
Friday, 7 February 2020

Statistics 2019

My statistics for the last years are here:
Going back to 2009-12, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018

And these are the results of my reading lists for 2019:

* Statistics 2019 *

I read books that contributed to the following challenges. Some of them count for more than one category:

Challenges (number of books read for the challenges in brackets)
100 Books by the BBC (2)
101 Best Selling Books of All Times (1)
100 Greatest Fiction Books as Chosen by the Guardian (4)
13 Ways of Looking at the Novel
20 Classic and Important Books (1)
2019 TBR Pile Reading Challenge (23)
Best European Literature (3)
Bildungsroman (2)
I'm sure I read more books in that direction but these two are typical for this genre.
Books That Changed the World (2)
A Century of Books (1)
Children's Books (1)
Dutch and French Books (1 French)
Emma's Book Club - Our shared shelf
An ever growing list of books about and for women, a group started by Emma Watson (better known as Hermione Granger), UN Woman Goodwill Ambassador.
German Books (14)
Le Monde - The 100 Books of the Century (1)
My Favourite Books Ever (10)
Every year I find some more books I can add to my list of favourite books. 10 this year.
Nobel Prize Winners and Their Books (8)
Oscar Winning Books (4)
Peace Prize of the German Book Trade (4)
(German: Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels)
Reading Challenge - Chunky Books 2019
I read 19 chunky books in 2017 of which 7 are considered a chunkster.
The "Piggybank" Challenge 2019
The 82 books I read this year resulted in €164 to spend on something nice.
Top Ten Tuesday
I took part in a few lists of this challenge:
Book Titles with Numbers In Them
Cover Redesigns I Loved/Hated
First Ten Books I Reviewed
Settings I’d Like to See More Of (Or At All)
Auto-Buy Authors 
Books From My Favourite Genre - Historical Fiction

Favourite Books Released In the Last Ten Years (one book for each year)
Books I wish I read as a kid
Top Ten Childhood Favourites
I read 38 books in this category, 4 of them were new ones.

Books Read: 80
Pages read: 30,773
384 pages/book, 85 pages/day, 6.7 books/month
The average novel contains between 140 and 320 pages, i.e. 230 = 134 "average" books in 2019

Books dating from which year:
Pre 1800s: 2
1800s: 5
1900-1949: 3
1950-1999: 23
2000s: 47 (2 of which from 2019)

Male Authors: 74
Female Authors: 52
Both: 1

Nobel Prize Winners: 8

Fiction: 81
Non-Fiction: 45

Chunky Books - more than 450 pages: 19, more than 750: 7
TBR Pile: 23

Oldest Book: 1208
Alighieri, Dante "Die Göttliche Komödie" (The Devine Comedy/Divina Commedia) - 1308-20
Newest Book: 2018
Orth, Stephan "Couchsurfing in China. Durch die Wohnzimmer der neuen Supermacht" (Couchsurfing in China: Encounters and Escapades Beyond the Great Wall aka High Tech and Hot Pot: Revealing Encounters Inside the Real China) - 2019
Longest book: 1249 pages
Dostojewskij, Fjodor "Die Brüder Karamasow" (Братья Карамазовы/Brat'ya Karamazovy/The Brothers Karamazov) - 1879-80 - 1249 pages
Shortest book: 128 pages
Hüsch, Hanns Dieter "Frieda auf Erden" [Frieda/Peace on Earth] - 1959
Longest book title: 37
Kaminer, Wladimir "Meine Mutter, ihre Katze und der Staubsauger: Ein Unruhestand in 33 Geschichten" [My Mother, her Cat and the Vacuum Cleaner] - 2016
Shortest Book Title: 3
Fredriksson, Marianne "Eva" (Evas bok/The Book of Eve) (Paradisets barn/The Children of Paradise #1) - 1980
Funniest Book:
Sadler, Michael "An Englishman in Paris: L’éducation continentale" - 2000
Saddest Book:
Ahmad, Aeham "The Pianist from Syria" (aka The Pianist of Yarmouk) (Und die Vögel werden singen) - 2017
Weirdest Book:
Stanišić, Saša "How the Soldier Repairs the Gramophone" (Wie der Soldat das Grammofon repariert) - 2006

New authors (for me) that I would like to read more from: 11
Rajaa Alsanea, Joe Biden, Paolo Cognetti, Anne Gesthuysen, Michelle Obama, Tim Marshall, Lydia
Chukovskaya, Sofia Lundberg, Richard Powers, Eva Stachniak, Stefan Zweig

Translated Books: 17 from 12 languages
3 from Russian, 2 each from Italian, Swedish and Turkish, 1 each from Albanian, Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Portuguese and Spanish
Books read in another language:
14 German, 1 each French and 1 Esperanto

Numbers in Book Titles
: Eight, Six, 1914
Place Names in Book Titles: Afghanistan, China, England, Paris, Riyadh, Syria
Names in Book Titles: Barack, Bill, Burger, Bryson, Clarke, Crake, Daisy, Dickens, Eva, Frieda, Godot, Jane, Jean, Jones, Karamazov, Miller, Moby-Dick, Moses, Obama, Oryx, Paddy, Seymour, Tom
Colours in Book Titles: Red, Scarlet

My Favourite Books: 10

With my books, I visited places in the following countries:
Africa (3):
Botswana, Nigeria, South Africa
Asia (8):
Afghanistan, China, Indonesia, Israel, Nepal, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey
Europe (13):
Albania, Austria, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom,
North America (3):
Canada, Mexico, USA
South America (0):
will have to change that
Australia/Oceania (2):
Australia, New Zealand
Extra-terrestrial (1)
Everywhere (4)
Others/Anywhere (2)

Countries "visited" in total: 36

See also "My Year in Books" on Goodreads.

You may find some even greater statistics by better bloggers than me at "Stuck in a Book" and "Ready When You are, C.B."

If you want more information on any of the lists mentioned, please, let me know.


  1. It's always interesting to see these sorts of lists. :)

    1. Thank you, Lydia, I like it, as well. I have found so many great books just by going through other people's lists.

      Happy Reading!

  2. I am impressed that you read so many Nobel Prize winners! And that you read The Divine Comedy!!

    1. I was surprised it was that little. I love Nobel Prize winners and always see that I have a few spare ones to read. ;)
      And "The Divine Comedy", I always wanted to read it. Wasn't the best read ever but I'm glad I went through with it.
      And if you're interested, here is a list of the Nobel Prize winner books I read last year:
      Coetzee, J.M. "The Childhood of Jesus" - 2013
      Pamuk, Orhan "Das neue Leben" (Yeni Hyat/The New Life) - 1994
      Grass, Günter "Cat and Mouse" (Katz und Maus) - 1961
      Saramago, José "Blindness" (O Ensaio sobre a Cegueira) - 1995
      Beckett, Samuel "Waiting for Godot" (En attendant Godot) - 1952
      Gordimer, Nadine "Burger's Daughter" - 1979
      Solzhenitsyn, Alexander "August 1914" - 1971
      Pamuk, Orhan "The Red-Haired Woman" (Kırmızı Saçlı Kadın) - 2016
      The last one was my favourite.
