Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Top 5 Tuesday ~ Books I want to reread

Top Five Tuesday was originally created by Shanah @ Bionic Book Worm, but is now hosted by Meeghan @ Meeghan Reads. To participate, link your post back to Meeghan’s blog or leave a comment on her weekly post. I found this on Davida's Page @ The Chocolate Lady.

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This week’s topic is a Top 5 books I want to reread in 2025. "Are you planning to reread some favourites in 2025? Maybe that classic you read back in school. Or maybe there’s a new book coming out in a series, and you want to remind yourself what happened in the last book. Whatever it is, let’s share all of our reread plans!!"
I hardly ever plan on re-reading a special book but this year it's different. It's Jane Austen Year, she would have been 250 years old on the 16th of December. So, the  the Classics Club has started a #ReadingAusten project here. We already started, and the first book was Sense & Sensibility. As I have read them several times already, there are also a few different reviews.

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Happy Reading!

📚 📚 📚


  1. I love seeing what people like to reread, because I am not a re-reader at all. Great list!

    1. Me, neither, Sarah. I read about one or two books again in an average year, mostly because it has been a long time since I read it and one of my book clubs decides to discuss it. But this is different. Jane Austen year.

  2. I have reread Jane Austen a few times, but I really rarely will reread a book

    1. Same here, Teri. But since quite a few bloggers have decided to read her books this year, there is a new chance of discussing them. And that's always great.

  3. My five include two of Jane Austen's books, Pride and Prejudice, but I may also reread more of her books as I've also joined the Reading Austen project. I've already reread Sense and Sensibility - and I'm enjoying concentrating on Austen's books this year.

    1. Welcome to the club, Margaret. I am sure we will all enjoy this. I will try to read some other books about her, have already read one last year and am in the middle of a new one.

  4. Thanks, noting this meme that I could do when I'm not inpisred by Top Ten Tuesday

    1. I only do either of them now when I'm inspired, Emma. I've done TTT for so long, subjects keep repeating itself.

  5. Yay for rereading Austen! I am doing a reread of Emma right now myself. I think I am in the double digits for number of rereads, but who's counting? I will check out your reviews of the novels.

    1. I am reading them in the order suggested by the Classics Club. I did S&S in January, P&P next month, then MP, E, NH, P every other month.
      And there's nothing wrong with rereading books that you liked. Some of them get even better the second time around.
