Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Rylant, Cynthia "Old Town in the Green Groves"

Rylant, Cynthia "Old Town in the Green Groves: Laura Ingalls Wilder's Lost Little House Years" - 2002

I have enjoyed the "Little House" Books, so when I found this at my sons' school's book fair, I just had to get it. I normally don't like to read books written as a "sequel" or something like that by another person. But because the author had based her story on Laura's memoirs, I thought I'd give it a try.

I wasn't disappointed. This story seemed just the same as the books written by Ms. Wilder. If you liked her stories, you might want to read this one, as well.

From the back cover:

"For the first time since they left the Big Woods of Wisconsin, the Ingalls family is halted in their westward trek when Pa is forced to find work in a hotel in Burr Oak, Iowa. If they can save enough money, they'll continue searching for a new place to call home."


"Laura Ingalls Wilder wrote nine 'Little House' books about her childhood growing up on the western frontier. But there were two years she didn't write about, two missing years that take place between On the Banks of Plum Creek and By the Shores of Silver Lake.

Now, Newbery Award-winning author Cynthia Rylant has imagined what those lost Little House years were like, based on Laura's unpublished memoirs. The result is the first Little House novel about Laura as a young girl in almost 60 years, and a wonderful addition to the classic series.

Old Town in the Green Groves' continues the story about Laura Ingalls -- a story whose wonder and adventure have delighted millions of readers."

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