. "Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst" (Gewalt und Mitgefühl: Die Biologie des menschlichen Verhaltens) - 2017 - 800 pages
Lee, Min Jin "Pachinko" (Ein einfaches Leben) - 2017 - 552 pages
Dickens, Charles "The Old Curiosity Shop" (Der Raritätenladen) - 1840 - 736 pages
Stroyar, J.N. "Becoming Them" (The Children's War Book 3) - 2017 - 753 pages
Zusak, Markus "The Messenger" (US: I am the Messenger/Der Joker) - 2002 - 464 pages
Bulgakow, Michail "Der Meister und Margarita" (The Master and Margarita - Мастер и Маргарита/Master i Margarita) - 1929-39 - 551 pages
Mantel, Hilary "The Mirror and the Light" (The Wolf Hall Trilogy 3) (Spiegel und Licht) - 2020 - 912 pages
Judd, Naomi "Love Can Build a Bridge" - 1993 - 546 pages
Obama, Barack "A Promised Land" (Ein verheißenes Land) - 2020 - 768 pages
Twain, Mark "A Tramp Abroad" - 1880 (Bummel durch Europa: Mit einem Anhang mit Nachwort, Zeittafel und Bibliographie) - 564 pages

Weir, Alison "Six Tudor Queens. Katheryn Howard. The Tainted Queen" (US Title: The Scandalous Queen)  - 496 pages
Hetmann, Frederik "Traumklänge oder Das längste Märchen, das es je gab" [Dream sounds or The longest fairy tale that ever existed] - 2004 - 528 pages
Wodehouse, P.G. "The World of Jeeves" (Jeeves #2-4: The Inimitable Jeeves #2, Carry On, Jeeves #3, Very Good, Jeeves! #4) - 1923/1925/1930 - 784 pages
Frankopan, Peter "The Silk Roads. A New History of the World" (Licht aus dem Osten: Eine neue Geschichte der Welt) - 2015 - 672 pages
Hesse, Hermann "Narcissus and Goldmund" (Narziss und Goldmund) - 1930 - 465 pages
Stoker, Bram "Dracula" (Dracula) - 1897 - 528 pages
Towles, Amor "A Gentleman in Moscow" (Ein Gentleman in Moskau) - 2016 - 462 pages
Rushdie, Salman "The Satanic Verses" (Die Satanischen Verse) - 1988 - 576p pages
Follett, Ken "A Column of Fire" (Das Fundament der Ewigkeit) - 2017 - 928 pages
Menasse, Robert "Die Hauptstadt" (The Capital) - 2017 - 460 pages

I read 24 chunky books in 2021 of which 10 are considered a chunkster.


  1. I am pondering which chunkster I will read in March.

    1. I'm sure you'll find one. Otherwise, I can recommend lots. LOL

      I read too many chunksters at the moment but, as you know, I enjoy them.

      Thanks for your comment. Have a nice weekend.

  2. What a fun challenge! I could definitely get around ot this one at some point - some of my tomes are pretty chunky!

    1. That's what I think. And the good thing is, no planning needed, just add any large books you've read and you can see at the end of the year how many you tackled. That's why I carry on with this one even though the original poster has discontinued it.

  3. Sounds like a fun reading challenge! In the past ten years, I haven't read too many long books... I use to read 500+ page novels more frequently before. No it seems that I prefer reading books less than 400 pages in length.

    1. It is fun indeed. If you enjoy large books. I know this is not for everyone but even if you only read a few chunksters a year, it's certainly fun listing them.

      I have always enjoyed it and therefore plan to continue with this list.

      Thanks for your visit.
