Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Happy January!

Happy January to all my Friends and Readers

New Calendar picture with this
beautiful watercolour painting by Hanka Koebsch

"Winter Flowers"
Hanka and Frank say to this picture:

"The Christmas roses bloom in our garden even in January. That is why we show Hanka's watercolor 'Winter Blossoms' on the first calendar page."
"Die Christrosen blühen bei uns im Garten auch im Januar. Deshalb zeigen wir auf dem ersten Kalenderblatt Hanka Aquarell 'Winterblüten'."

Read more on their website here. *

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December is always the time to prepare for Christmas. It can be hectic, it can be busy, but hardly ever is it calm. For me, the beginning was still very busy with doctor's appointments and physical therapy. And several visits to friends and family who had to spend a little longer there.

Also, of course, preparing for Christmas, making plans for menus etc. But that I love. And I managed to buy presents in advance, as well. Yay.

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Some lovely concerts and theatre visits. Some visits to Christmas markets (Bremen and Osnabrück). And advent meetings with friends and family. Always a treat.

And the best part of the month was the visit of our sons. They arrived it almost punctual this year and made it back with just half an hour and an hour delay respectively. Quite a difference to the 12 hours last year!

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In Germany, we celebrate New Year's Eve (which we call Silvester) in lots of different ways, quiet or loud, with friends or family, on big parties. But we never forget to watch "Dinner for One" which is broadcast on all public TV channels, several times during the day.
The film is only 18 minutes long and is based on a play written by Lauri Wylie. There are only two characters, Miss Sophie and her butler, portrayed by British comedians May Warden and Freddie Frinton. In 1962, German entertainer Peter Frankenfeld watched the sketch in Blackpool and persuaded the two of them to come to Germany and film it there. It has been on German TV every New Year's Eve since then. From there, it made its way into Scandinavia and many other European countries, though not into the United Kingdom. However, here it's tradition! 
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My favourite books last month were 
"Drive your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead(PL: Prowadź swój pług przez kości umarłych) by Olga Tokarczuk
"The Midnight Library" by Matt Haig.

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One of the best gifts I received last year was this Lego set. Of course, I had to replace the lady reading the book with a figurine that looked more like me, but other than that, well done, Lego. This is absolutely beautiful.

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* You can also have a look under my labels Artist: Frank Koebsch and Artist: Hanka Koebsch where you can find all my posts about the two artists. 

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2025 I wish you all a Happy January 2025


  1. I don't know how, but some dear friends of mine stumbled onto Dinner for One some decades ago, and introduced me to it. I've since introduced others to watching it on NYE, including my girlfriend last night. :) Happy New Year! Cute lego set.

    1. Thanks, Stephen. I have read quite a few comments by English speaking people who don't seem to like it. But every person we've introduced it to, whether British or American or Canadian, thought it was hilarious. Hope all your friends liked it.
      And yes, the Lego set is just fantastic, thanks.
      Happy New Year.

  2. I love that LEGO set! It's so cute. Happy New Year. :D

    1. Thanks, Lark. We have a lot of Lego in the house but this is my favourite. Happy New Year.

  3. LOVE the Lego set! I can see why you like it so much [lol]

    1. Of course, Kitten, how could I not? [grin]

  4. The Lego set is so cool. I need it. Happy New Year!

    1. I know, Sarah. I was really happy that I could get it. Happy New Year to you, too.

  5. Ah, your book nook looks lovely! And it's great that Lego figures are interchangeable so you can personalise your little reader!

    1. Thanks, whoever you are. And that's the beauty of Lego.

  6. Wishing you the best life has to offers in 2025, Marianne!

  7. Glad you enjoyed the Christmas. I just love the lego library. Must have been nice to have the boys at home. My son, Hannes, was working on a project in Australia, so was far away from home. I spend Christmas with my dad, brother and niece. It was nice and quiet. I am happy though that the holidays are over.
    They always show Dinner for One here in Sweden on Sylvester, but I have not seen it for a few years. It is a great play. I also liked "Drive your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead". A different kind of book.
    I hope 2025 will be a better year than 2024. With all the misery in the world, it is difficult to see. We have, at least, our fantastic blogging community.
    Many thanks also for your Christmas letter.

    1. You are right, Lisbeth, where would we be without our fantastic blogger friends?
      I think we all thought the year was worse than others with all the wars and elections etc. going on all around the world. We just perceive our own life different, I suppose. But there has been quite some illness in our families, so we really did not have the best of years.
      I remember when Philip was in Australia, it's so so far away. But it's nice that they can spend Christmas in a totally different surrounding. I mean, when do we ever go to the beach in September?
      Have a great 2025!

  8. I love that Lego set! I must look for one for me.

    1. I think we all do, Deb. It was a special edition that you could only get with an order but I hope they will bring out another one once they see how many people want it. Good luck!

    2. It was you, Marianne, who inspired me to add the Lego set to my wishlist! It was out of stock for a while, but I impulsively bought it as soon as it came in. Now if I can figure out how to put it together.

    3. I didn't know they sold it again. It was just an "extra" at the beginning, you had to buy another set in order to get this one. But, since I belong to a family of Lego-nerds, this was no problem. LOL
