
Tuesday, 5 October 2010

My favourite books ever

Abarbanell, Stephan "Displaced" (Morgenland)
Abdolah, Kader "The House of the Mosque"
Abulhawa, Susan "Mornings in Jenin", "The Blue Between Sky and Water"
Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi "Americanah", "Half of a Yellow Sun"
Aitmatov, Chingiz "Jamilia" (classic)
Alcott, Louisa May "Little Women" Series (classic)
Aleichem, Sholem "Tevye the Dairyman" (classic)
Allende, Isabel "Island Beneath the Sea", "Maya's Notebook", The House of the Spirits trilogy: "House of the Spirits", "Daughter of Fortune", "Portrait in Sepia"
Bernières, Louis de "Birds Without Wings"  
Borchert, Wolfgang "Das Gesamtwerk" (complete works) (classic)
Borrmann, Mechthild "Grenzgänger. Die Geschichte einer verlorenen deutschen Kindheit" [Cross-border commuters. The story of a lost German childhood] - 2018
Bradbury, Ray "Fahrenheit 451", "The Martian Chronicles"
Bristow, Gwen "Plantation Trilogy" (classic)
Burton, Jessie "The Miniaturist
Bush, Catherine "Claire's Head"(about migraine)
Byatt, A.S. "Possession"
Coelho, Paulo "The Alchemist"
Dinesen, Isak/Blixen, Karen "Out of Africa"
Doerr, Anthony "All the Light We Cannot See"   
Forster, E.M. "A Passage to India" (classic)
García Marquez, Gabriel "One Hundred Years of Solitude" (Nobel Prize 1982)
Grenville, Kate "The Secret River" (about the first "settlers" in Australia)
Hagena, Katharina "The Taste of Apple Seeds" (Der Geschmack von Apfelkernen)
Hajaj, Claire "Ishmael's Oranges"
Hamill, Pete "Snow in August"
Hamilton, Jane "A Map of the World"
Ingalls Wilder, Laura "Little House Books"
Ivey, Eowyn "To The Bright Edge of the World"
Kalisa, Karin "Sungs Laden" [Sung's Shop]
Karystiani, Ionna (Ιωάννα Καρυστιάνη) "The Jasmine Isle"
Kennedy, Emma "Shoes for Anthony"
Kennel, Odile "Was Ida sagt" [What Ida says] - 2011
Kertész, Imre "Fateless/Fatelessness" (Nobel Prize 2002)
Le Clézio, Jean-Marie Gustave "The African" (Nobel Prize 2008)
Lee, Min Jin "Pachinko"
Lenz, Siegfried "Deutschstunde" (The German Lesson)
Lee, Harper "To Kill a Mockingbird"
Leky, Mariana "What You Can See From Here" (GE: Was man von hier aus sehen kann) - 2017
Lippi, Rosina "Homestead"
Löwenstein, Anna "The Stone City"
Metalious Grace "Peyton Place"
Mistry, Rohinton "A Fine Balance", "Family Matters"   
Morrison, Toni "Beloved", "Love", "Home" (Nobel Prize 1993)
Morton, Kate "The Clockmaker's Daughter"
Myers, Benjamin "The Offing"
Paton, Alan "Cry, the Beloved Country" (novel about South Africa)
Powers, Charles T. "In the Memory of the Forest"
Powers, Richard "The Overstory"
Proulx, Annie "The Shipping News"
Rand, Ayn "We the Living"  
Rhue, Morton "The Wave"
Roberts, Gregory David "Shantaram"
Rosner, Elizabeth "The Speed of Light"
Sackville, Amy "The Still Point"
Şafak, Elif "10 Minutes 38 Seconds in This Strange World", "The Island of Missing Trees"
Sansom, C.J. (Christopher John) "Dominion"
Scott, Mary - anything
Shaffer, Mary Ann & Barrows, Annie "The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Society"
Shakib, Siba "Afghanistan, Where God Only Comes to Weep", "Eskandar" "Samira and Samir" (women's life in Afghanistan, first book more non-fiction)
Schami, Rafik "A Hand Full of Stars" (Eine Hand voller Sterne), "The Calligrapher's Secret" (Das Geheimnis des Kalligraphen), "The Dark Side of Love" (Die dunkle Seite der Liebe)
Shields, Carol "The Stone Diaries"
Shriver, Lionel "We need to talk about Kevin"
Shute, Nevil "A Town Like Alice"
Smith, Betty "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" (classic)
Smith, Zadie "On Beauty"
Soueif, Ahdaf "The Map of Love"
Spyri, Johanna "Heidi" (GE: Heidi)
Stachniak, Eva "The Winter Palace. A Novel of Catherine the Great"
Steinbeck, John "East of Eden", "The Grapes of Wrath", "Of Mice and Men" (Nobel Prize 1962)
Stewart, Sheila "Ramlin Rose", "Lifting the Latch"
Stockett, Kathryn "The Help"
Stowe, Harriet Beecher "Uncle Tom’s Cabin" (classic)
Tademy, Lalita "Cane River", "Red River"
Talshir, Anat "If I Forget Thee
Tartt, Donna "The Goldfinch"
Taylor, Andrew "The Ashes of London"
Tellkamp, Uwe "The Tower" (Der Turm) (about living in GDR)
Trojanow, Ilija "The Collector of Worlds"
Trollope, Anthony "Barchester Chronicles" (6 novels), "The Way We Live Now" (classic)
Tyler, Anne "A Spool of Blue Thread
Vargas Llosa, Mario "Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter" (Nobel Prize 2010)
Waltari, Mika "The Egyptian", "The Dark Angel" (Finnish author)
Weiler, Jan "Teenosaurus Rex" [Wordplay: The Puberty-Animal] (GE: Das Pubertier) - 2014
- "In the realm of the puberty animal" (GE: Im Reich der Pubertiere) (Pubertiere #2) - 2016
- "And the puberty animal sleeps forever" (GE: Und ewig schläft das Pubertier) (Pubertiere #3) - 2017
- "The Awning Man" (GE: Der Markisenmann) [The Awning Man] - 2022

