Thursday 18 July 2019

Book Club History 2017 etc. (in chronological order)

I have been looking for another international book club for quite a while and I finally found one. Everyone is eager to read as many international books as possible, that's always a good start.

As you can see, the choice of literature is extremely wide spread. We try not to read the same original language in a row. And we try to read a few Nobel Prize winners. So far, we have read 16.

They have been discussing books for two years now, I added the links to the books I have read already.

Author "Title" - Year - Original Language (Original title) (Date discussed)

Jansson, Tove " Moominpappa at Sea" - 1965 Swedish (Pappan och havet) (Aug 17)
Statovici, Pajtim "My Cat Jugoslavia" - 2014 Finnish (Kissani Jugoslavia) (Sep 17)
Huxley, Aldous "Brave New World" - 1923 English (Oct 17)
Høeg, Peter "Effekten af Susan" -2014 Danish (Effekten af Susan) (Nov 17)
Hesse, Hermann "Steppenwolf" - 1927 German (Der Steppenwolf) (Dec 17) (Nobel Prize 1946)

Lee, Harper "To Kill a Mockingbird" - 1960 English (Jan 18)
Lindstedt, Laura "Oneiron" - 2015 Finnish (Oneiron) (Feb 18)
Verne, Jules "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" - 1870 French (Vingt mille lieues sous les mers) (Mar 18)
Fitzgerald, F. Scott "The Great Gatsby" - 1925 English (Apr 18)
Hurme, Juha (not translated) - 2017 Finnish "Niemi" (not translated) (May 18)
Kawabata, Yasunari "A Thousand Cranes" - 1949 Japanese (千羽鶴 Senbazuru) (Jun 18) (Nobel Prize 1968)
Indriðason, Arnaldur - any book - Synir Duftsins [Sons of Dust] (Menschensöhne) - Icelandic (Jul 18)
Ferrante, Elena "My Brillliant Friend" - 2011 Italian (L'amica geniale) (Aug 18)
García Marquez, Gabriel "A Hundred Years of Solitude" - 1967 Spanish (Cien años de soledad) (Sep 18) (Nobel Prize 1982)
Gogol, Nikolai - any novellas - "The Overcoat" - 1842 Russian (Шинель/Shinyeli) (Oct 18)
Paasilinna, Arto "The Year of the Hare" - 1975 Finnish (Jäniksen vuosi) (Nov 18)
Ishiguro, Kazuo "Never Let Me Go" - 2005 English (Dec 18) (Nobel Prize 2017)

Jansson, Tove "The Invisible Child" - 1962 Swedish (Berättelsen om det osynliga barnet) (Jan 19)
Süskind, Patrick "The Perfume. A Story of a Murderer" - 1985 German (Das Parfüm) (Feb 19)
Defoe, Daniel "Robinson Crusoe" - 1719 English (Mar 19)
Saramago, José "Blindness" - 1995 Spanish (O Ensaio sobre a Cegueira) (Apr 19) (Nobel Prize 1998)
Alsanea, Rajaa "The Girls of Riyadh" - 2005 Arabic (بنات الرياض‎ Banāt al-Riyāḍ) (May 19)
Gordimer, Nadine "Burger's Daughter" - 1979 English (Jun 19) (Nobel Prize 1991)
Yu, Hua "China in Ten Words" - 2010 Chinese (十个词汇里的中国) (Jul 19)
Bâ, Mariama "So Long a Letter" - 1979 French (Une si longue lettre) (Aug 19)
Dick, Philip K. "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" - 1968 English (Sep 19)
Ende, Michael "The Neverending Story" (Die unendliche Geschichte) - 1979 German (Oct 19)
Pamuk, Orhan "My Name is Red" - 1998 Turkish (Benim Adim Kirmizi) (Dec 19) (Nobel Prize 2006)

McCarthy, Cormac "The Road" - 2006 English (Jan 20)
Waltari, Mika "The Secret of the Kingdom" - 1959 Finnish (Valtakunnan salaisuus) (Mar 20)
Tokarczuk, Olga "Primeval and Other Times..." - 1996 Polish (Prawiek i inne czasy) (Apr 20) (Nobel Prize 2018)
Saki "The Open Window and other Short Stories" - 1914 English (Apr 20)
Christie, Agatha "And then there were none" (original title: Ten Little Niggers) - 1939 English (May 20)
Shelley, Mary "Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus" - 1818 English (Jun 20)
Slimani, Leïla "Adèle" - 2014 French (Dans le jardin de l'ogre) (Jul 20)
Lem, Stanisław "Solaris" - 1962 Polish (Solaris, powieść) (Aug 20)
Shaffer, Mary Ann & Barrows, Annie "The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Society" - 2008 English (Sep 20)
Boye, Karin "Kallocain" - 1940 Swedish (Kallocain) (Oct 20)
Fatland, Erika "Sowjetistan. Eine Reise durch Turkmenistan, Kasachstan, Tadschikistan, Kirgisistan und Usbekistan" (Sovjetistan. En reise gjennom Turkmenistan, Kasakhstan, Tadsjikistan, Kirgisistan og Usbekistan/Sovietistan: Travels in Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan) - 2014 Norwegian (Nov 20)
Bradbury, Ray "Fahrenheit 451" - 1953 English (Dec 20)

