
Wednesday, 11 April 2018

The "Piggybank" Challenge 2018

This is my sixth year of taking part in this challenge and decided to carry on. Why? You will discover once you read this text:

This is a challenge idea by a German blogger. I have translated her text and you can find the original site here at "Willkommen im Bücherkaffee". They seem to have discontinued the challenge but I will carry on.

How long does this challenge last?
1 March 2018 to 1 March 2019

What goes into the piggybank?
For every book I've read - €2.00 into the piggybank
(Amount can be individually altered, of course)

• For every finished book, the amount chosen is inserted into the piggy bank/ money box.
• This money is then off limits until the end of the challenge, i.e. the piggybank stays closed.
• On 1 March the piggybank can be opened and you can go shopping extensively - or carry on reading and saving.
• Be consistent and put the money into the bank immediately, otherwise you will lose track easily. (Personally, I put the books I read right next to the money box  until I drop the money in, otherwise it gets forgotten very quickly. Only after that do i put the book back on the shelf.)
• A list of books read would be very nice because you can perfectly observe the savings success.
• In addition, it would be great if you post a challenge post on your blog. This way, everyone can follow the progress of the other challenge participants so much easier. If you don't have a blog, then just leave a comment here in the comments from time to time about your opinion or your progress.

Would you like to join us?
Go ahead! It is worthwhile in any care and you will certainly not regret it.

Just write in the comments or by email to and send your link to the post. You may use the challenge logo with a link to the challenge in the Bücherkaffee.

The hashtag for the Twitter exchange: # Sparstrumpf

Last year, I read 136 books in that timeframe which resulted in €272 to spend on something nice. :-D

My progress (I add the German title, if available, for my German friends):

Ruiz Zafón, Carlos "Das Labyrinth der Lichter" (El laberinto de los espíritus - El cementerio de los libros olvidados #4/The Labyrinth of the Spirits) - 2016 

Scott, Mary; West, Joyce "No Red Herrings" (Das Rätsel der Hibiskus-Brosche) - 1964 (Inspector Wright #4)
Bollen, Christopher "The Destroyers" - 2017
Olson, Pamela J. "Fast Times in Palestine: A Love Affair with a Homeless Homeland" - 2011 

Schaik, Carel van & Michel, Kai "The Good Book of Human Nature: An Evolutionary Reading of the Bible" (Das Tagebuch der Menschheit. Was die Bibel über unsere Evolution verrät) - 2016
Bandi (반디) "The Accusation: Forbidden Stories from Inside North Korea" (고발/Gobal/Denunziation) - 2014 

Smith, Betty "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" (Ein Baum wächst in Brooklyn) - 1943
Böttcher, Jan "Am Anfang war der Krieg zu Ende" (Y) - 2016 

Ackroyd, Peter "The History of England, Vol. 2 Tudors" - 2012
McGowan, John and McGowan, Frankie "Actually, it’s Love" - 2004 

Ishiguro, Kazuo "The Remains of the Day" (Was vom Tage übrigblieb) - 1989
Williams, Tennessee "A Streetcar named Desire" (Endstation Sehnsucht) - 1947
Feuchtwanger, Lion "Jud Süß" (Jew Suss) - 1925 

Walser, Martin "Ein fliehendes Pferd" (Runaway Horse) - 1978
McCall Smith, Alexander "The Saturday Big Tent Wedding Party" (12) - 2011
Boom, Corrie Ten "The Hiding Place. The Triumphant Story of Corrie Ten Boom" (De Schuilplaats/Die Zuflucht) - 1972
Kross, Jaan "Professor Martens' Departure" (Professor Martensi ärasõit/Professor Martens Abreise) - 1984 

Hunt, Ken "Xenophobe's Guide to the Aussies" (Die Australier pauschal) - 1995
Schami, Rafik "Die dunkle Seite der Liebe" (The Dark Side of Love) - 2004 

Hertmans, Stefan "Oorlog en terpentijn" (War and Turpentine/Der Himmel meines Großvaters) - 2013
Precht, Richard David "Anna, die Schule und der liebe Gott. Der Verrat des Bildungssystems an unsere Kinder" [Anna, the School and the Good God] - 2013 

Ruiz Zafón, Carlos "Gaudí in Manhattan. Eine phantastische Erzählung" (La Mujer de Vapor) [Gaudí in Manhattan] - 2009
Scott, Mary; West, Joyce "Who Put It There?" (Der Tote im Kofferraum) - 1965 (Inspector Wright #5)
Frazier, Charles "Varina" - 2018
Steghöfer, Marie-Helene "Ein Jahr in Schweden" [A Year in Sweden] - 2017 

