"Words and Peace"
is a blog I've been following for a couple of years and I have always
found some interesting new (or olde) books there, especially French ones.
On her page, I found the posts by "The Classics Club"
asking us to create a post and
list our choice of any twenty books that remain "to be read" on our
Classics Club list. They'll then post a number from 1
through 20 and we a couple of weeks to read the book and review it.
I've been participating here since April 2019 and rather than adding all the results on every single page again and again, I thought I'd publish a single post for it and add the next books whenever they turn up.
James, Henry "Daisy Miller" - 1879
For Classics Spin #23, we got #8:
Stendhal "Le Rouge et le Noir" (The Red and the Black) - 1830
For Classics Spin #24, we got #18:
Baum, L. Frank "The Wizard of Oz" - 1900
For Classics Spin #25, we got #14:
Hubbard, Fra Elbert "A Message to Garcia" - 1899
For Classics Spin #26, I got #11:
Bulgakow, Michail "The Master and Margarita" (Мастер и Маргарита/Master i Margarita) - 1929-39
For Classics Spin #27, we got #6:
Frost, Robert "A Boy’s Will" and "North of Boston" - 1913+1914
For Classics Spin #28, we got #12:
Highsmith, Patricia "The Talented Mr. Ripley" - 1955
For Classics Spin #29, we got #11:
Boschwitz, Ulrich Alexander "The Passenger" aka "The Fugitive" (Der Reisende) - 1939
For Classics Spin #30,we got #5:
Leroux, Gaston "The Phantom of the Opera" (Le Fantôme de l'Opéra) - 1910
For Classics Spin #31 we got #2:
Brontë, Charlotte "Shirley" - 1849
For Classics Spin #32 we got #6:
Suttner, Bertha von "Lay Down Your Arms!" (Die Waffen nieder!) - 1889
For Classics Spin #33 we got #18:
Lagerkvist, Pär "Barabbas" (Barabbas) - 1950
For Classics Spin #34, we got #13:
Canetti, Elias "Auto-da-Fé" (Die Blendung) - 1935
For Classics Spin #35, we got #2:
Voltaire "Candide, ou l'Optimisme" (Candide, or Optimism) - 1759
For the Classics Spin #36, we received #20:
Yates, Richard "Revolutionary Road" - 1961
For the Classics Spin #37, we received #8:
Hamsun, Knut "Growth of the Soil" (Markens Grøde) - 1917
For the Classics Spin #38 we received #17:
Steinbeck, John "Cannery Row" - 1945
For the Classics Spin #39 we received #3:
Dickens, Charles "Nicholas Nickleby. The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby" - 1838/39
Here are all the books on my original Classics Club list.