Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Top Ten Tuesday ~ Top Ten Settings I’d Like to See More Of

"Top Ten Tuesday" is an original feature/weekly meme created on the blog "The Broke and the Bookish". This feature was created because they are particularly fond of lists at "The Broke and the Bookish".

It is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

Since I am just as fond of them as they are, I jump at the chance to share my lists with them! Have a look at their page, there are lots of other bloggers who share their lists here.

July 23: Settings I’d Like to See More Of (Or At All)

I know there are several ways to interpret this task. Settings can be a lot of things, a place like a house, a city or a country, or at the sea, in the mountains, in a forest but also certain types of stories.

Since I like to pretend that I'm a world traveller (at least by books), I have decided to name the countries I love to read about most, I have decided that it must be countries for me. I put them in alphabetical order with a link to the countries I have read about already.

I did run into a problem. There are countries of which I haven't read anything at all and would love to explore. That's my first list.

Burkina Faso
Costa Rica
(Even if some of them have a link, those books were not directly about the country in question.)

And then there are countries where I have read a few but would love to read more. These are on my second list.

New Zealand
The Philippines

Having said that, there are so many more countries of which I haven't read enough or at all. I wish to read at least one good book about every country in the world.


  1. All of these countries sound like they'd make great settings for stories.

    My TTT.

  2. My aim is to travel the whole world through my books. Maybe you haven't seen my post about it.

    Thanks for visiting. Will go and have a loot at your list.

    Happy reading!

  3. I'm finding a few more books set in Australia lately and really loving them.

    1. Oh, great. Can you recommend any?

      Thanks for your visit.

  4. I'd love to read a book from every country on earth! I keep track on a Google Doc. You are welcome to make your own copy and adapt it for yourself if you like: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_0pibb85CnYFZ580L72SS6VjTyiNMeRJjpxeosesMCk/edit#gid=0

    1. Oh, how lovely. I will definitely visit your page. I already have a post "Travel the World Through Books " but one can never see enough of those kind of posts, don't you think?

      Thanks a lot fo ryour visit and for the link.

    2. Just checked the list. Lots of books that I've read but lots of ideas that I haven't. Fantastic, can't wait to go hunting for some of those books.

      Thanks sooooo much!

    3. I've just been going through your list. May I ask what the yellow boxes mean? Favourites?
      Also, I see you have read a "German" book by an American author. I'd have plenty of German books by German authors to recommend. ;)

  5. Hi Marianne! I had a lot of fun with the lists, and with your original post regarding "traveling the world through books." What a fabulous idea! I can't think why it never occurred to me to do something similar. If I've actually, physically visited a country, THEN I make the effort to read a book or two about it, or using it as a setting; given that life is short, however, and the world pretty large, I should probably do more global exploring through books! I'm afraid I'm to a bit provincial in my reading tastes and tend to stick to works published originally in English although I AM making an effort to include more translated works these days! Anyway, your posts were a nice prod to expand my reading horizons!
    P.S. If you're still looking for a book set in Uruguay, try Peter Cameron's "The City of Your Final Destination." It's a wonderful novel about the vagaries of love, the biographer's task and how we often don't end up where we thought we were going!

    1. I love to read about the countries I visited, as well. But this way, I can visit so many more. :)

      I am still looking for a book set in Uruguay. The countries above are mainly countries where I know someone, that makes it even more interesting. But I hope to have travelled the whole worlds by books one day.

      Thanks for your visit and thanks very much for your recommendation.

  6. Hurray for traveling through books. I plan to visit Poland next, actually revisit, with Stone Upon Stone by Wieslaw Mysliwske.

    1. Totally agree. One day we will have been everywhere. :)

      I have "visited" Poland twelve times so far and am happy to visit again. Looking forward to your book review.

      My favourite is In the Memory of the Forest by Charles T. Powers. I can only recommend it.

      Thanks for your great friendship.

  7. Guatemala would be such an interesting place to visit.

    This is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thanks for stopping by earlier!

    1. I have a friend who is originally from Guatemala. She now lives in Canada. But that is the reason why the country made it onto my list. I really want to read something about all the countries.

      Thanks for revisiting. I always try to look at a few TTT lists, can't see them all, unfortunately, but yours was very interesting.

  8. I really like the list of countries you haven't read from at all! I always love reading about settings I've never read about before.

    1. Thanks, Ali,

      there are a lot of books on my Travel the World with Books list but I put those on my TTT where I know someone. Really will have to find some of those soon.

      Thanks for your visit. Happy Reading.

  9. I've only read one New Zealand book, I think. I really liked it. It was called Chasing Crazy by Kelly Siskind.

    1. Thank you. I checked out the book. I'm not much of a "romantic" reader, I like to read about the country itself, it's history, politics, how the ordinary people live there. Sounds like this is someone who comes to New Zealand and falls in love with someone. Or am I totally wrong there?

      Thanks for your visit and thanks for your recommendation anyway.