Kohl, Walter "Das leere Land" [The Empty Land] - 2011
Lennox, Judith "Before the Storm" (Das Haus in den Wolken) - 2008 

Benali, Abdelkader "Wedding by the Sea" (Bruiloft aan zee/Hochzeit am Meer) - 1996 
Dickens, Charles "David Copperfield" (David Copperfield) - 1850
Zeh, Juli "Die Stille ist ein Geräusch. Eine Fahrt durch Bosnien" [The Silence is a Sound] - 2002
McCall Smith, Alexander "The Limpopo Academy of Private Detection" - 2012
Greer, Andrew Sean "Less" (Mister Weniger) - 2017
Crwys-Williams, Jennifer (ed.) "In the Words of Nelson Mandela: A Little Pocketbook" - 1998

Remarque, Erich Maria "Im Westen nichts Neues" (All Quiet on the Western Front) - 1928
Czerski, Helen "Storm in a Teacup: The Physics of Everyday Life" - 2016
Rávic Strubel, Antje "Gebrauchsanweisung für Schweden" [User's Guide for Sweden] - 2008 

Lopez-Schroder, Maite "Romping through Ulysses" - 2013
Carey, Peter "A Long Way From Home" - 2017
Jason, David "Only Fools and Stories: From Del Boy to Granville, Pop Larkin to Frost" - 2017

Rutherfurd, Edward "Russka. The Novel of Russia" (Russka) - 1991
Domínguez, Carlos María "The House of Paper" (La Casa del Papel/Das Papierhaus) - 2007

Mukherjee, Neel "A State of Freedom" - 2017
Berlin, Peter "So sind sie, die Schweden: Die Fremdenversteher von Reise-Know-How" [This is how the Swedes are] - 2017 

Bánk, Zsuzsa "Schlafen werden wir später" [We will sleep later] - 2017
Oates, Joyce Carol "Jack of Spades. A Tale of Suspense" (Pik-Bube) - 2015 
Lamb, Wally "Wishin' and Hopin': A Christmas Story" - 2009 
Heidenreich, Elke "Also… - Kolumnen aus Brigitte 4" [So … Columns from the newspaper Brigitte 4] - 1988
Pradas i Andreu, Núria "Die Kleidermacherin" (Somnis a mida) [Tailor Made Dreams] - 2016

Marbe, Nausicaa "Mândraga" (Mandraga/Mandraga) - 1998 
Kästner, Erich "Als ich ein kleiner Junge war" (When I was a little boy) - 1957 
Weir, Alison "Six Tudor Queens. Anne Boleyn. A King's Obsession" - 2017
Sansom, C.J. "Dominion" - 2011
Chekhov/Anton/Tschechow, Anton/Чехов, Антон Павлович (Anton Pavlovič Čechov) "In der Sommerfrische: Meistererzählungen" [Summer Holidays] - 1880/87
Briley, John "Cry Freedom: The Legendary True Story of Steve Biko and the Friendship that Defied Apartheid" (Schrei nach Freiheit) - 1987
Erpenbeck, Jenny "Aller Tage Abend" (The End of Days) - 2012
Fry, Stephen "Mythos: The Greek Myths Retold" (Was uns die Götter heute sagen) - 2017 

Abulhawa, Susan "The Blue Between Sky and Water" (Als die Sonne im Meer verschwand) - 2015
Kaminer, Wladimir "Ausgerechnet Deutschland. Geschichten unserer neuen Nachbarn" [Germany of all. Stories of our new neighbours] - 2018

Henderson, Kristin "Driving by Moonlight: A Journey Through Love, War, and Infertility" - 2003
Bauer, Thomas "Die Vereindeutigung der Welt. Über den Verlust an Mehrdeutigkeit und Vielfalt" [The Unification of the World. About the loss of ambiguity and diversity] - 2018
Backman, Fredrik "A Man Called Ove" (En Man som heter Ove/Ein Mann namens Ove) - 2012
Armstrong, Alexander; Osman, Richard "The 100 Most Pointless Things In The World" - 2012
Wolf, Christa "Der geteilte Himmel" (They Divided the Sky aka Divided Heaven) - 1963 

Kerkeling, Hape "Frisch hapeziert. Die Kolumnen" [Freshly "hallpapered"] - 2018 
Montasser, Thomas "Das Glück der kleinen Augenblicke" [The happiness of the small moments] - 2017 
Grass, Günter "Die Blechtrommel. Danziger Trilogie 1" (The Tin Drum) - 1959
Weidermann, Volker "Ostende - 1936, Sommer der Freundschaft" (Summer before The Dark, Stefan Zweig and Joseph Roth, Ostend 1936) - 2014 