Whitehead, Colson "The Nickel Boys",
"Underground Railroad"
Wilde, Oscar "The Importance of Being Earnest", "A Woman of No Importance", "The Picture of Dorian Gray"

Ackroyd, Peter "Thames. Sacred River"
Ahmad, Aeham "The Pianist from Syria" (aka The Pianist of Yarmouk) (Und die Vögel werden singen)
Aitken, Ben "Dear Bill Bryson: Footnotes from a Small Island"

Alexijewitsch, Swetlana (Alexievich, Svetlana) "Second Hand Time. The Last of the Sovjets"
Barnes, Valerie "A Foreign Affair. A Passionate Life in Four Languages"
Bryson, Bill (any) (travel and other non-fiction)
Bythell, Shaun "The Diary of a Bookseller

Chang, Jung "Wild Swans" (auto/biography)
Dallaire, Roméo "Shake Hands with the Devil" (genocide in Rwanda)

Du Bois, W.E.B. "The Souls of Black Folk" (Life of African Americans in the early 1900s)
Elliot, Jason "An Unexpected Light. Travels in Afghanistan" - 1999
Emcke, Carolin "Von den Kriegen. Briefe an Freunde" (Echoes of Violence: Letters from a War Reporter

Garfield, Simon "On the Map. Why the World Looks the Way it Does" (aka: "On the Map: A Mind-Expanding Exploration of the Way the World Looks")
Griffin, John Howard "Black like me" (white guy disguising as a black in the Southern US during the 50s)
Hanff, Helene "84 Charing Cross Road" and "The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street
Harari, Yuval Noah "Sapiens", "Homo Deus. A Brief History of Tomorrow"
Harris, Kamala "The Truths We Hold. An American Journey"
Ilibagiza, Immaculée with Erwin, Steve "Left to Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust"
Levy, Andrew "A Brain Wider Than The Sky: A Migraine Diary" (about migraine)
Logue, Mark & Conradi, Peter "The King's Speech: How One Man Saved the British Monarchy"
MacGregor, Neil "Germany. Memories of a Nation" (Deutschland. Erinnerungen einer Nation)
Mandela, Nelson "Long Walk to Freedom" (auto/biography)
Massaquoi, Hans J. "Destined to Witness" (Biography, WWII)
Mortenson, Greg; Relin, David Oliver "Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission To Promote Peace...One School At A Time." (American builds schools in Pakistan)
Obama, Michelle "Becoming
Obama, Barack "A Promised Land" - 2020
Moyle, Franny "Constance: The Tragic and Scandalous Life of Mrs. Oscar Wilde"

O’Farrell, John "An Utterly Impartial History of Britain or 2,000 Years of Upper Calls Idiots in Charge"
Orth, Stephan "Couchsurfing in Iran: Revealing a Hidden World" (GE: Couchsurfing im Iran - Meine Reise hinter verschlossene Türen) - 2015
- "Couchsurfing in Russland. Wie ich fast zum Putin-Versteher wurde" (
Couchsurfing in Russia: Friendships and Misadventures Behind Putin’s Curtain)
Pamuk, Orhan "Istanbul - Memories of a City", "My Father's Suitcase", "The Naïve and the Sentimental Novelist" (Nobel Prize 2006)
Perkins, Sue "Spectacles"

Precht, Richard David "Who Am I and If So How Many?: A Journey Through Your Mind" (Wer bin ich und wenn ja, wie viele?)
Russell, Helen "The Year of Living Danishly: My Twelve Months Unearthing the Secrets of the World's Happiest Country"  
Seth, Vikram "Two Lives" (biography)
Stewart, Chris "Driving Over Lemons" (An expat in Spain)
- "The Six Wives of Henry VIII"
Wiesel, Eli "Night" (biography, WWII, Nobel Peace Prize 1986)

If you are interested in the German titles of "my" books, find a list here.

My favourite books 2011 and 2012

My favourite books 2013 
My favourite books 2014
My favourite books 2015 
My favourite books 2016 
My favourite books 2017  
My favourite books 2018 
My favourite books 2019 


  1. That is exciting! Congratulations!

  2. This is an amazing list! There are many titles on here that I hope to get to one day.
    Happy Reading!
    Rebecca @ The Key to the Gate

  3. Thank you, Rebecca. I always love it when someone likes my favourite books, it usually means we have a lot to talk about. Looking forward to your reviews of those books. You may always add your comments to mine, too.
