Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Alphabet Authors ~ C is for Camus

I found this idea on Simon's blog @ Stuck in a Book. He picks an author for each letter of the alphabet, sharing which of their books he's read, which I ones he owns, how he came across them etc.

I might not do it exactly as he does but I will try to get to all the letters of the alphabet over time.

Albert Camus is probably going to be the only French language author I will mention in this series. He is one of my favourite writers of all time.

- "The First Man" (F: Le premier homme) - 1994
- "The Just Assassins" (aka The Just) (F: Les Justes)- 1949
- "The Plague" (F: La Peste) - 1947
- "The Stranger" (aka The Outsider) (F: L'étranger) - 1942

Facts about Albert Camus:
Born    7 November 1913 French Algeria
Died    4 January 1960 France
Algerian-born French philosopher, author, dramatist, and journalist.
He joined the Résistance in WWII.
He died in a car accident at age 46.
A French postage stamp with his image was issued in 1967.

Albert Camus received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1957 "for his important literary production, which with clear-sighted earnestness illuminates the problems of the human conscience in our times".

I contribute to this page: Read the Nobels and you can find all my blogs about Nobel Prize winning authors and their books here.

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This is part of an ongoing series where I will write about a different author for each letter of the alphabet. You can see them all here.


  1. He's another author that I've always meant to read, but haven't yet. The Plague and The Stranger are on my mental list of classics I still hope to read someday.

    1. I absolutely love him, Lark. The Plague is a great book to read after having been through Covid but The Stranger is also wonderful. Enjoy.

  2. I was *very* impressed by 'The Plague' (as you know). Its a great book which I couldn't help but read during Covid... [grin] I read his Philosophy first (years ago when I was doing a Masters degree) and really liked 'The Myth of Sisyphus' and 'The Rebel'. It was such a shame that he died so young. Hopefully I'll be reading something by him or about him this year. I do miss my Philosophy reading.....

    1. Yes, I do know, Kitten. It is a great book, we talked about it before. You might like "The First Man", an unfinished manuscript/autobiography found years after his death.
      Good luck with all your reading plans for 2025. :D

  3. I have never read Camus--I confess to feel intimidated by his writing and subject matter, but I am inspired to give him a try since he is one of your favorite authors.

    1. Most French authors have that reputation, Jane. Because I speak French, I would love to read more French books but it's hard to find good ones that even non-French people can follow. But Camus is really good. Maybe because he was not born in France. ;)