Saint-Exupéry, Antoine "The Little Prince" - 1943 French (Le Petit Prince) (Jan 21)
Mann, Thomas "A Man and his Dog" - 1918 German (Herr und Hund. Ein Idyll) (Feb 21) (Nobel Prize 1929) (Feb 21)
Jansson, Tove "Moominsummer Madness" 1954 Finnish (Vaarallinen juhannus) (Mar 21)
Adiga, Aravind "The White Tiger" - 2008 English (Apr 21)
Sapolsky, Robert M. "Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst Paperback" - 2017 English (May 21)
Salinger, JD "Catcher in the Rye" - 1951 English (May 21)
Camus, Albert "The Stranger" - 1942 French (L'étranger) (Jun 21) (Nobel Prize 1957)
Neruda, Pablo "The Captain's Verses" - 1971 (Los versos del capitán) Spanish (Jul 21) (Nobel Prize 1951)
Le Guin, Ursula K. "The Left Hand of Darkness" - 1969 English (Aug 21)
Molnár, Ferenc "The Paul Street Boys" - 1907 (A Pál-utcai Fiúk) Hungarian (Sep 21)
Satrapi, Marjane "Persepolis. The Story of a Childhood" - 2000 French (Persepolis) (Oct 21)
- "Persepolis. The Story of a Return" - 2000 French (Persepolis. Vol. 2) (Oct 21)
Rushdie, Salman "The Satanic Verses" - 1988 English (Nov 21) or:
Strugatsky, Boris; Strugatsky, Arkady "Roadside Picnic" - 1972 Russian (Пикник на обочине/Piknik na obochine) (Nov 21)
Carroll, Lewis "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" - 1865 English (Dec 21)

Molière (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin) "The Miser or The School for Lies" - 1668 French (L'Avare ou l’École du mensonge) (Jan 22)
Abe, Kōbō (安部 公房) "Inter Ice Age 4" - 1959 Japanese (第四間氷期 Dai yon kan pyouki) (Feb 22)
Waugh, Evelyn "Brideshead Revisited" - 1945 English (Mar 22)
Ilf, Ilya; Petrov, Yevgeny "The Twelve Chairs" - 1928 Russian (Двенадцать стульев/Dvenadtsat stulyev) (Apr 22)
Kehlmann, Daniel "Measuring the World" - 2005 German (Die Vermessung der Welt) (May 22)
Erdrich, Louise "Tracks" - 1988 (Jun 22)
Miura, Shion "The Easy Life in Kamusari" - 2009 Japanese (神去なあなあ日常 Kamusari nānā nichijō] (Jul 22)
Meri, Veijo "The Manila Rope" - 1957 Finnish (Manillaköysi) (Jul 22)
Vargas Llosa, Mario "The Feast of the Goat" - 2000 Spanish (La fiesta del chivo) (Aug 22) (Nobel Prize 2010)
DeLillo, Don "The Silence" - 2020 English (Sep 22)
Doyle, Arthur Conan "A Study in Scarlet" - 1887 English (Oct 22)
Yliruusi, Tauno "Rikosetsivien vapaapäivä" - 1963 [Criminal Investigators Holiday] Finnish (Oct 22)
Shin, Kyung-sook "Please Look After Mom" 2008 Korean (엄마를 부탁해 Ch'angbi) (Nov 22)
Dickens, Charles "A Christmas Carol" - 1843 English (Dec 22)

Coetzee, J.M. "Waiting for the Barbarians" - 1980 English (Jan 23) (Nobel Prize 2003)
Austen, Jane "Persuasion" - 1817 English (Feb 23)
Remarque, Erich Maria "All Quiet on the Western Front" - 1928 German (Im Westen nichts Neues) (Mar 23)
Martinson, Harry "Aniara - A Review of Man in Time and Space" - 1956 Swedish (Aniara: en revy om människan i tid och rum) (Apr 23)
(Nobel Prize 1974)
Ibrahimi, Anilda "Red Like a Bride" - 2008 Italian (Rosso come una sposa) (May 23)
Hemingway, Ernest "To Have and Have Not" - 1937 English (Jun 23)
(Nobel Prize 1954)
Ernaux, Annie "The Years" - 2008 French (Les années) (Jul 23) (Nobel Prize 1922)
Poe, Edgar Allan "The Murders in the Rue Morgue and other stories" - 1941-1945 English (Aug 23)
Palahniuk, Chuck "Fight Club" - 1996 English (Sep 23)
Brooks, Geraldine "People of the Book" - 2008 English (Oct 23)
Leroux, Gaston "The Phantom of the Opera" - 1909 French (Le Fantôme de l'Opéra) (Nov 23)
Gaiman, Neil "Coraline" - 2002 English (Dec 23)

Uusma, Bea "The Expedition. A forgotten story about a polar tragedy" - 2013 Swedish (Expeditionen: min kärlekshistoria) (Jan 24)
Lessing, Doris "The Grass is Singing" - 1950 English (Feb 24) (Nobel Prize 2007)
Ryan, Donal "The Thing About December" - 2013 - English (Mar 24)
Tsumura, Kikuko "There is no such thing as an easy job" - 2015 Japanese (Konoyoni tayasui shigoto wa nai) (Apr 24)
Krall, Hanna "Chasing the King of Hearts" (Król kier znów na wylocie) - 2006 - Polish (May 24)
Shute, Nevil "On the Beach" - 1959 English (Jun 24)
Fosse, Jon "Morning and Evening" (Morgon og kveld) - 2001 Norwegian (Jul 24) (Nobel Prize 2023)
Keyes, Daniel "Flowers for Algernon" - 1959 English (Aug 24)
Bulgakow, Michail "The Master and Margarita" (Мастер и Маргарита) - 1929-39 Russian  (Sep 24)
Rulfo, Juan "Pedro Páramo" (Pedro Páramo) - 1955 Spanish (Oct 24)
Tevis, Walter "The Queen's Gambit" - 1983 English (Nov 24)
Haig, Matt "The Midnight Library" - 2020 English (Dec 24)

Find this list in alphabetical order here.


  1. Exciting! Do they meet in person or on-line?

    1. We meet online, one of our friends created a Facebook page where we can add comments and then we have a skype meeting once a month.