Zeh, Juli "Corpus Delicti. Ein Prozess" (The Method) - 2009
Mak, Geert "De eeuw van mijn vader" (Das Jahrhundert meines Vaters) [My Father's Century] - 1999
Drinkwater, Carol "The Olive Harvest" (3. Teil von "Der Olivenhain") - 2006 

Nadal, Rafel "Das Vermächtnis der Familie Palmisano" (La maldición de los Palmisano/The Last Son's Secret) - 2015
Smiley, Jane "Golden Age" (Last Hundred Years: A Family Saga #3) - 2015 - 704 pages
Indriðason, Arnaldur "Menschensöhne" (Synir Duftsins) [Sons of Dust)] (Inspector Erlendur #1) - 1997

Sendker, Jan-Philipp "Am anderen Ende der Nacht" (The Far Side of the Night) - 2016
Kermani, Navid "Zwischen Koran und Kafka. West-östliche Erkundungen" (Between Quran and Kafka: West-Eastern Affinities) - 2014
Wright, Richard B. "Clara Callan" - 2001
McKinley, Tamara "Lands Beyond the Sea" (Träume jenseits des Meeres) - 2007
Scott, Mary "Yours to oblige" (Na endlich, Liebling) - 1954 - R 

Harari, Yuval Noah "Sapiens. A Brief History of Mankind" (Ḳizur Toldot Ha-Enoshut/קיצור תולדות האנושות/Eine kurze Geschichte der Menschheit) - 2014
Taschler, Judith W. "Roman one U" [Novel without U] - 2014 

Indriðason, Arnaldur "Menschensöhne" (Synir Duftsins) [Sons of Dust] (Inspector Erlendur #1) - 1997
Coetzee, J.M. "The Childhood of Jesus" (Die Kindheit Jesu) - 2013
Nietzsche, Friedrich "Jenseits von Gut und Böse. Vorspiel einer Philosophie der Zukunft/Zur Geneologie der Moral" (Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future/On the Genealogy of Morality) - 1886
McCall Smith, Alexander "The Minor Adjustment Beauty Salon" (14) - 2013
NDiaye, Marie "Three Strong Women" (Drei starke Frauen/Trois femmes puissantes) - 2001

Ackroyd, Peter "The History of England, Vol. 3 Civil War" - 2014
Vargas, Jose Antonio "Dear America: Notes of an Undocumented Citizen" - 2018
Spufford, Francis "Golden Hill: A Novel of Old New York" (Neu-York) - 2016
Atkinson, Kate "Transcription" (Deckname Flamingo) - 2018
Kingsolver, Barbara "Unsheltered" - 2018
Mistry, Rohinton "Such a Long Journey" (So eine lange Reise) - 1991
Sadler, Michael "An Englishman in Paris: L’éducation continentale" - 2000
Palma, Felix J. "Die Landkarte des Chaos" (The Map of Chaos/El mapa del caos) - 2014 

Obama, Michelle "Becoming" (Becoming - Meine Geschichte) - 2018
Scott, Mary "Breakfast at Six" (Frühstück um Sechs. Ich und Paul und Tausend Schafe) - 1953
Woodward, Bob; Bernstein, Carl "All the President's Men" (Die Watergate-Affäre) - 1974
Dostoevsky, Fyodor "The Brothers Karamazov" (Братья Карамазовы/Brat'ya Karamazovy/ Die Brüder Karamasow) - 1879-80
Morton, Kate "The Clockmaker's Daughter" (Die Tochter des Uhrmachers) - 2018 

Weir, Andy "The Martian" (Der Marsianer) - 2011
Bythell, Shaun "The Diary of a Bookseller" - 2017
Nast, Michael "#EGOLAND" [egoland] - 2018 

Fielding, Henry "The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling" (Tom Jones: Die Geschichte eines Findelkindes) - 1749
Murdoch, Iris "The Philosopher's Pupil" - 1983 

Finkbeiner, Bernhard, Brekle, Hans-Jörg "Frag Mutti" [Ask Mum] - 2006 
Nicoletti, Cara "Voracious: A Hungry Reader Cooks Her Way through Great Books" (Yummy Books!: In 50 Rezepten durch die Weltliteratur) - 2015
Fredriksson, Marianne "Eva" (Evas bok/The Book of Eve) (Paradisets barn/The Children of Paradise #1) - 1980
McCall Smith, Alexander "The Handsome Man's De Luxe Café" (No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency #15) - 2014
Sparks, Nicholas "The Notebook" (Wie ein einziger Tag) - 2004
Biden, Joe "Promise Me, Dad. A year of hope, hardship, and purpose" - 2017

My lists of 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017.